

Kisei Elke, an antisocial and sociopathic high-achieving student, unexpectedly crosses paths with a cheerful familiar face, Ema Seourin. Despite their stark differences, a unique connection begins to form between them. As they navigate their complex relationship, Kisei's sociopathic tendencies are challenged by Ema's presence. Through their interactions and the ups and downs they face, a captivating story unfolds, revealing the never-before-seen, never-before-heard, never-before-felt whatever whatever... ___ [Romance, Highschool, Drama, Comedy] 20 Chapters, 2 Volumes Original Work by HIDAISHE

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You know how sometimes...

—Wednesday. 12:47

"Hey... Do you think Ema is being a bit too fixated on Kisei?" Seo noticed Ema's intense gaze directed towards the boy, who appeared to be soundly asleep at his desk. Maurey and Hishun, who were standing with Seo near the classroom's main door, also couldn't help but notice Ema's unwavering focus.

"It's been going on since morning," Hishun remarked. "I wonder if something happened between them."

Ema continued to keep her eyes locked on Kisei, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. A faint sheen of sweat started to form on her forehead.

—Wednesday. 7:24

In the morning, as Hishun was walking down the road on her way to school, she spotted Ema ahead of her. Hishun first handedly noticed the agitation on Ema's face, causing her to call out to her friend.

"Ema!" Hishun called out, trying to get Ema's attention. Ema, who had her head lowered, slowly lifted it up and looked in the direction of the voice calling her. As soon as she recognized Hishun, her face brightened.

"Hishun? Ah... Hey!" Ema responded, waving back at her.

"You okay?" Hishun asked in slight concern. Ema nodded to her, before going back to whatever Ema was doing.

Hishun stared at Ema as they walked, noticing her thumbnail on her mouth being nibbled. Ema was mumbling words beside her, all with a nervous, panicked, and in deep thought expression on her face.

Hishun just walked normally, slightly creeped out. The two friends continued walking together, side by side, on their way to school.

—Wednesday. 12:49

"What? Seriously? Ema has a grudge against Kisei?!" Seo asked, his worry and aggression evident in his tone. However, Maurey swiftly slapped him in the mouth and covered it with her hand.

"Idiot! Don't be so loud! Do you wanna spread unwanted rumors around?!" She whispered loudly in his ears. Seo whimpered and apologized with his voice being muffled under Maurey's palms.

Ema let out a sigh and glanced at Kisei one last time before standing up. Seo and the others averted their gazes from Ema, intentionally looking elsewhere. Feeling slightly sheepish, they began an unrelated conversation, as Ema made her way towards the exit where the three of them were engaged in their diversionary chatter. Ema noticed their presence.

"Oh? You guys have been here the whole time, huh?" Ema asked, causing their conversation to abruptly halt. They slowly turned their attention towards Ema, as if caught doing something they shouldn't.

"Ah... Ema... uh, hello!" Maurey's nervousness caused her words to stumble. The three of them started to sweat, not wanting Ema to realize they had been talking about her, albeit not in a negative way.

Ema gawked at the three, quite confused.

—Wednesday. 15:05

Kisei's decision to stand up from his seat drew the attention of both his teacher and several classmates, including Ema and the others. Ema specifically turned her head to watch as Kisei made his way towards the classroom exit.

"Where are you going, Kisei?" Syman Kohure, their class professor, questioned Kisei regarding his actions.

Kisei halted, taking a moment to look at Syman before silently mouthing the word "Bathroom." The professor found it mildly infuriating and disrespectful, but he realized there was little he could do to control Kisei's behavior.

"Make it quick," Syman replied, his attention returning to the board as he proceeded to write various scientific equations and formulas for their lesson. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Ema rose from her seat and raised her hand.

"May I use the restroom as well, Sir— ?!" Ema's slight aggression caught everyone's attention. Maurey, Hishun, Seo, and even Kisei, who was almost at the door, all turned to look at Ema with her furrowed eyebrows. It was evident that she had bitten her tongue at the end of her sentence.

"S-Sure... ? But please, try not to shout next time," the professor responded, gesturing for Ema to make her way out of the classroom.

Ema closely trailed behind Kisei as they walked down the hallway. Her clenched fists revealed her inner tension. Kisei, sensing her presence, couldn't bring himself to turn and face Ema. He could feel the intense heat emanating from her, intensifying his own anxiety. Sweat began to pour down his face, and a nagging thought crept into his mind—was he scared of Ema?

