

Eh ... where I am, the last thing I remember is that I was walking along the path that the man told me. It won't be that they kidnapped me, right ... I don't even know why I thought that. It's clear that I got lost and have fallen into a cave or mine. Well let's stop thinking about nonsensical things and look for a way out, I keep wondering why I keep talking as if there was someone besides me, I think the psychologist is not doing his job very well I paid him to help me stop thinking about well and I don't see much improvement.

I think I see some light, let's follow her, stupid psychologist knew I didn't have to pay that man, since I saw him I knew that he was not a trustworthy person, I think they stole my 1,100 pesos from me. Oh so it seems while cursing all the ancestors of the psychologist I came into the light. And I must say that what I saw was the most beautiful thing I have witnessed in my entire life, the clear blue stones illuminating the cave, like a sapphire bathed in moonlight. The water reflecting the stones made them seem like an infinite mirror, I was momentarily stunned, for a moment I thought that instead of looking up I was looking down but something in the center of the cave caught my attention enough to get me out of my poetic moment.

Going by the convenient path that is here, which generated a slight feeling of mistrust, I began to go towards the center of the room there was a kind of engraving on the floor, which I ignored to go towards something that turned me on. greedy inside a chest with a simple thought I approached it as I grabbed a long piece of iron that for some reason had a piece of cloth tangled around a small space of the piece of iron, and I must say that it is a stroke of luck that this being here will help me a lot to open the chest well let's try 1,2,3… now! There is no reaction from the chest, let's go again 1,2,3… now! This time a last pull was slightly opened 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...! Now this time I pulled with all my strength I stumbled slightly, why the chest suddenly opened and I fell on my back on a small rock that was buried in my back generating a slight wound that dropped a few drops of my blood that fell on the engraving of the ground that began to glow slightly it was so light that if you don't pay close attention you will not realize it, I decided to ignore it because I thought it was the water reflecting the top of the cave so I turned my attention to the chest to find myself.

With a bow with a quiver full of arrows next to it and a couple dozen coins, a kind of leather ensemble with a small mirror on top of it, I decided to give the bow a try. When I touched it, I felt like a slight tug, something very deep in me merged with the bow, that seemed strange to me, leaving that feeling aside I realized that the engraving of the ground at the moment is shining too much for my liking, Suddenly the whole place that before gave me a beautiful feeling is slowly becoming creepy, I decided to slowly exit the engraving, when suddenly. I felt as if I could not walk, as if something was preventing me from moving, I slowly lowered my gaze, and let me tell you that I found a shocking situation, slowly I was disappearing starting from my feet by small particles of light, before I could hold onto something I fell on a rock hitting my head very hard and the only thing that occurred to me to say before falling into unconsciousness was.

Well Mier ... -I could not finish what I said because I was unconscious.

When I woke up I had a slight sense of deja vu, because again I find myself disoriented and not knowing where I am, apart from the fact that I know it is some kind of forest, and let me tell you that this place gives you the feeling of the kind of place they have been from. multiple murders occurred, the truth is that if it was so scary that I had goose bumps, well let's stop thinking as if there was someone besides me here just in case I should start looking in my memories for the reason for the beginning of such thoughts like that, well again ... stop thinking nonsensical things and look for a river because I don't think there is any civilization in this dark place, well let's decide the direction.

detin marin de do pingue quitara matara de tin it was I did not go it was you hit her hit her that she was… -that while pointing in different directions until my finger was pointing towards the most chilling path.

I surrender-I said defeated and then walk in a resigned way towards the previously selected part.

Before I can take a step I remember the chest well, I think I should check if I travel to wherever it is, looking back I find it overturned on the floor next to it is the piece of iron when I take it I look more than close in a part that feels slightly empty, I think it has like a small slit on the end covered with leather, I decided to remove the piece of leather.

Ouch… -I complained when I made a small cut when I passed it through a chipped part.

When I was bringing my hand to my mouth to suck out the blood that was coming out, which for some reason was bleeding more than some small cuts that I had previously made, but I decided to ignore it so while I was bringing my hand to my mouth a few drops of blood fell on the piece of iron and one fell just inside the small slit while sucking all my blood for some reason when I saw the piece of iron the thought came to me leaking that it could have been a long sword in times of yore when of Suddenly the piece of iron began to shine and when it finished shining there instead of the piece of iron that I previously had in my hand there was a beautifully ornamented long sword, seeing its sharp part I decided to test the edge with one of the rocks that I saw a few meters forward when I arrived I saw there were many so I decided to go for the biggest one, I found one big and thick enough to outshine a car I decided to give r a simple cut instead of doing it with all my strength that decision was taken with the precaution of not hurting my hands with the rebound, in these moments my hands are of greater importance than simply a test of edge and resistance.

