
Just OUR Love Story (Ereri/Riren fanfic)

Levi finds himself all alone in the world, the people he loved gone. He'd walk the city streets looking for nothing in particular, maybe just that special someone who'd sweep him off his feet. Thirty-eight and still a virgin; he was rich and seemed to have had his whole life made for him but in reality it was just the opposite. Until one rainy night, cold and soaked waiting for his limo that seemed to not want to show, he met a young bartender, far younger than him at least, who offered him a ride home. SAY WHAT YOU WANNA SAY BITCHES ABOUT THIS SHIP 'CAUSE LAWS NEVER PHASED ME. Well- at least not until now when I couldn't make Eren 15 and Levi 34 (their AoT ages season 1-3) so I just went with their ages in season 4 (Eren 19 and Levi 38) so I won't get ridiculed. Also I did my research on the characters before writing about them so fight me if you dare.

Sento_Writes_Stuff · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Just another business day


"Levi you're going to have to show your face to the public sooner or later, you've shared your personal social media so now you're an actual celebrity." Lance blabbed on about something I wasn't caring enough to listen to.

In his eyes I was staring directly at him, processing every word. But in reality I was looking through the window directly behind him at nothing in particular, maybe the occasional pigeon.

"Nghh that one hit a window-" Dammit. Did I say that out loud?

"Levi Ackerman are you even listening to me!"

"I'm always listening to everything around me Lance, just not processing it." I retorted.

"Levi," Lance sighed. "You don't have much time left until the public will know your face."

"I'm going to use that time for as long as it lasts."

"God damn it Levi. Police have already sketched what they think you look like based on the public's request." Lance continued to pull out a tablet from a drawer hidden under the desk we were sitting at, "They think you look like this." He spoke, showing me the face of a hideous old man, whom was balding. "Everybody with this face is taking credit for your work."

"Good for them." I said with an uninterested voice.

"I hope that care stays with you for a long time." Lance said, standing up. He was now a foot taller than me, as I was still sitting. Damned tall people-

And with that, he left the room. Leaving me to sit in silence. I stood up, not nearly as tall he was but I can dream, can't I?


Turning the key in the lock of my luxury apartment, I open the door to be greeted by my assistant, Petra.

"Welcome home Mr. Ackerman!" She said with her usual peppy tone.

"Yes, hello to you too Petra. Anything to report?"

She stared blankly, thinking for a moment until her face lit up. "Ah yes!- The lab scientists tinkered with your mixture a bit to make it less toxic, and are waiting for bottle design input to release it for marketing."

"I already have the design prepared, it's on my computer. Go send it to them, you know how."

"Yes Sir!" She swiftly walked off into the direction of my office.

I walked over to the granite island of my top-notch kitchen, staring blankly at the empty sparkling surface. Any normal human being would say my house was bare and boring, but in my opinion it's just clean. No cluttering of decorations, no animals to shed their fur, no plants to wither and lose their leaves.

Bored, I turned on the TV. The anchorwoman was blabbering something I wasn't listening to until I heard my name.

"Levi Ackerman, our resident Mr. Clean, recently posted on his social media about a new product. We have news that it's being released to markets soon. More exciting, is the Board's promise of having Levi's face reveal soon. Nobody knows if that's his real name, what his age is, nothing. This will be enticing for all of us." She said with a toothy smile.

"Tch, Lance your promise will be broken."

"We're left wondering who Levi is married to as well, will the young woman's face be revealed too?"

"Who said I was married?" I smirked at this woman's pure ignorance. They really have nothing on me do they.

"Now, for more news on the endangerment of Polar Bears..." She trailed off, well, no, I just stopped listening. I hopped off of the bench I was sitting on. Yes, I had to hop off. I quickly put on a jacket and walked towards the door.

"I'm going out Petra!" I yelled to her, not making sure if she heard me or not.

I grabbed the house keys and slammed the door behind me.


Arriving at the bar that I walked to, I went inside. It wasn't particularly busy. Just a few people scattered here and there at tables, gossiping. I walked up to the bar and sat down.

"What would you like today Sir?" Said the voice of a young male.

I looked up at him, he had warm dark brown hair and beautiful teal iris' with gold speckles lining around his pupils.

"Sir?" he looked at me, "Did you hear me?" he asked.

"Ah- yes! I would like a Pink Moscato." I gave him a slight smile as he turned away.

What the hell was that? I swear I got lost in his eyes just now. I-I've never had that happen before. Nobody has ever caught my interest without me knowing they did.

"Here's your Pink Moscato Sir." He said, holding the bottle. "How much?"

"Fill the whole cup." I waved my hand dismissively.

"Sir we don't hire cabs to take drunk people home." He paused, "Do you have a ride?"

"Well I should have a ride, depends on whether or not my assistant got my message." I looked closely at the label on the bottle, studying the engraved details. "Besides it doesn't matter, I can't get drunk anyways."

The bartender nodded acknowledgedly and poured the bottle into a glass, filling it to the brim. As he was doing so I read his nametag, "Eren" A German, I see.

hehehehe cliffhanger

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