
Chapter 2

It was a breezy night and Luna was waiting for her former classmate, Kazuo, on a seat outside the back of the museum. It has currently been 30 minutes since she informed Masako of what had occurred.

Masako and Luna have known each other's secrets and personal stories since they were in junior high.

When Luna revealed Kazuo's name, Masako realized she'd be in the way of a precious reunion. Knowing her predicament, she left her alone with him.

Earlier, Kazuo was surprised to see Luna standing in front of him in the museum, knowing full well what had happened to her and her family.

According to him, rumors that Luna, her parents, and her older brother had all died in the accident had been circulating around the school grounds ever since the press reported it.

It's tough to put into words how he felt learning his apparently deceased friend, all healthy and alive, standing directly in front of him. But it was as if he had experienced a miracle that he had never expected to see.

Luna was in 6th grade when the car accident occurred, soon before their graduation. Kazuo and Luna were classmates from kindergarten to sixth grade, and their bond got deeper with each passing year.

Kazuo was not a particularly active child, and he was even too hesitant to socialize with his classmates. But because Luna was the first person to approach him, they immediately became friends. And because he had no one else to turn to, he chose her.

Luna was worried as she waited for Kazuo outside, hoping to finally talk to him without being interrupted. Apart from the nostalgia that rushed through the atmosphere when she met him, reuniting with him felt like a blessing from God to her.

Her thoughts were that he could assist her with her current problem, which was to live as roommates under the same roof.

She realized it was a crazy idea, but she didn't have any other options. Kazuo is the only other person she may ask for help from besides Masako.

A few minutes later, Kazuo walked out of the museum. And seeing Luna again brought a surge of bliss across his body and made his pulse beat faster in relief.

When she saw him heading out, she jumped out of her seat and smiled as she softly waved at him. Luna was overjoyed to meet her friend after such a long time.

Even though Kazuo looked a little older, he looked the same. His appearance now is exactly what anyone would guess he would look like when he grows older.

"Hey! It's great to see you again!" Luna greeted, her voice trembling slightly from her nerves at finally seeing a long-lost friend.

And since they hadn't seen each other in so long, they didn't know how to react in front of each other.

"It's great to see you...alive," said Kazuo.

Luna responded with a quiet sigh through her nostrils and a sweet smile. Seconds after gazing at one another, the cold temperature of the drink he is holding brought Kazuo back to reality.

"Here," he timidly offered her a pineapple-flavored can, "I apologize for keeping you waiting for so long."

"It's Ok," Luna responded, gently taking the beverage from him. "I appreciate the drink."

The pineapple juice reminded them of their past during elementary school. Luna used to buy Kazuo and herself drinks at lunchtime: pineapple for herself and melon soda for him.

It brought back memories of her childhood, when her parents and older brother were still living. She misses those simpler times.

"So... about that thing you wanted assistance with.” He reminded her.

"Yeah, uhm... Please have a seat," she began as he sat alongside her before beginning her explanation.

She was wary of this approach, but it was worth a shot. But if things don't work out, Luna doesn't mind if he rejects her. Instead, she would accept his decision and go on.

As previously indicated, they reunited just hours ago, and a lot has changed, especially his personal dating life. Even if he was hers in the past, some others can replace her in the present.

"So, um, do you live alone?" she inquired.

"I do, in fact; I've been living on my own for 5 years."

“Are you in a relationship or, perhaps, married?”

Her second question perplexed the boy, who raised his brows and appeared stunned. Luna noticed.

"I was just asking because... I need a place to stay, and because you're someone I know, I thought of hoping for a chance... But if you're married or in a relationship, I completely understand!" she quickly explained.

When Luna looked up, Kazuo's reaction made her apprehensive, and she swallowed anxiously. While she waited for the boy's response, she drank the bottle of juice he had given her.

"Sure," he said, surprising her, who looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm not in a relationship, so I'm good," he responded as he sipped his drink. Luna was surprised by his comment, and she huffed in astoundment at how quickly he agreed.

"I wasn't expecting you to agree that quickly," she said quietly, and her words made him snicker.

"You seemed to be in need, and you've helped me a lot in the past, so this time I would like to help you."

His words caused her entire body to tingle, and his words couldn't help but touch her heart. Luna admired him even more, seeing how he grew up to be such a beautiful man and his gratitude for the little things in life.