"What the hell is this woman doing?" A troubling thought crawled into Kisei's mind, fueling his anxiety and irritation. The weight of the situation made it increasingly challenging for him to walk, almost as if his legs had grown heavy. Breathing became difficult as the air around him seemed to grow thicker and denser.

As soon as they reached the bathroom, Kisei swiftly headed towards the entrance of the men's section, only to feel a strong grip on his arm that prevented him from moving forward. He turned around, surprised to find Ema clutching his arm tightly, her expression nonchalantly upset. It was evident that she was seething with anger.

"What do you want— ?"

"Take off your pants."










Kisei and Ema locked eyes, the tension between them palpable. Unexpectedly, Kisei's emotions took a sudden turn. His anxiousness and irritation were completely washed off by something he failed to anticipate. He slapped Ema's cheeks.

"Ah— What the hell?!" Ema exclaimed, holding her cheek as it turned slightly red. Suddenly, the realization of her earlier demand washed over her, causing her face to turn completely red in embarrassment.

Kisei, feeling a mix of awkwardness and guilt, raised an eyebrow. "Would you like another one on the other cheek?" he asked, half-jokingly. Ema quickly shook her head, refusing the offer.

"Hey! I didn't mean it like that! I didn't— " Ema waved her hands in the air, trying to clarify her intentions, although her hands quickly covered her mouth after she bit her tongue, again.

The two of them stood there in front of the men's bathroom, a heavy silence lingering between them. Ema's embarrassment rendered her momentarily speechless, while Kisei began to feel the weight of the awkward situation. Ema let out a sharp exhalation, breaking the silence.

"You have it, don't you?" Ema restarted the conversation with a question, her tone filled with curiosity and a hint of concern.

"Have what? Can you please leave me alone?" Kisei responded, his confusion and irritation can be heard in his voice.

Without warning, Ema swiftly kicked Kisei's right leg. To her surprise, she heard a plastic noise upon impact. Realizing something was amiss, Ema quickly dropped to her knees and rolled up the hem of Kisei's pants. As she saw what lay beneath, her eyes widened in anticipated surprise. Kisei's right leg was a prosthetic.

The awkwardness that had already enveloped Kisei intensified, leaving him frozen in place. He wasn't sure how to react, his mind racing to comprehend Ema's discovery.

Ema stood up and looked at Kisei's eyes immediately. "I knew it," she spoke with her fist clenched up in the air. She was smiling as if she just discovered a breathtaking breakthrough in the history of whatever mankind we are talking about. Kisei was still confused at Ema's weird behavior.

Eventually, Kisei and Ema mustered the courage to return to the classroom, coincidentally entering the room at the same time. As they walked in, they could notice that the entire class had turned their attention towards them. All eyes were fixed on Kisei and Ema, curious about what had transpired between them.

Maurey and Seo wore smug expressions, clearly enjoying the spectacle, while Hishun maintained her usual indifferent demeanor. Ignoring the stares and whispers, Kisei and Ema made their way back to their respective seats, trying to resume a sense of normalcy. The class slowly settled down, and the lesson continued.

Though the incident had caused a temporary disturbance, the class gradually refocused on their studies, while Kisei and Ema were left to navigate the unresolved tension between them in the midst of the regular classroom routine.

—Wednesday. 16:52

"What the hell?! Hahahahaha! So that's why you've been so fixated on Kisei right from the start, huh?" Maurey's laughter filled the air, adding to the cheerful atmosphere. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby tree, creating a lighthearted ambiance. Ema's shyness was palpable, emanating through the air around her.

"Was I really that obsessed-looking over him?" Ema asked, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Since morning," Hishun confirmed, answering Ema's question.

Seo chuckled, unable to contain his amusement. "You were muttering Kisei's name all day, you know? Honestly, I think I even heard some 'I want to kill Kisei' in there," he teased, adding a playful tone to his words.

Ema's face turned even redder, a mix of embarrassment and surprise. She hadn't realized her fixation on Kisei had been so obvious and vocalized throughout the day. The revelation left her feeling slightly mortified, yet the teasing from her friends also brought a hint of lightheartedness to the situation.

