
Chapter 6

Luna was in the staff area after the attraction finished, removing her make-up and changing into her casual attire before heading home.

During her performances, she has been considering how to convey the awful news to her best friend.

She was hesitant to inform her, but she knew it was the right thing to do rather than remain in the dark, ignorant about critical issues.

But she needed proof before she could inform Masako. So she headed to the camera room, where she knew a guard was on duty, with Kazuo following behind.

"Takagi-san! Nice work today; your acting was phenomenal! I was watching through the CCTV camera the whole time!" exclaimed the guard, gleefully.

"Thank you!"

"How may I help you two?"

"I actually need to review the CCTV footage for something, may I?"

"Sure! My shift is almost done; please take your time!"

Luna grabbed control of the CCTV recording and rewinded the film to where she was standing, then paused the video when Jake's turn arrived.

Kazuo was intrigued when he saw what she had done when she quickly took a snapshot of the still image.

"Is he someone you know?"

"You could say that, but we're not particularly close; I've only met him once."

"Then why did you take a picture of him?"

"Remember my only friend, Masako, whom I keep mentioning?"

"Yeah, but what about her?" he shrugged.

"That's her boyfriend," she pointed at the screen, "and he's cheating on her with another girl; I clearly heard him call her Honey, and I need to inform Masako."

She couldn't think of any other way to get the proof. So she was fortunate enough to be friends with the guard on duty to retrieve the evidence she needed.

She was able to gather a lot of proof through photos and video, thanks to him.

The only thing left to do is present the evidence to Masako and convince her to end their relationship permanently.

Luna had the plan set, but she couldn't seem to follow through with it due to nervousness.

She was worried since she didn't want to hurt a friend. But her thoughts were interrupted a day later when she received a video call from Masako herself.

They call each other once a week to stay in touch. To them, they were both family—sisters.

Luna, however, lacked the courage to inform her, and when they hung up, she sighed and muttered in frustration.

Kazuo knocked on her room door a split second after their phone call had ended to grab her attention. She groaned again, astonished that the door had been open the entire time.

"Did you overheard us, Kazu?"

He softly nodded and apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I only heard the end of your conversation," producing a frustrated sigh from her.

It hadn't occurred to her how tough it was to convey the bad news to someone she cared about.

"I also came to tell you that Yuki and Naoki have arrived with the food."

This has become the norm for Luna and Kazuo. Every day, they eat dinner with Naoki and Yuki as if they were family.

When they approached the living room, they noted a couple of takeout orders occupying the table. They began digging in after everyone had arrived.

As much as she wanted to enjoy the food, those worries wouldn't leave her mind, and they continued to swim inside her.

When Naoki spotted Luna chewing while gazing out the window dejectedly, he suspected something was wrong.

"What's the matter, Luna? You're zoning out," he remarked.

"Is the food not to your taste?" Yuki queried.

"No, the food is fantastic!" she insisted, adding, "I just have other issues."

She needed assistance, so she began explaining the problem to them in great detail. She had no idea how difficult this situation was, and she quickly realized she had underestimated it.

She presented a strategy for what she could do. One of them was to keep what she had seen to herself and let Jake do the breakup; however, they all disagreed with her plan after hearing it.

"Someday, that friend of yours needs to know the truth; don't you care for her?" Yuki said.

"I do, but I don't want to hurt her," she admits with a sigh.

"It'll hurt her even more if she finds out her best friend knew all along that her boyfriend was cheating and didn't bother to tell her." He softly remarked, "Remember, you can always find a partner, but true friendship is difficult to find."

After a night of deliberation, she decided to tell Masako everything after work the next day.

Luna sat comfortably and prepared the evidence before calling Masako, who answered with a smile.

"Hey, Moon! What's up?"

"Hey, I have something important to tell you," she said anxiously.

"What is it?"

"It's about your boyfriend, Jake."

"What about him?"

She took a deep breath, reluctantly adding, "He's cheating on you."

With Masako's perplexed gaze, Luna was expecting her friend to break down in front of her, and she was prepared to cheer her up.

She went into great detail about what had transpired and what she had seen. She discovered him at work with another woman clinging to him.

She didn't want to presume anything at first because she assumed the girl was terrified. But when she heard Jake label her 'Honey,' she realized they were more than strangers, more than friends.

Masako continued to listen, and Luna could see by the expressions on her friend's face that the truth had pained her. It was painful for her as well, but she needed to know.

