
Friday, August 9th, 2019

Woke up late due to being tired from back from a Christian camp yesterday

Did no work but only Webnovel and Youtube

Thought about the creation of the universe to the beginning of human life in terms of Biblical and Christian views

Created Journal and Christian v Nonchristian webnovels for personal documentation

Talked with friend TK about Big Bang v Creation and decided that neither side had concrete evidence and concluded that humans currently (and possibly forever) can't understand the complexity of the start of the universe or humans.

Had to go to bed early due to volunteer work tomorrow morning for BS


Take Away - I need to stop procrastinating and do my work (running from problems won't fix them and hiding from others is only endangering relationships), will continue to update journal daily and What is True novel to understand and answer my questions on Christianity, want to have connections with TK about religious and deep thinking, continue with no M, having doubts about Christianity is OK i think, plan on being more active on Snapchat and IG instead of neglecting them with the excuse of "time consuming", need to work on project folder and schedules for BS and get address of leader GL for letter

Questions - If I am able to view Christianity from a 3rd party view unlike TK, does that I mean I don't truly believe in God or trust in him? Why do I have a sudden interest in creation? Should my future occupation be in the realm of research if I have a curiosity to understand the unknown?