"Still, though. I never thought Kisei actually wears a prosthetic," Maurey commented, her eyes shifting towards Kisei, who was seated beside Hishun and casually drinking from a soda can under the shade of the large tree.

Hishun followed Maurey's gaze and observed Kisei with a newfound sense of curiosity. There was an enigmatic aura surrounding him, making her wonder about the challenges he may have faced. "That's why you never joined any running activities in P.E., huh?" she remarked. "Come to think of it, I've never seen you run before. Guess that's that, huh?"

The realization brought a different perspective for Hishun, providing her with insight into Kisei's experiences and offering a greater understanding of his choices in physical activities.

Seo nodded mischievously, thoroughly enjoying the moment. "Mhm-hm. As someone who actually knew about this matter firsthand, I now have a reason to feel superior to all of you," he teased, relishing in his inside knowledge.

"Eh? You already knew about Kisei's non-existent leg?" Maurey questioned, surprised by Seo's prior knowledge.

"Of course. I'm a childhood friend, just to remind you," Seo responded smugly. "Kisei lost his leg back when he was still just a kid, you know— ?"

Before Seo could reveal any more details, Kisei quickly intervened, cutting him off. "Seo, shut up," he commanded, his tone firm and resolute, indicating that he didn't want his personal history shared with the rest of the group.

"Ah— hehe. Sorry," Seo sheepishly chuckled along with the rest of them, realizing the humor in the situation. Kisei, too, joined in with a scoff as he resumed drinking his cola.

"Hold on, you knew about this, but you didn't bother to tell us? I'm starting to have doubts about this friendship," Ema half-jokingly remarked, adding to the light-hearted atmosphere. Her comment elicited laughter from everyone in the group, except for Kisei.

—Thursday. 8:27

"Alright, everybody. Listen up," Monthea Riviere, their teacher, joined her hands together, capturing the attention of the students. The chatter gradually subsided into a subdued silence.

"As you might have already heard, next week we'll be having our 3-day educational trip to Dorisiren Springs," the teacher announced, revealing the exciting news. The students erupted into a chorus of excitement, their anticipation evident in their expressions and voices.

"Wait, we're going to Dorisiren? I thought we were going to Tremsch?" Seo blurted out, sounding a bit clueless. Hishun gave him an irritated look, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Moron, Dorisiren is in Tremsch," she clarified, her frustration evident in her voice. She hoped to set the record straight and end any confusion surrounding their upcoming destination. Seo laughed at her.

Maurey tapped Ema's right shoulder, catching her friend's attention. "Hey, uhh... I've never actually been to Dorisiren yet. Do you know what it's like over there?"

Ema smiled reassuringly at Maurey. "Don't worry. They allow animals there, so Seo should be fine," she replied, adding a playful touch to her response.

Maurey and Hishun burst into laughter at Ema's joke. "Ahahahaha!... But seriously, though," Maurey added, eager to hear more about Dorisiren.

Ema's head tilted upward as she recollected her memories. "Hm... Dorisiren is famous for its hot springs and waterfalls. It can get quite cold there, but the springs provide warmth. Overall, it's a very comfortable place to be, especially if we hit the jackpot and book a stay at the Suishre Hotel."

Maurey's eyes lit up with excitement, captivated by Ema's description. The thought of staying at a renowned hotel added an extra layer of anticipation to their upcoming camping trip.

"For now, we'll be having a quick quiz about our lesson from last Tuesday," Monthea announced, her words causing the initial excitement to fade into a collective sense of disappointment.

The students groaned in response to the announcement, their previously uplifted spirits dampened by the thought of an impending quiz. The atmosphere in the classroom shifted from anticipation to a gloomy bummer, as they mentally prepared themselves for the upcoming assessment.

"Ms. Riviere," a student raised their hand, seizing the opportunity to negotiate. "Can we have a full day of free time tomorrow if we get a higher score than Kisei?"

Ema, Seo, Maurey, Hishun, and the rest of the class gasped into collective amusement, finding the student's request both audacious and entertaining. Monthea contemplated the student's proposal, her finger placed thoughtfully on her chin, considering the idea for a brief moment.

"Hm. Sure, why not?" Monthea finally responded, granting approval to the student's request. "Everyone. Get ready. I wanna see just your paper and pens on top of your tables."