Luna sent the evidence to her over the chat box, which Masako noticed right away.

Learning all of this saddened her, considering she thought she could trust Jake with their long-distance relationship.

"Thank you for telling me, Luna," she replied dejectedly, taking a deep breath and huffing all the agony out. She proceeded with a smile. "I'll call you back. Good night."

"Good night, and please know that I'm always here for you," Luna quickly added.

"Thank you,"

The call was then ended.

After the call, she let out a concerned huff.

She understood it would be difficult for Masako to accept and maintain her composure, so she decided to give her some space and let her call her instead for the video call next week.

However, she didn't receive any calls or messages from her as the week passed.

Luna had no idea Jake's cheating had had such an adverse effect on her, and she felt terrible, sharing her anguish.

She resolved the following week to work hard in order to save enough money to visit Masako in the UK.


Days later, She was eating supper with the boys on a Saturday night when she heard a knock on the door.

Luna answered because she was closer to the front door, and to her surprise, Masako was on the other end.

"Sako-chan? What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, stunned.

Masako's gaze was pulled to the boys in the back, as Luna had asked. This is when she discovered her best friend was living under a rooftop with a man who was a childhood acquaintance of hers.

She was aware of Luna's childhood friend and their reunion at the museum, but she was unaware that they were living together.

As the three boys excused themselves to Kazuo's room, Masako sat down on the couch. Luna sat down next to her and offered a cup of hot tea.

She sipped her drink and remarked, "I'm surprised you were living with your childhood friend."

"I'm sorry for not telling you."

"It's fine; he seems like a nice guy, but please let me know if he does anything inappropriate to you."

Luna nodded and smiled in response.

"By the way, are you okay? You didn't seem to send me a message or a phone call last week," she inquired, concerned.

"I was trying to heal; I'm sorry if I worried you."

Luna responded with a delicate shake of her head, comprehending Masako's predicament.

"I had a feeling there was something wrong because he began responding with short messages and always ignored my texts. When I try to do a video call, he makes up excuses and always gets angry for wanting just an hour of his attention. I didn't want to make any assumptions, so I pretended to be unaware until you told me he was seeing someone else."

"But, what about your studies?"

"I don't have school for the next two days, and it's a short holiday. So I utilized that opportunity to come here, retrieve my other belongings that I had left, and break up with Jake in person."

Luna grinned, "Well, you're welcome to stay here."

Masako was grateful to her best friend for her never-ending courtesy. It was thanks to her that her problems get solved quickly, her day brightened, and she was able to avoid more problems.

Because she will be staying with Luna, Kazuo was compelled to return to Naoki's unit. Masako sleeps in Luna's room while Luna in Kazuo's.

The following day, Sunday, Luna and Kazuo had no work. As a result, they were able to share breakfast to start the day, and Masako proceeded to her parents' house with Luna to pack her other possessions to bring back to the UK.

After a week of not seeing each other, the parents were relieved to have Luna pay them a visit.

She considered them to be family, and Mr. and Mrs. Yamazaki always treated her as if she were their child.

Luna had an amazing time and was even given pocket money to assist her with her living expenses.

After they finished packing, the girls went to a café to rest and eat lunch.

Masako ordered for them, and when she came back with the food, Luna was perplexed. Because she ordered for three people rather than two.

She was tempted to inquire out of curiosity, but she assumed her best friend may have bought more for herself because she was very hungry.

However, while they were being seated, Masako disclosed her genuine motive for wanting to eat at this specific café and why she purchased more than usual.

She was apparently able to figure out who Jake was seeing based on the photo and video Luna submitted.

She invited the same girl to lunch at the café where they're currently sitting.

Luna wished she could have stayed and eavesdropped on their conversation, but she knew it would have been impolite.

Before the girl arrived, she excused herself to go grocery shopping with Yuki.

Masako thanked her friend for allowing her to speak privately with Jake's other woman, and she arrived minutes after Luna had left.

Masako waved to catch her attention, and the girl took notice.

"You must be Yamazaki Masako-san," she concluded.

"It's nice to meet you; I heard you like Okinawa milk tea, so I bought you some," Masako added as she handed the girl the milk tea she had bought.

She knew she wasn't to blame; in fact, the girl had no idea Jake had another girlfriend. So there was no reason to take her anger to someone who’s innocent.

