
Just Rancher trying to Live his Life

Albert Has Travelled To Various Countries But One Day He Wakes Up In A Place He Does Not Recognize

Basil_Grower · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Its been a while...

It had been several weeks for Albert. His body had changed, his legs could make him jump as high as the trees in the Wilds, and his arms could carry largos as if they were balloons. His powers had also matured, he could travel to different worlds and his body had transcended the rules of physics, he was lean yet extremely muscular and he could move faster than a cheetah.

The ranch, his home, had started also to ignore physics, soon enough he had to bid adieu to the slime sea as the entire Far, Far Range had flown up high in the sky and become a sky island. Although the clouds soon enough became a slime sea themselves.

The stars would remain unbothered from the clouds. But as he rested on a chair in front of his garden he got a call... a certain pirate crew had given him a Den Den Mushi, a phone made from a snail.


"Good afternoon, who are you?"-Albert

"Albert we have a large issue and we need your help!"-???

"What is it and tell me your price"-Albert

He had become a mercenary of sorts, the world government started to charge him for taxes and as everyone knows, you can't escape the IRS so, to say the least, he needed money, and being a mercenary was the best thing you could ask for.

"Our island is being attacked by the Big Mom Pirates, the tea party is going to happen soon and they want our country's prized apples!"-???


"Devil Fruits! Money! Even some of our apples. Just help us before-AAAGGHHH-"-???

"Peace and quiet seem good enough, might as well help the straw hats. They are a good bunch in a world of evil"-Albert

Soon though Albert had turned to yellow lines yet again, before appearing on an island made of cake, biscuits, fruits, and several other sweets.

He watched in horror as the trees and flowers turned towards him with smiling faces. It reminded him heavily of a nightmare among humans, children. So what did he do? he simply tossed a fire plort at them.

Oh, what joy it is, to watch a forest full of screams burn down, this must be why high school bullies from a certain horror movie love to burn houses with people in them. But as the forest burnt down he could the image of a very fat Luffy launching Charlotte cracker so far away he could have been recognized as a missile.

"You should be calling the Gum-Gum Missile, shouldn't you?"-Albert


"In the flesh, I got a request to stop the Big mom Pirates from doing their usual of destroying islands for ingredients, was too slow to get to the island before they sunk it."-Albert

"You take requests?"-Nami

"Wouldn't be able to call me a mercenary if I wouldn't"-Albert

Nami and Luffy looked and each other while nami was thinking of the consequences.

"What's your price?"-Nami


"How about for a kidnapping? Vinsmoke Sanji"-Nami

"Could do that for a solid... 50 million berri?"-Albert

"Too Expensive!"-Nami

"What do you expect? I am supposed to kidnap a Vinsmoke who is guarded heavily by genetically modified guards and the fact that I kidnapped the Groom of Charlotte Pudding would put the Big mom Pirates on my tail for such a long time by then somebody would have found the One Piece"-Albert

"Wait he is going to get married?"-Nami

"Wait somebody is going to get the One Piece? Not if I get it first!"-Luffy

Albert facepalmed hard, almost too hard since he heard a bone crack and then immediately repair itself right after. Although the price was pretty good, Nami's stinginess stopped him from getting enough money. He decided to visit when there was some action, and as he thought that his body vanished into nothing but a silhouette of tangled yellow lines.

He opened his eyes to find himself sitting in one of the chairs at the Tea Party. Big Mom stood menacingly in the background as did most of the Charlotte Family after the Vinsmokes came in, in truth everything here was so incredibly sweet. Some of these dishes even rivaled the honey plort's signature sweetness.

As soon as he saw the wedding cake come in he knew the party was just getting started.

Pudding and Sanji stood at the Altar, the priest saying his usual when as they both went for the kiss. Pudding suddenly collapsed crying and Sanji looked at her in concern. At least that was what the normal people saw. Albert saw and heard both the gun falling from Pudding's hands and Big mom loudly exclaim.

"What the Hell is going on?! Katakuri, what happened to Pudding?!"-Big Mom

As he saw Katakuri stand by Big Mom's side Albert suddenly had some good instincts as... many Luffy's Burst out of the Wedding cake! They started wreaking havoc and out of nowhere mother caramel's photo broke! Luffy stretched his arms out and grabbed the pieces, his attempt to show the pictures to Big Mom was feeble though as Charlotte Oven used his Heat power to grab Luffy's arms and burn them, causing him to drop the pictures.

Except he didn't drop the pictures, his arms were only slightly burnt. For it was Albert who had stopped Oven from stopping Luffy's attempt.

His Body formed from yellow lines as he created flowers he made a while ago, these flowers were a bit special though. They had jaws and were made completely from blue flames!

"Let me pass, Straw Hat must be stopped!"-Oven

"Oh but you are going to be facing me, Mr. Matchstick"-Albert

Oven, enraged, tried to reach for Luffy's arms yet again but was interrupted by the screams of Big Mom's crying.

But Albert didn't let go of Oven. It's been a while since he had been in a battle.

His Jaw flowers bit and held on to Oven as Albert rushed to give Oven a good punch. But before he could, the flowers soon burnt out and bloomed releasing powerful flaming spores, allowing Oven his freedom of movement and a near hit on Albert's face.

To Oven's surprise though the super heated punch didn't hit anything. Albert then appeared behind of Oven, his arm unnaturally tensing and being covered by thorny vines with a fire flower on his knuckles.

As the punch connected Oven was sent flying. As well as Albert but that was the recoil. Oven was unharmed, while Albert's arm was bleeding a little. Soon another clash started, although in a different dimension...




Hello everyone sorry to keep you all waiting, and to announce.

Monster Hunter has won the vote!

This means our protagonist might be getting some pets soon.

Hopefully, you guys have a nice day, and a word to everyone. Cherish the moments you have with your loved ones, you never know when you might lose them.