Well take a deep breath uuuh fuuh repeat it uuuh fuuh, and now-I said giving a strong cut with the sword after having breathed correctly.


The cut echoed all over the place was so loud that the birds around me suddenly began to fly in distress.


I saw amazed how the stone was split in half cleanly in half, inspecting more closely I could see that it was cleanly cut slowly I lowered my gaze in shock to see if the sword was still intact, I was amazed to see that the blade was still intact not a single part was splintered, as if a stone that seemed to weigh a maximum of half a ton had not broken, let's stop thinking about that or my common sense will be destroyed, I think I heard something behind when I turned around I could only see how something similar to a branch was going to great speed to where my left eye was supposed to be I directed my attention to the place where the attack was supposed to come from, I only saw something similar to a humanoid polar bear I was terrified how fierce it looked I wanted to run away but then I thought the bear He could attack me from behind so after thinking about it momentarily I decided to run towards him after remembering what the sword in my hand was capable of, while I was running I tripped over a branch and I will be eternally grateful to that branch because seconds after I stumbled there I saw how a gale passed over me and cut a tree cleanly, when I turned my head towards the bear I could see that there was a smaller bear hidden behind the one that attacked me, then I understood that the biggest attacked me because I consider myself dangerous for the smallest so I decided to do something very risky.

! Wait! -I yelled at the big man, I managed to stop him momentarily. I don't know if it was because he understood me or because of the cry, but I do know that it was opportune.

Slowly lowering the sword to the ground, I kept my gaze fixed on the largest polar bear and watched as he stopped tense his body but keeping it tense to attack whenever he went, I decided to do something that if someone were around I would be taken for crazy.

Then big man why attack suddenly-I said without hope of getting an answer.

Polar bear?: To be… dangerous… -he said and I noticed that he was struggling just to say those words.

I was shocked, to tell the truth I was one hundred percent sure that I would not get any answer, but here I was listening to an answer while I stayed in my head screaming for an explanation for this situation I heard something very close to a laugh from an evil murderer of some horror movie, I slightly lowered my face towards the smaller bear than towards something that I suppose was a laugh.

Because you laugh little one-I asked the little one.

Polar bear? (Small): grrr gr grrrr-the little polar bear growled at me that I have to admit, if it weren't for some parts of his body, they seem very human to me, it would be the most beautiful thing I saw.

Polar bear?: The… say… have… face… funny-please do not tell me that at any moment I am scared shit

It's like that then thank you-he smiled forcibly because now that the scare is gone and I don't feel that something is going to come out of the scare, I think they just insulted me.

I think I should ask them if they know anything about wherever we are.

A question sir… -I couldn't finish because I was interrupted.

Polar bear ?: me… female… -he told me although it was surprising I accepted it quickly I feel that I should start to expect things like this to happen more regularly.

Okay then Mrs. Bear you would know where we are-I asked her with so much respect that I asked myself if she is already my boss.

Polar bear ?: be… In… foraoise… ollphéist-he told me the place where we were, although I didn't understand the last thing he mentioned, I decided to tell him that I didn't understand in the most intelligent way possible.

Foraoise what a thing, I'm sorry but I don't know where we are-there is the face you make when you realize that the person you are talking to is a complete idiot, although I don't know how I could differentiate his change of expression, and I continue to listen to you little.

Polar bear ?: you… be… imbecile-please don't see me in such an icy way ma'am, but now that I realize…

Don't ask her if you have a name, ma'am ... -Leave the last part free so she can complete it.

Polar bear ?: My… don't… have… -she said looking as if now I was the most stupid creature in the world, please stop looking at me so you hurt my feelings.

Can I give you one? -I asked him hoping he would give a positive answer, because I really want to.

Polar bear?: You ... have ... intelligence ... enough? -He asked with his head cocked, please little one at least laugh silently.

Of course I have it ma'am-I said holding my chest for the words that a few minutes ago she thought she was an idiot, ma'am because she suddenly looks at me as if she wanted to kill me.

Polar bear?: I… believe… that… you… think… wrong… my- she told me and I am one hundred percent sure that if she could kill with her eyes I don't even have any doubt that I would already be twenty meters underground.

No, no, no, no, how can you believe such a thing, madam, I would never do that, well, leaving that aside, madam, you think it is bulan merah, in a different language it means red moon, I said, sweating with bullets.

Polar bear ?: because… moon… red… -he asked cocking his head.

Because her fur reminded me of the moon, and then I remembered that her fur minutes before her could be covered with my blood-I said smiling looking at her fur, only to start shaking seconds later.

Polar bear?: I like it… -she said smiling I think the sunlight suddenly came through a space between the branches illuminating the two of us, it would be a truly romantic moment if it weren't that merah is terrifying.

That was the beginning of our adventure and the moment that I have always waited for.