In an instant, the initial disappointment from the sudden quiz announcement transformed into sheer excitement. The classroom was filled with the sounds of cheering, joyful noises, and enthusiastic shouts. The prospect of a full day of free time had ignited a renewed energy and motivation among the students, sparking a sense of friendly competition as they eagerly prepared for the quiz.

"This will be easy," Hishun's eyes sparkled with wickedness, and a mischievous smile played across her lips as she tightly grasped her pen, staring at her paper with an ominous focus.

Ema, Maurey, and Seo also wore smiles filled with menacing intent, sharing a common thought.

"We can totally beat Kisei," Ema thought to herself.

"Because Kisei..." Maurey's mind trailed off, confident in their advantage.

"...was absent during this discussion," Seo finished the thought, realizing the advantage they had over their antisocial classmate. Kisei sat relaxingly at his desk with his pen in hand and paper flat on his desk. He couldn't care less about whatever is going on.

The trio of friends shared a silent agreement, each feeling a surge of determination to outsmart Kisei in the upcoming quiz. The absence of their usually enigmatic and intelligent classmate gave them an opportunity they couldn't resist. They were determined to prove their capabilities and come out on top, fueled by the excitement of the challenge and the prospect of a whole day of free time.

—Thursday. 8:50

As the time was up, Monthea announced that it was time to gather the quiz results. Hishun and Ema exchanged a triumphant high-five and fist bumps, feeling confident in their performance. Seo and Maurey were eagerly 'praying' for the sake of winning that full-day free period opportunity.

"Hey, this is bulls-eye already, right?" one student asked excitedly. "Will we really beat Kisei?"

"I mean, we definitely have the higher ground on this one. Lameri probably nailed it this time," another student added, referring to Hishun by her last name.

Hishun's eyes sparkled with smugness and self-proclaimed awesomeness as she heard others praising her efforts. She smiled, nodding and crossing her arms with an expression that seemed to say, 'That's right.' Ema couldn't help but find her friend's reaction quite amusing, and she chuckled at Hishun's confident demeanor.

'Pft— This side of hers looks cute,' Ema thought secretly.

As the students eagerly awaited the quiz results, the classroom was filled with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and the hopeful prospect of a well-earned full day of free time.

Kisei sat quietly at his desk, his face buried in his arms as he peacefully slept. The soft breeze outside mingled with the warm rays of sunlight, creating a serene atmosphere around him. Meanwhile, Monthea, their teacher, compiled the papers, carefully reviewing each one. She prepared to distribute the papers, ready to reveal the results to the anxious and expectant students.

"I'm returning the papers now. I made some corrections to a few of your markings, so expect some changes," Monthea announced, her tone expressing a hint of disappointment. "Seriously, you kids never fail to disappoint me with your lack of attention to instructions."

All eyes in the classroom turned towards their teacher, their anticipation palpable. The students were on the edge of their seats, tense and nervous, as they awaited the unveiling of their quiz scores. The corner of the room felt cool, yet the pressure in the air made them break out in nervous sweat.

"Hishun Lameri," the teacher called out, separating her paper from the rest. "You scored 197 out of 200."

The whole class erupted into applause, celebrating Hishun's impressive score. However, she quickly raised her hand to signal them to stop. "Not yet," she said, trying to humble the praise. "It's still too early to celebrate."

The teacher moved on to the next paper. "Seo Marroh. You scored 198," Monthea announced, and Seo couldn't contain his excitement and pride. He looked at Hishun with a smug face, thrilled to have a higher score than her.

"Whahahahahahaha!!! Take that, woman!!!" Seo exclaimed, reveling in his moment of victory. Monthea chuckled and reassured him, "I was just kidding."

Seo's celebration came to an abrupt halt, and the whole class burst into laughter at his playful antics. He soon joined in the laughter, sitting down sheepishly with a smile on his face. Maurey and Hishun were both laughing heartily, enjoying the fun and camaraderie of the moment. The classroom was filled with joy and light-heartedness, thanks to their teacher's playful remark and Seo's enthusiastic response.

—Thursday. 10:15

"That's the sound of the bell," Dercie Jaunre, another teacher, announced, dismissing the class period upon hearing the ringing. "You can go ahead and take your recess now."

Ema and the rest of the students breathed a collective sigh of relief, stretching their shoulders and arms as they prepared to leave the classroom. Books and notes were quickly packed into bags as everyone got ready to enjoy their break.