"Thank you," the girl responded as she received it. "My name is Watanabe Jami, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Watanabe-san; let's talk about this in private; do you like Samgyupsal?"

"Yes, I do!" She nodded eagerly.

"Perfect! I've made a reservation at a well-known Samgyupsal nearby; let's go!"

Despite knowing that Masako had dated Jake earlier than her and that she was the second woman, Jami was taken aback by how courteous she was to her.

When they got to their destination, it appeared that Masako had booked reservations at an incredibly fine restaurant, and they were led into a private area to eat.

Jami was concerned since the restaurant looked extremely lavish, and she was afraid that Masako would make her pay for everything.

They were handed the menu seconds later, and Masako observed Jami's fear when she noticed the prices of the meals on the menu.

"Don't worry, order as many as you want; it's my treat," she advised the young lady.

"T-thank you."

Even with assurance, she remained scared and lacked faith. Jami is well aware that Masako despises her.

What kind of person would treat their boyfriend's other woman in a polite manner? She pondered.

As a result, she only purchased a small amount for herself. However, when Masako insisted on eating a large portion, the woman ordered an ample amount for both of them.

After the food arrived, they gorged themselves.

Jami felt as if she were in heaven with each bite; the meal was very juicy and scrumptious as the meat melted inside her mouth.

She had always eaten at Samgyupsal dining establishments, but she had never had such savory and excellent meat.

She could feel the sumptuous setting as she devoured each and every order of meat.

Masako giggled at Jami's cuteness as she watched her eat deliciously with each bite.

She could see why Jake had fallen in love with her. Who wouldn't fall in love with someone as adorable and beautiful as she is?

When she observed Masako staring at her, the girl grew nervous. The woman smiled, reached for a tissue, and wiped Jami's mouth clean.

After witnessing Masako's kindness and gentleness, Jami understood why Jake dated her. She is stunningly gorgeous, lovely, and caring.

Any male would fall for her the same way Jake did, and she acknowledged she'd never win against someone like her.

They had eaten for an hour, and everyone was satisfied. Jami excused herself to use the restroom after.

While waiting, Masako checks her phone to see if Jake received the message she sent him earlier. And he did.

Jake agreed to meet her in the restaurant she is currently in after she messaged him and second after she received the message, the waitress excused herself, with Jake close behind.

"Hey, babe! I didn't know you were in Seoul!" he exclaimed, leaning in for an embrace, but Masako declined as she continued eating the leftovers.

"Jake, could you please sit down? I have something important to discuss."

Jake was taken aback by Masako's solemn tone, but he followed her commands.

"What's the matter? You don't seem pleased to see me."

"I will, but not unless you tell me who Jami is."

He was immediately taken aback; he recognized her and was astonished that Masako knew of her existence. However, he remained calm and lied.

"Jami?" he questioned. "Babe, I don't know Jami."

The woman they were talking about had just returned from the restroom when she overheard their conversation.

Her hand was just in front of the door, ready to open it. But when she heard Jake inside, she froze.

"Watanabe Jami. Your other girl, with whom you've gone on dates at the Horror Museum."

"Babe, I seriously have no idea who you're talking about."

Despite the fact that he had been caught, he maintained a calm expression and continued to play innocent to avoid getting into trouble, pretending to be stupid in front of Masako.

But as soon as she took out the photo of him and Jami together, he began to stutter with a dismayed expression plastered on his face. Regardless of the proof, he continues to lie.

"I admit I went to the horror museum, but I went alone because there was a new event there that I wanted to see. You know how busy that museum is, babe, and I had to go with a companion, who happened to be a girl. She was only scared of the jump scares. There is nothing between me and that girl. Babe, I promise."

Realizing he was determined to play innocent and keep deceiving her, Masako hauled out her last piece of evidence.

She took out the video footage and played the moment when he called Jami "Honey". His face turned pale, terrified, and he couldn't justify what he was shown this time.

"Just a girl you met, huh?" she remarked sarcastically.

"She's a nobody. You're the only one for me, Masako. I love you and only you!" he cried out, attempting to sway her with meaningless words.

Jami couldn’t stop the tears from falling after hearing what he had said. Despite being the second girl in this situation, she truly loved Jake, and hearing him say that stings.

As the girl nonchalantly opened the door without knocking, Masako observed Jami in tears.

She felt terrible for the girl and loathed Jake for manipulating their emotions simultaneously.

