

Thatcher ran his hand through his luscious brown hair. He tidied up his suit and checked his face and hair in the handheld mirror he keeps in his pocket. The carriage hit a bump as it slowed down and Thatcher almost dropped his mirror. Dayton, sitting across from Thatcher in the carriage, chuckled softly.

Thatcher glared at his brother, glanced at the coachman and then leaped at Dayton. Dayton fought hard to keep Thatcher at a manageable distance, but Thatcher fought with anger on his side. Thatcher's hand welled up into a fist and he used all of his might to resist Dayton long enough to punch him on his jaw. Thatcher backed away and smirked at his work, breathing heavily. Dayton lifted his hand to his jaw and felt liquid.

Knowing the liquid was blood, Dayton charged at Thatcher and pinned him to the carriage floor. Dayton banged Thatcher's head on the floor. "You like that?" he whispered in Thatcher's ear. Dayton banged his brother's head again. He got off Thatcher and pinned him to the carriage door, sitting on his legs and putting his hands around Thatcher's neck.

The coachman said to get out and the carriage door opened. Thatcher and Dayton fell out, Dayton on top of Thatcher. Everyone turned and stared. "I hate you," said Thatcher with a raspy voice, gasping for air.

"Aw, I hate you too." Dayton pushed himself off of Thatcher. He wiped his lip and winced at the pain that followed. Thatcher stayed on the ground for a couple more seconds, groaning and clutching his neck and head. He stood up and wobbled a bit before closing his eyes and standing still.

After a few seconds he opened his eyes and walked into the school. He went over to a locker like it's been his forever. He set up his locker, putting all of his stuff in it and then chose red as the color. Dayton glared at him for a bit. His friends came over and one of them slapped his back before grasping it, knocking Dayton out of his trance-like state.

Dayton jerked his head toward his friend and smiled at the company. The friend that was holding Dayton used his other hand to course through his short red hair. "Ah, it's good to be back! Right Dayton?" The friend said, tightening his grip. Dayton slapped his strong friend back and they hugged.

"It sure is" Dayton replied, hiding his sarcasm. The other two friends hugged him as well. "Hey Jal, how was your break? I know you had to take care of your father all summer, is he alright?" Dayton looked genuinely concerned. Jal was the tall one of the group, he had curly brown hair that he tied in a little ponytail in the back. His face fell when Dayton asked that question.

"Uh...well, he's doing better now I guess. If you consider heaven better," Jal looked away.

"Oh...I'm sorry buddy...hey! I have a friend that cou—" Dayton stopped himself, realizing his friend didn't know who he was, and he didn't know where she was, "uh...never mind. Yeah that um, that really sucks I'm sorry. Did you help him go peacefully?"

"Yeah, I made sure he was comfortable and I gave him whatever he asked. But on the bright side I'm gonna be a king soon," Jal did a half smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah! Focus on the good stuff! You'll be a king man! That's awesome!!" said the red haired friend. The one friend who hasn't spoken yet put his hand on Jal's shoulder.

"Won't that mean you won't be here next year? You'll be ruling your kingdom" said the quiet friend with short wavy blonde hair.

"Mark! Focus on the good! Don't say negative things like that!"


"Nah it's alright guys, we kind of do have to talk about that. But, can I go set up my locker first?"

"Yeah we should all go do that." They all walked into the school and found enough lockers in a row for them. Mark made his blue; Jal yellow; Dayton green; Red haired guy Blue. When they were putting their stuff into their lockers they heard a shriek and turned their heads to the courtyard. What followed stunned them all. The many many screams and people running everywhere made them all concerned.

Dayton looked at the red haired friend. "Fin!" Fin turned to Dayton with a little fear mixed with confusion on his face. Dayton gestured for Fin to go with him. Fin nodded. They both took off running toward the courtyard. Dayton stopped in the humongous doorway and almost made Fin run into him. Fin put his hand on Dayton to help stop himself.

They both searched for the cause of the commotion. "Dayton! There!" Fin pointed to a weird looking girl standing in the middle of everything. Dayton couldn't catch a glimpse of her and the next thing he knew, she had ran inside. Fin kept searching for her.

"What?! What is it?!" Dayton asked, screaming over the crowd.

"There was a demon. That's why everyone was screaming," Dayton's eyes widened, "should we look for it?!"

"Um...no! Let the guards and staff handle it!" Fin and Dayton went back to their lockers and continued what they were doing. Dayton heard another shriek and he turned around fast enough to see the girl this time. She had curly blood red hair, a black plaid shirt on with black jeans that had chains all over them and black sneakers. She also had elegant yet scary black as night wings protruding from her back.

Dayton saw her and everything else in the world stopped to him. She was the only thing not blurred by his vision. Serena, Dayton thought. He didn't know what to feel at that moment. He felt waves of surprise, joy, relief and fear. His friends guided him somewhere else and they started mingling.

Dayton couldn't take his eyes off of Serena. He watched her set up her locker, wanting to help but also not at the same time. Then, the bell rang and he was left standing still while everyone around him walked to class.