
Just Sample Ideas

This is just me posting some fanfic ideas that are in my head and don't know if I should create it as a Fanfic or not but comments is well needed.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Sample Idea

Hey this sample is a chapter idea of one of the fics of ideas I have with the MC having the powers of Angstrom from the Invincible comics being his biological son also having the same power as him to travel the Multiverse with his portals.

This is one of the chapter ideas and which world should he go to next after this one for any ideas.


Chapter 5: Ready Player Blank?

~Liam POV~


Going through another portal again from the High School of the Dead Dimension and returning to here with the exact location being a private apartment room no smaller than a teenager room.

Have to say the world has really gone to hell.

No seriously when will this sad excuse of the world would ever go back to normal?

Until someone seriously wins the game?

Now that's very lazy and very sad at the same time.


Connecting myself using the gear of the dead office worker that used to have his stuff I began to wire myself all the necessary things I needed for me to go inside the Oasis the most copy righted nightmare to possibly ever exist.


I can feel the walt Disney suing them.


Clicking on the machine I began to connect everything accordingly as I already re-watched the movie and watched the play through of Adventure to search for the Easter egg.

Now it was time and I restarted a new account.

Time for BLANK to take center stage.

Opening my eyes again in the starting screen with a new avatar looks as I glanced at my body I began to speak to myself surprised, "Whoa… Now this is really cutting edge technology? Maybe I could sell it to others in more modern worlds to effectively become rich. Once I obtain the company first."

Yeah how about getting the green before I get the mean.

Opening up to the shop functions on this Oasis game I began to buy a normal standard car for the low price with the money I obtained from the zombie world and bought the damn car since I would need it for what's coming next.


And with that I began to hurry along and bought the Clark Kent glasses since I remembered in the game it would help hide my identity sooner the better because those company fucks are crazy as hell.


Challenge just called in and its time to take center stage!

Going towards the place where the unbeatable race was located in I began to sign up and next got teleported away from my starting point…


You know when one gets teleported you don't get used to the feeling but in my case though it more or less became natural habit for me at this point.

Opening the land on Liberty Island I saw the place as I activated my car as I heard a person talk to me from the sides, "Huh? BLANK right? How about going away this unbeatable race is for the pros dude."

Glancing to my side I began to see Art3mis in her video game avatar giving me advice as I reply to her, "Maybe… but hey a newbie luck could mean it all. Besides the game is not over till the player games… No wait that sounds wrong?"


Hearing her laugh she got back to her stuff as I ride the car of my mustang as I saw the scoreboard of the OASIS with no one leading with the keys as I couldn't help but be glad I have meta knowledge to help me out.

First world eh… technically fourth if I count my own, Subnatirca, and High School of the Dead as well as this counts as my fourth but no matter.

I'm here to win this whole thing and speed run this shit.


Even better I'll stream the whole shit live to fuck with people – on second thought nope.

Never know when a hacker could hack into this shit best not to something dumb… even if I REALLY want to troll this world of their stupidity.

Next was when I heard the announcement began to speak over to all the players in the area as I prepared myself.






Like that all the cars in the area began to go to their deaths being or try to be the first to achieve the first place of this unbeatable game.

Honestly I can't help but feel pity for them.

I mean if they had a troll go backwards in my world we would've have at least three people do this backwards or else they look dumb.

And I on the other hand…


I'm going to the reverse of my car mustang as the back entrance appeared as I began to drive outside backwards as I yelled with no one listening, "HA! Take that you fucking morons! Never tried this for five fucking years! DUMBASSES!!!"


Now that feels so much better to release my toxicity to them for being complete morons not even once attempting this idea.

Better to leave this to someone who can figure this shit out or dumb luck.

Faster was the car that went backwards till I finally reached the edge and to the finish line as I had a triumph smug grin on my face as I won this whole 'unbeatable' race all in one day and I ain't stopping.



That was when someone's avatar was animated in magical fashion as Anorak as he spoke to me, "Nice racing, padawan. You're the first to finish. Get yourself a clue with you're reward. BLANK."

With that I got the Copper Key as I imagined myself playing the Legend of Zelda item reward I get from chest as I placed the Key into my inventory as I saw the OASIS Scoreboard seeing my user name on it.

I couldn't help but smirk at this as this is a score for me and a new step forward getting the money.

It's all for the money.




SCORE: 549

00:07:30 --> 00:07:31


Yeah this will definitely piss off a few people since the people are going to squirm at this and annoy the hell out of me for this.

Leaving the area with the key in my inventory I was then surrounded by countless people all over wanting to ask some questions about me of how I solve the whole thing as I was extremely annoyed at them.

Literally I have no time for their little shit show of how I did it as I began to buy the store for just the item since winning the game I also got 100,000 coins which is equal to real world cash in this world. Not going to lie it does feels nice but I have to win this speed run here as I began to buy an item.

It's called instant teleportation crystal as I bought the thing for 25 coins best item worth spending.


When that was done I saw it in a form of a crystal sphere as I glanced at the people around me as I began to speak, "Hey you dumb chumps try to actually win the game! I mean a literal troll could figure this out. See yah suckers!"



Cracking the crystal sphere I began to be enveloped in smoke as I was suddenly at my next destination to get the second Key to win this so called game.

Next up I really hate this place and wanting to hurry the fuck up of this place as this is the Overlook Hotel from one of Stephen Kings books.

The Shining is a 1977 horror novel by American author Stephen King. It is King's third published novel and first hardback bestseller; its success firmly established King as a preeminent author in the horror genre.

The setting and characters are influenced by King's personal experiences, including both his visit to The Stanley Hotel in 1974 and his struggle with alcoholism. The novel was adapted into a 1980 film of the same name.

The book was followed by a sequel, Doctor Sleep, published in 2013, which was adapted into a film of the same name.

The Shining centers on the life of Jack Torrance, a struggling writer and recovering alcoholic who accepts a position as the off-season caretaker of the historic Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies.

His family accompanies him on this job, including his young son Danny Torrance, who possesses "the shining", an array of psychic abilities that allow Danny to see the hotel's horrific past.

Soon, after a winter storm leaves them snowbound, the supernatural forces inhabiting the hotel influence Jack's sanity, leaving his wife and son in incredible danger.

Sigh… I'm so going to hate this since I personally hate the idea of jump scares and horror genres because of some scary games.

But this is for the money and I need it for the next few parallel worlds I plan to go by increasing my wealth in different foreign regions money at the same time since I'm probably going to need it.

Better to get it over with.