
Just To Meet You

*COMPLETED* "If you don't believe me, then follow the family rules." Her eyes closed as she faced her fiancé's accusations and distrust. She inwardly convinced herself. 'This is the last time I'm giving my heart to you, Peter. If you choose her, then we are over.' With a blade in his hand, he charged forward. He watched as the sharp tip of the weapon meets her soft, porcelain chest. Shocked by her unmoving body, he pulled the blade away from the broken skin. Her white top was dyed scarlet while the blade had already dropped to the floor, making a "clang" sound. "Why didn't you dodge?!" Peter Sin attempted few steps forward to apply pressure on her wound. It hurt, but she held in her cries. Blood squirted to his sleeve and shirt when he forced the blade out of her wound. Holding the bloody mess near her heart, a broken smile cracked on her face as she retreated away from the man in front of her. "At the end, you still chose her words over mine. You've never believed in me, but it doesn't matter anymore. Let's break up. Even if we pass by each other in the future, we'll be nothing but strangers." He tried approaching her again, but failed as she strode backwards in larger steps than before. "Mister Sin, goodbye." "Selina!" He screamed, but held back from chasing after her lonesome figure. His heart was a mess as he fell onto the ground and stared at the blood stain on his clothes. __________________ Selina Gu drove straight home where she had prepared herself to announce her failed engagement to her mother, Katrina Gu. Pressing her wound, she slowly leaned against the wall to bring herself to the living room where her mom's voice echoed loudly. Selina: "So, all my life..I've been nothing but a chess piece. Are you done with your game?" Katrina: "...Daughter." Selina: "Daughter? Do you know how many years and efforts I've wanted to hear you call me daughter? But all this is fake. Just an act. I've always convinced myself I'm the one who could do better because I wanted to hear a compliment from you. But you? You've forced me to the edge and suffocated me!" _____________________ Katrina: "It's mother's fault! Don't jump. I'm begging you!" Bryan (Selina's brother): "Did you get bullied? Brother will protect you. Please, come back down! It's dangerous to stand at the edge! You don't know how to swim!" "I don't want to play this game anymore. I'm tired of my life. Didn't you want revenge? I'll complete it for you. Sorry, brother." Selina fell forward with her eyes closed. She didn't struggle as she desired to forget everything. ___________________ Assistant: "Mister Hui, after multiple investigations, we have confirmed that the girl you have been searching for is Selina Gu." _________________ Awakening from her coma after a month later, Selina woke up hearing a familiar voice by her side. Although she couldn't recognize him, her instincts told her he wasn't going to harm her. "Selina! You're awake!" Jason Hui tossed his laptop to the table, ditching the video meeting he was in and hugged her. "Does it hurt anywhere? Are you thirsty? Hungry? I'll go get a doctor!" He spat out countless questions, confusing her greatly. ________________ Jason held her hands, "It's okay if you don't remember me. As long as I remember our promise, that's all it matters. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." _________________ "Jason Hui!" "Wife, if you're not happy about something you just have to say it. No need to shout. You'll get a sore throat." Selina pointed to the rubber band on the counter, "I forgot to tie my hair, but my hands are dirty from marinating meat. Do you know how to tie girl's hair?" A minute later, a messy ponytail was created and Selina looked at him with a speechless expression. Noting to himself on his calendar, he typed, "Learn how to do wife's hair." Image in book cover does not belong to me. All credits to the author of image in book cover.

Sweetflowlips · Urban
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321 Chs

Morning Crisis

The following morning, Kyla woke up with the giant teddy bear in her arms. She questioned when she had dragged the huge fluffy toy from the floor to the bed. Facing the window side of the bed, she blinked several times before slowly placing the bear back on the floor. Once the bear had settled, she patted its head and turned around. After blinking a few times, she touched the empty space beside her. "It's cold? But it's only 6:30 A.M. Where could Celinda be? Nobody is in the bathroom."

Seeing the empty spot to her left, Kyla quickly picked up the bear and laid it on the bed. After covering the bear with a blanket, she proceeded to look for Celinda. The minute her feet slipped into the fuzzy slippers, she realized something she had forgotten about someone - Yi Wei was still sleeping on the air mattress!

Instantly, a smirk rose on her lips, matching the thoughts in her mind. She rummaged through her bag and took out a small container. Letting out a wicked chuckle to herself, she knelt down by the air mattress and concentrated on the clear polished nails on Yi Wei's fingers.

Twenty minutes later, Kyla stretched her limbs and let out a low groan. Satisfied with her masterpiece, she nodded approvingly before stepping out of the room. She first checked Selina's room to make sure Celinda wasn't there. Since they were in-laws, it wouldn't be surprising for her to join Selina after everyone went to sleep. To her surprise, the bedroom was entirely empty!

