
just u and me called destiny.!!

just u and me various problems and finally joined together to create a complete family!!

swisskisnu · Urban
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31 Chs

Alison care but truth can't be hidden..for long

when she said in plane... Alison was shocked and he landed in Russia and he tries to call swiss but her phone is off.. and Alison thinks ..its time for me to leave and move on to take care of my son..Alison ...

take care of him and days and months passed... Alison was seeing swiss pictures but he can't find her..one fine day, there is a magazine in newspapers..

of swiss as Kdg group of companies CEO was awarded as business enterprise of year...and she owned a 24 company a year.. and she is single (married to Alison) in her heart and gave birth to his baby too.. but she was feeling scared and miss her hubby and son ..swiss was happy and seeing Alison and little alison.swiss transfer all her companies to Alison and Samuel .

after Alison saw the news. he was shocked..there is some one in the house.door.. when he went to open the doors.he saw swiss was standing there and.she enter the house..and gave a tight slap to him.. you fucking husband.. how..is my son..Samuel..is he is good and you dumb him and marry any other chick...for fucking your happiness..rogue..

alison was seeing her and he was shocked and ask her..you are like this from birth or inbetween like re-sent life style.

Alison you just left me and took the baby fromyou but you didn't even think of bring me back and you don't even take steps to save me.. idiot..

Alison hold her hand and said..I gave everything which I have for you ...and now am just an worker in other company and also am normal middle class person who is having a wife and son.. will live with my little earnings...

swiss went near to him and gave the property paper which she bought for him and Samuel...which you gave for me to stop the wedding to my father..he returned back to me..after you went and I stopped the wedding..this is the gift for you from your wife..which she fought and get back from her father.. but swiss slapped him and said she kissed him . let go somewhere..and have a happy family.

swiss , where is my son Alison??..

he is sleeping...and swiss can we go and meet a grandpa for our wedding!!..

Alison listen iam not interested to marry you...I just divorce you because I don't want any cause you should not lose anything because of me..but you idiot...

Alison Asking to swiss,, swiss didn't have money you should not be with me??

swiss slapped him and said ,you just understand me like this... Alison just keep this in mind ..am the only one your wife...and if you don't have money..I will be with you and I always love you more than anything but look this people you dumb them ..they will allow us to live a happy life ??

nah!!..Alison they will come and take you and us to kill ...so..I don't want to marry a dumbed guy and I want to marry my Alison who never have fear in his eyes??if you want to live with us..just kill everyone ...and come to me..

Alison I trust you because I loved your but ???

swiss you have say what but..??

Alison it's about Samuel and his life.. your family will accept him..I know they will take him back and won't return to me.. and they will make him heir but they used my child against me ...even your grandpa knows me.

because iam Stella twin sister..you got..it

Stella with you in Russia..

look am swiss in India

we are similar in skin tone ,etc..but character are different.. because she loves shopping and take care of family ...but am love only family after everything..even you and my parents..

my first priority is my son...can you say..me..??did you take a revenge who killed my sister.?

Alison said..yes.. but swiss fought with him and said , shit of you Alison,you just cut his branch not a tree.. you didn't kill him and you just cut his branch..just kill the main person and find the reason for killing the family...of yours.. before think of your son my son to my villa. bye Alison I know he will safe ther and I will wait for you..bye.

Alison is my sister is alive...