
Chapter 45

She screamed, making him let go of her. She landed on her bad leg and she crumbled to the floor. "Crap" I blurted as I rushed to Ver's side. I helped her stand up and get back on the bed. "Are you okay? Why'd you scream?" I questioned.

Ver hissed through her teeth as she rubbed her leg. "There's a bite on her shoulder" Em answered for her.

I frowned and we all fell into a weird silence. "Uh... so" I started. "This is Sammie, Em, and Ver" I introduced the girls. "And that's Jesse, Sam, and Jeremy" I named off the guys. They all nodded, and I repeated the names in my head to make sure that I actually said the right names. That would be embarrassing. "Hey! Sam and Sammie!" I exclaimed.

Sam chuckled. "Dude, I know that we're best friends and all-" he said to Jesse. "But I didn't know that you were obsessed with me! Getting a mate with the same name" he said with a fake shudder.