"Great...I started with one missing person and now I have three? Watch them be hanging out with their lovers or something. I swear if that happens, I'll snap a picture as evidence and send it to Isaac. Make him buy me two huge teddy bears."

While waving her phone like a fan, her fingernail tapped against the back of her phone case. Once she reached the top of the stairs, her sixth instinct told her something was downstairs. "Hmm...Girl's instinct is always right. Something smells fishy."

Halfway down the stairs, she spotted something unusual in the living room. "One..two..three...four..five..six... Six pairs of slippers!"

Switching the camera mode on, she quickly rotated her phone at different angles to capture the best view of what she discovered in the living room. Unfortunately, the frame couldn't fit everyone in her phone. Hence, she ended up taking three separate photos of the different pairs she found on the couch.

After getting enough evidence to request compensation for her poor eyes and stomach full of dog food, she snuck back into her room. Joining the teddy bear once again in bed, she closed her eyes and sent the pictures to Issac. "I request two colossal teddy bears to rinse my eyes!"

When Kyla woke up again, she found Yi Wei still asleep in the same spot. Sighing, she gathered her hair into a bun before washing up in the bathroom. When she got ready to leave the villa, she read a few text messages from Issac. Thinking about the toys she would receive, a smile appeared on her face.

Kyla checked the time again. "It's 8:38 A.M. I should be able to make it there by 10 A.M." She thought to herself. Since Jessica was the one who drove last night, she didn't have her car with her. Quickly, she ordered an Uber to avoid interrupting anyone's schedule.

She quietly closed the door and headed downstairs where the three pairs were awake and chatting livelily. Once they saw the way she was dressed, Selina asked. "Morning! It's still quite early. Do you want to eat some breakfast before you leave?"

Kyla kindly rejected her offer. "Morning! I don't eat breakfast in the morning, but thanks for asking. I have an appointment at 10, so I need to leave. Yi Wei is still sleeping. Make sure she catches a ride with one of you." She smiled mischievously as she thought of what she did to Yi Wei's nails during her sleep. It was then that she decided to leave before Yi Wei wakes up.

After walking Kyla to the gates and watching her enter the Uber vehicle she ordered, the group went back to the living room. As the six of them continued chatting, they took turns using Jason's room to wash up and change. For those who wanted to eat breakfast, Selina and Jason would make a simple meal based on their preferences.

By the time everyone finished packing their stuff, Yi Wei had just woken up. She sat up from the air mattress, stretched her back and combed through her hair with her eyes closed. At first, she didn't notice the difference between her nails. It was only when her thumb accidentally brushed past her nails that her eyes widened in shock.

Gulping, she took a good look at the originally clear polished nails that were now painted in black and white with cute panda expressions. "Ah!!! Kyla!!! I'll kill you!!!!" She shouted as she stormed out of the room energetically, almost forgetting about the staircase.

Hearing her screams everyone's attention fixated on her. Selina asked, "What's wrong?"

"Where's Kyla?" Yi Wei's X-ray vision eyes scanned the whole living room, but the culprit was nowhere to be found.

"She already left. She had an appointment this morning." Jessica stood up from her seat, wondering what Kyla could've done to make her this angry. Studying the look on her face, Jessica let out a soft laugh. She waved her hand, gesturing Yi Wei to join them downstairs.

Once Yi Wei walked close enough, Jessica grabbed a hold of her new styled nails. "Ah! So cute! This time it is a panda set!!" Jessica stared at the pretty decorated nails with adoration.

"Hmm? Ohh!!! It looks so cute!! When did you get them done?" Selina and Celinda complimented the artistic nails.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Wei calmed her emotions with a grim reaper smile. "Kyla! She did it while I was asleep! I need to get these removed. I'm going to get ready to go now." She pulled her hands out of the girls' touch and went upstairs.

Confused by the look on Yi Wei's expression, Celinda asked. "Does Yi Wei hate getting her nails done?"

Jessica nodded, "Other than trimming her nails, she almost never steps foot in a nail salon. She also hates seeing cute animals on her nails, especially panda. We asked her why before, but she would appear upset. Kyla probably knows more than I do, but I'm not sure about the full story. I know it has something to do with Yi Wei's mother, though. Best to not ask her about it."

Selina looked at the closed door to her room and bobbed her head lightly. "Mm. I'll go make her some breakfast to cheer her up. I think I have nail polish remover if she really wants to get rid of it."

Back in Selina's room, Yi Wei's fists gradually loosened. She sighed, "This girl never changes. I know she did it for my own good, but some things can't be changed this easily." Spreading her fingers out, Yi Wei's small smile didn't match with the sadness in her eyes. Before any tears had the chance to fall, Yi Wei straightened her back and walked to the restroom.


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