
Just Lookin' For A Sign

Gabriella "Gabby" Mckenzie feels like her life is full of screwups. So she decides to go to Japan to commit suicide in the Suicide Forest. But her best friend, Abby, wants her to go on a cross country trip with her before she commits suicide. On this trip, she meets new friends and experience many things that may change her for the better. (I'm doing it in script format)

Fantasywriter345 · Teen
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3 Chs

The Trip


Gabby is packing her clothes into a suitcase. She was making sure that she had some memorable items with her. Then she hears a knock on her door.

ABBY (O.S.): Hey Gabby, it's me.

Gabby quickly closes the suitcase and shoves it underneath her bed, half way under. Then Abby opens the door and sees what Gabby is doing.

ABBY (points at the suitcase): Gabby, what are you doing with a suitcase?

GABBY: Nothing.

Abby crosses her arm in front of her chest and arches her eye brow. Gabby knew that Abby would just keep interrogating her until she answers her. So she decides to tell her the truth.

GABBY: I want to go to the Suicide Forest.

ABBY (confused): What? Why?

GABBY: To kill myself.

ABBY (shocked): Again, what?!

GABBY: Abby, let's face it: My life is full of screw ups!

Abby walks over and kneels beside her. She wraps her arm around Gabby.

ABBY: If your life was full of screw ups, then how did we become best friends?

GABBY: We met when my parents became your new neighbors and somehow we became the best of friends.

ABBY: Exactly.

Gabby doesn't say anything. Abby sighs.

ABBY: You still want to go, right?

GABBY: Yeah.

Abby bites her lip as she thinks of a plan. Then her eyes widen for a second. Then she turns to Gabby.

ABBY: Okay, before you end your so called screw up life, could you do one last thing for me?

GABBY: Sure.

ABBY: Go on a cross country trip with me.

GABBY (confused): What?

ABBY: I figure that since you're going to end it all, why not go out with a bang?

GABBY: Fair point.


GABBY: Fine. I'll go with you.

ABBY (squealing): Yes!

Gabby rolls her eyes with a small smile.

GABBY: Do you have a plan?

ABBY: Give me an hour and we'll get ready to go.