
SAT 12/9/19 Scioly

Just had my first science olympiad competition in a long time and did kinda bad. Overall, my school got 4th and 7th place.

I placed 1st in Dynamic Planet with Eric, 4th in PPP with Daniel, 6th in PMod with Shriman and Ariya, and 23rd in Ornithology

I'm not sure in the future if I want to continue in dynamic planet, protein, or ornithology. I might check who is in which event to increase my chances at state.

If I plan on continuing in Ornithology, I have to continually update the binder throughout the year and finish at least one entry a day to even be efficient.

After deliberation, I have made a list of events I want to focus on

Some things I have decided to focus on is

Spend ALOT of time on Ornithology binder and LEARNING how to do Sounds of Music

I feel accomplished but am not sure whether to continue with Protein Modeling or Dynamic Planet because one is hard for me to study everything while the other has two people currently contesting spots on the team.

tldr: I plan on being more active in science olympiad and work on events daily