
Just OUR Love Story (Ereri/Riren fanfic)

Levi finds himself all alone in the world, the people he loved gone. He'd walk the city streets looking for nothing in particular, maybe just that special someone who'd sweep him off his feet. Thirty-eight and still a virgin; he was rich and seemed to have had his whole life made for him but in reality it was just the opposite. Until one rainy night, cold and soaked waiting for his limo that seemed to not want to show, he met a young bartender, far younger than him at least, who offered him a ride home. SAY WHAT YOU WANNA SAY BITCHES ABOUT THIS SHIP 'CAUSE LAWS NEVER PHASED ME. Well- at least not until now when I couldn't make Eren 15 and Levi 34 (their AoT ages season 1-3) so I just went with their ages in season 4 (Eren 19 and Levi 38) so I won't get ridiculed. Also I did my research on the characters before writing about them so fight me if you dare.

Sento_Writes_Stuff · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Just that you don't have a say in my life

"Levi! I think you should give it a chance!" Lance continued to pester me.

"I said no, now goodbye Lance! I have a guest and I shan't be rude."

Lance looked at me for a moment and then sighed. "Fine, I have a feeling this will go how I want it to anyways. Maybe less smoothly, but still how I want."

"I'll let you believe that." I started closing the door.

"Bye Levi!-" Lance said from behind the door closing on his face.

"Goodbye Lance."

I locked the door and started walking back towards where Eren was sitting on the couch. I plopped down beside him.

"Who was that?" Eren asked, not turning his attention away from the TV.

"Just a friend."

"Ok. Where will I sleep tonight?" Eren queried, this time looking at me. (It's like 3:00 AM by now Eren, it's not night anymore bb.)

I paused, realizing hadn't thought about that. I don't want him sleeping on the couch because I can't wash that thoroughly.

"Uh... my room I guess. My bed is a king sized so we won't be close to each other."

"Ok." Eren didn't even sound like he suspected anything, which was good in a way, because I wasn't planning anything, but also bad because then if I was some creepy old guy, he'd really be toast.

"I don't know why but I feel like I can trust you." Eren put in.

"I'm glad you feel that way." I stood up and started walking in the direction of my room, "Follow me to my room."

"Gotcha." Eren got off the couch and followed me.


He got into bed first on the right side and I followed soon after to the left side; after brushing my teeth of course.

Eren fell asleep quite fast, while I lay there unable to fall asleep due to my insomnia. Like usual, I tossed and turned until I felt something warm press against my back. I looked over to see Eren... spooning me? I think that's what you call it? I don't know anything about this romance stuff.

I gently tried pushing him off but I ended up giving up in fear that he might wake up. I lay there staring out my balcony window into the starless night sky. So blue, so empty, so cold.

Sometime after a couple hours I fell asleep, I slept for around three hours? I woke up at 9:28 AM. Gently wiggling out of Eren's grasp I got up, and waddled to the bathroom. Which I won't write down because um, privacy?

When I was done, I walked out to the kitchen where Petra had already made pancakes.

"Remind me why I gave you a key to my apartment again?" I asked while walking towards her.

"Because I'm your assistant, and you can't do everything on your own." She smiled.

I looked down at the pancakes. I don't like pancakes. "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." I sighed.

"What? You don't like pancakes?" Petra gapped at me.

"No, I do not." I said, grabbing some bread rolls and splitting them open. "I despise pancakes."

"You cold hearted monster." She looked at me with an over dramatic frown.

"Hardy har har." I spread some (a lot; cough) of the grape jelly in the middle and closed the bread pieces together. "Petra, go wake up sleeping beauty."

"On it Sir." She plopped the pancakes she was making onto a giant plate and marched off.

Taking a bite of my concord grape jelly bread sandwich thing I looking around the brightly lit apartment. I love the sun. (I don't but good for you Levi.)

"Echo play Sarcasm." I said simultaneously while chewing.

"Playing Sarcasm by Get Scared." Echo's robotically tuned voice rung back.


"Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts, if this is love I don't wanna be loved." I hummed to the song when all of a sudden Eren came out yawning and stretching, Petra close behind.

As quickly as I could, I turned Echo off.

"Sorry I took so long Sir, your friend here is a heavy sleeper." Petra apologized.

Eren looked back at her and then to me, "Was that Sarcasm I heard just now?" Eren squinted.

"What, no." I lied. That was what he heard.

Eren squinted his eyes even more, "You sure? I swear I heard you humming it."

"Get hearing aids, brat." I sighed.

"Ok I won't press any further. You can like the songs you like." Eren sounded satisfied, like he'd won something.

"Yeah well I hope you like pancakes, because Petra made plenty and I hate pancakes."

"Why the fuck do you hate pancakes weirdo." Eren looked at me like I had stabbed him through the heart.

"D r y." I spelled slowly.

"Whatever you say." He stuffed every pancake in his mouth, causing me to shiver in disgust.

"Swo whin willlll shlou beh taken meh hwom?"

"Eren I don't speak gibberish, chew then talk." I looked at him in utter disgust. Who taught him manners?

Eren took a big gulp and swallowed all of those pancakes at once. "I said: When will you be taking me home?" Eren turned his gaze upon me expectantly.

"You have your own car, you can drive yourself home." I scrolled through my phone not looking at him.

Eren's face made it appear as if something clicked in his mind, but then his expression turned to one of fear.

"I don't... I don't want to face my sister alone." He stuttered.

I looked at him and set my phone down. "Yeah so bringing a stranger that she's never met, whom you only met last night, home with you and telling her that his apartment is where you spent the night will make her any less angry." I smirked.

"Well at least I won't be the only one getting yelled at." He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes from where he was sitting on the island.

"Ugh fine." I gave in so easily. "If this bitch is crazy and I end up getting stabbed, you're paying my hospital bills."

"Yay! Let's go then!"

I sighed. What am I getting myself into?

This chapter was longer than my usual by exactly 228 words

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