They parted ways moments later, intending to live together on Sunday. Kazuo prepared that schedule so that he could help Luna move her items into the residence. Can he possibly be more admirable?

[12:30 PM / Sunday]

Luna huffed as she stood up after putting her items in a box. She intended to move her grandparents' possessions to Kazuo's residence. It wasn't much, but it depends on whether the dorm can accommodate all four boxes.

Minutes later, the moving van arrived, and the workers arrived to assist her. It didn't take long to pack, and the house was clean within one hour.

Luna stood quietly in front of the empty living room, saying her final goodbyes. Kazuo arrived behind her, catching her in a soppy mood.

"It's time to depart, Luna," he remarked softly, drawing her attention to his presence. She sighed and turned to face him with a dejected grin.

"Let's go," she said softly as Kazuo led the way outside and inside the vehicle, bringing this chapter of Luna's life to an end.

[2:45 pm]

Luna hopped out of the van when they arrived at their location. She was taken aback when she saw a fancy, tall building in front of her. She wasn't expecting Kazuo to live in such opulence. He stood next to her, chuckling at her reaction as she gazed in awe at the edifice.

"Welcome to your new home!" he exclaimed joyfully.

"How much is the rent again?" she said tremblingly.

"At 10k yen, it's actually quite affordable."

Luna's eyes widen as she discovers how much the rent is, despite the fact that the building appears to be exquisite.

"I'll show you around before we take your stuff inside!" he exclaimed as he led the way into their unit.

Luna felt a rush of excitement as she approached her new home. Every aspect and side she looked at was inviting; it felt as if the entire building was greeting her, which she found extremely exhilarating.

They had to take the elevator to the third floor to get to the unit. Even taking a regular elevator was exciting for Luna! There was peaceful music playing inside, and she felt completely at ease. Everything is new and interesting to her.

Elevator rides were one of those situations when the silence engulfed the area and made it difficult for someone as awkward as Luna to be in. However, she no longer felt that way.

When the door slid open, a brown carpet revealed itself, giving the impression that they were in a hotel, and it muffled their steps. Kazuo took the keys from his pocket, and they were right in front of their unit door in the blink of an eye.

Room 3V.

Luna was fascinated by Kazuo's explanation of the internal design of this tall building. Apartment buildings frequently have five or more units on each floor. But this apartment is unique.

Each floor has only two units; this apartment has four floors. This indicates that this structure may accommodate up to eight households. The "v" next to the 3 is a roman number word meaning "5," and this apartment organizes their units by floor number. Therefore, they live on the 3rd floor in the 5th unit.

"Welcome to your new home!" He welcomed them both as they entered.

The scent of fresh air wafts in through the open windows the moment Luna walks in. The living room is larger than her last home, and the kitchen is wider and more refined!

"Think of it as your own!" said Kazuo as he led her through the kitchen.

"This is the kitchen; you may cook here or order takeout if you like." He then opens the refrigerator door, revealing that it is nearly empty.

"Bread, jam, and alcohol...?" She blurted out the contents of the refrigerator as he giggled awkwardly.

"These alcoholic beverages aren't mine. I don't drink," he asserted, but Luna chuckled at the boy's amusing clarification. She didn't believe him one bit.

"Sure, you don't."

"Moving on, your food will be on top, while mine will be at the bottom," he continues.

Kazuo shows Luna throughout the apartment, from the living area to her room. The kitchen and living room are connected, making it easier for them to grab a snack and watch movies in the living room.

Their bedroom doors are facing each other; the hallway isn't very huge, but it's large enough to carry furniture in and out.

On this dorm tour, Kazuo did not skip a single room. Luna was overjoyed that there was an extra room for her to stay in. If there had been no free rooms, she would have slept on the couch. It was enough for her just to be able to live beneath a roof, and everything else was beyond her hopes.

"The toilet is outside near the living room, so you'll have to bring your clothes with you to change when taking a shower," He explained as they entered Luna's bedroom while she nodded and grinned blissfully.

"Thank you so much, Kazu; I really appreciate everything."

"There's no need to thank me. I'm just really glad to see you again after all these years."

Luna could tell how deeply the terrible news of the car accident had affected him by the dejection in his voice and expression. Before that, Luna and Kazuo were quite close, and she understood how he felt when she lost someone she cared about.

Kazuo must have assumed Luna died along with her family. He must have cried a lot over it. And the fact that she was still alive, that she had survived the crash, was like a blessing to him.