The boy shifted to the door where Masako was staring, fearing for his life as he saw his other girlfriend in the same room as him.

"Hon-" He paused before continuing, "why..."

"I am a nobody, huh?" she murmured before chuckling in pain. "I didn't know you felt that way about me."

"No, I didn't mean—"

As Jake struggled to come up with another explanation and apology, Masako sprang up and grabbed both her and Jami's bags, having enough of hearing his lies.

She then takes a glass of water and hands it to Jami so she can drink it to help calm her down.

Though, Jami, on the other hand, had different plans. As she snatches the drink, she dumps it on top of Jake's head, eliciting a gasp from the two.

Masako was enthralled by what she witnessed, but it made him appalled.

When the cup was empty, she slammed the glass on the table in rage, and the two stomped out of the room, leaving a single cheater behind.

As they rushed to the elevator, Masako thanked the employees for their assistance. But when the door slid shut, Jami realized they hadn't paid for their meals.

"Is the meal paid for, Yamazaki-san?"

"Don't worry; Jake will pay for them," she sneered.

Just as Jake stepped out of the room, miffed, he was presented with the payment slip.

"Please pay for the meal before you leave, sir."

He looked up in annoyance, "I ain't paying for their meals; I wasn't the one feasting."

He moved to the other side but was again blocked. "However, the lady with the blond hair told us you'd be paying for both of their meals."

Jake had just learned about Masako's heinous scheme as retaliation for cheating on them.

All this time, her inviting him into the restaurant all this time wasn't because she wanted to hang out with him, but to utilize him for this purpose.

It irritated him.

He raised his voice and repeated, "I said I'm not paying."

"Sir, you either pay for the meals or we'll call the cops and have you arrested."

Jake didn't want either of those possibilities, especially going to prison and ruining his life.

So he took the slip and examined the price: 149,855 yen, or $1000 USD. Of course, Jake's ex would not let him go that easily.


After three days, Masako was on her final night of her visit. Luna wanted to throw a small farewell party before she departed the next day.

It was only her, Masako, Kazuo, Naoki, and Yuki getting together.

They gathered on the terrace to prepare some barbecue, corn, and vegetables. As they clinked their beer cans together, everyone was having a good time.

Kazuo, on the other hand, offered to cook the pork while drinking his beer.

Masako went to grab more food and to speak with him. She wanted to somehow get to know him a little, knowing he was someone in whom her best friend was interested before.

"You're amazing at cooking, Kazuo-san. Have you ever considered pursuing culinary studies?" she inquired, and Kazuo was taken aback by the flattery.

"I do this only to survive."

In return, she nodded and hummed. She had been watching and observing him for the past two days.

When he's with his friends and Masako, he's usually polite and occasionally tough, but when Luna comes around, he changes.

His demeanor softens; he becomes friendlier and more shy. And he doesn't appear to be aware of the distinction.

"Say Kazuo-san," she called out, softly beginning to speak, "do you like Luna?"

For a split second, the man stood still, pretending his heart wasn't beating from the unexpected interrogation.

They made eye contact, and she noticed the panicked expression on his face as he tried to keep his cool.

"Why would you ask?"

"Nothing special.” She giddily smiles, “Luna is like an older sister to me, so I'm a little protective of her, especially when it comes to her future partner."

"Ah, I see," he murmured awkwardly, acting disinterested while he continued to grill food.

"Well, if you like her intimately, you have my permission."

Kazuo was taken aback by her statement. He tried to conceal his grin, but failed.

"You make it sound like I'll be marrying Luna."

"I may be exaggerating, but you get what I mean; just don't hurt her, or there will be consequences," she stated before smiling sweetly.

The girl rejoined the group, acting as if the interaction between her and Kazuo had never occurred.

However, what Masako stated at the time made him consider his future. Who is he going to marry? Or, like his father, will he be able to support himself and his family financially?

For him, the future is terrifying. But there is one thing Kazuo is certain of: his affection for Luna.

He wasn't sure at first because he regarded her like a friend when he was a kid.

But it wasn't until he thought he'd lost her forever in that car accident that he realized that his love for her was beyond friendship.

He had been in love with her. He still does to this day. But for some reason, he doesn't know how to tell her that.

It's difficult for him to confess since he doesn't want to risk losing his friendship with the person he cherishes greatly.

And so he decides to wait until he obtains the courage to do so. But, until that moment arrives, he'll only admire her from afar while continuing to care for her.