
Just Me?

Dissociative Identity Disorder.

BlueQueen7 · Horror
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3 Chs


🎵I feel pretty, oh so pretty🎵

*Clock ticking in the background*

Tiptoeing down the hall and into a light filled room. Oliver walks into the room and is greeted by a boy around his age. He has his TV turned onto the "Adult channel " and is waiting for Oliver on his bed. 👿"Come here."The boy motions for him to join him on the bed.☺ Are you sure we should do this? What if someone walks in? 👿That's why we're gonna be quiet and lock the door. ☺But, it says 18+ and that's six years older than we are.👿You'll be fine. Now let's have some fun. Take off your clothes.☺ Can I leave my underwear? 👿No, how am I supposed to put it in other wise? ☺Fine. Oliver and the boy take off their clothing and sit on the bed awkwardly.☺ Jake?👿What? ☺I'm scared. Oliver's hands begin to twitch and his breathing quickens. Jake grabs Oliver's hands and brings them to his mouth and gently kisses them. 👿Don't be afraid. I'm here for you. Jake sets his hands down and reaches for Oliver's face. They slowly lean into each other until their lips meet. Jake guides the kiss until Oliver finally kisses him back. Jake picks up Oliver and places him on his lap so he is being straddling by him. Oliver moves on Jake's dick. Jake is getting hard just by Oliver's wiggling. He wants Oliver so bad. Oliver is high on lust and is needy. He needs to relieve himself. He grabs his dick and starts jerking off but, Jake grabs his hands so that he can't touch himself. Oliver gets frustrated and moves faster on Jake's dick. Jake let's go of his hands and let's out a small moan. Oliver smirks at Jake and continues to rub his ass on him. 👿S...stop. I'm gonna cum. Oliver gets up slightly and places him at his entrance. Jake helps him by stretching out his hole. Oliver moves down until he has Jake inside him. Oliver is shaking and can feel how deep he is. He wants him to move but the words won't come out. 👿 "Can I move?" ☺"Please." Jake slowly pushes himself further and then pulls back, until Oliver can handle it. Then when Oliver stops wincing, Jake quickens his pace and gets ready for his climax. At this point Oliver is loud enough for everyone to hear. They both hit their short lived climax and then lay together on the bed.They get cleaned and pass out in each other's arms. In the morning Oliver runs to his room and leaves Jake alone. That was Oliver's first with Jake and he hopes to be with him more often. Through the the rest of that year they continue their nightly routine and fall in love with each other. Unfortunately for Oliver they end up together but, not in the way they would like to be. One day a kind Christan family walks in looking to adopt two boys. They look at all the kids and choose Jake first then they pick Oliver. Why would they say no to getting a home and free food. They sign the paper work and wait a week to go to their new home together. When they arrive the are welcomed by three older girls which they assume are their new sisters. They are hugged by them and then brought to their rooms. They lay in their rooms and think that life couldn't be better as they enjoy their new luxury.