"Ahh... Finally, that was over quickly," Maurey yawned, stretching her arms upwards with a sense of relief.

"I still can't believe how Kisei managed to score higher than me, even though he knew nothing about this lesson," Hishun's frustration and annoyance were evident in her expression.

Ema chuckled lightly and patted her friend's shoulder. "Well, last time, Kisei scored higher than you even though he was sleeping during the discussion."

"That's Kisei for you. At this point, there's no use trying to negotiate with the teacher about a whole-day free period," Seo added with a hint of hopelessness in his voice. The friends were all too familiar with Kisei's enigmatic abilities, and they knew that surpassing him in academics would be no easy feat.

The friends made their way to the school's cafeteria, Kisei following behind them, sipping from his soda can. He couldn't help but sense the intense aura emanating from Hishun beside him. He was all too aware that he seemed to be attracting the ire of the women around him – Ema yesterday, and now Hishun today.

"Lameri, are you still mad at me?" Kisei asked, attempting to address the tension between them.

Hishun glanced at him, her expression softening a little. "I'm not mad," she replied, her tone a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Just... frustrated that you always manage to pull off the unexpected."

Kisei let out a small chuckle. "I can't help it. It just happens."

Ema joined the conversation with a playful grin. "You're like a walking enigma, Kisei. It's both impressive and annoying."

Seo and Maurey nodded in agreement, laughing at the familiar dynamic between their friend and the girls. As they settled down to enjoy their lunch together, they knew that despite the occasional frustration, their friendship remained strong, with each member bringing their unique quirks and strengths to the group.

In the crowded cafeteria, the friends lined up to get their snacks, but Kisei wasn't fond of the close proximity to others. He found the experience of their shoulders touching and the crowded atmosphere to be uncomfortable and cramped. So, he came up with a plan to avoid the situation.

"Hey, Seo," Kisei whispered to his friend, "do you mind getting something for me? I don't really want to stand in this long line."

Seo nodded, understanding Kisei's discomfort. "Sure thing, man. What do you want?"

"Just get me a sandwich and a bottle of cola, thanks," Kisei replied gratefully.

Seo took Kisei's order and proceeded to stand in the line on his behalf, while Kisei found a less crowded spot nearby to wait. The rest of the group understood his preference and didn't mind, knowing that sometimes Kisei needed his space.

"God... It's so hot here," Maurey complained, fanning herself with her hand. "Couldn't they at least install an air conditioner?"

"I know, right? It's sweltering," Hishun chimed in, her frustration evident. "Like, where does my money go? Shouldn't it land on the things that I want rather than end in some old man's pocket who'd use it to get another old man to give me problems that I won't be needing in the future."

Ema chuckled at Hishun's passionate rant, finding her friend's determination to make a difference amusing. "Ahahahaha! Hishun, you sounded like you wanted to start a revolution just now."

Soon, Seo returned with Kisei's burger and soda, which he handed over to him. Kisei thanked him with a nod of appreciation.

"Mau, I got you some iced coffee," Seo said, placing the cold beverage in front of Maurey.

Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Whoa! Thanks!" Maurey replied, genuinely grateful for the thoughtful gesture from her boyfriend.

The day continued on after their half-hour break, with classes resuming and the friends heading back to their respective classrooms. The bell rang once more, signaling the start of another class. The five of them strolled leisurely through the school corridors, enjoying each other's company and the brief moments of relaxation between classes.

—Thursday. 17:10

As Ema waved goodbye to Seo, Maurey, and Hishun, the three friends returned her farewell gestures. Hishun, in particular, gave a small and cute wave back at Ema, showing her playful and affectionate side.

Hishun then turned her attention to Kisei, who was standing beside her. She pulled her middle finger at him which irked Kisei, causing him to do the same to her.

"Well, then. Shall we head home?" Ema asked Kisei with a warm smile.

Kisei couldn't help but find dumbness at Ema's question. "Why are you asking? We're already on our way," he replied, subtly scolding her for stating the obvious.

Ema playfully rolled her eyes, knowing well that Kisei had a tendency to be straightforward in his responses. "Of course, I know that," she said with a playful tone. "I just thought it'd be nice to ask."

As Ema and Kisei walked side by side beneath the fading sun, a serene silence settled around them. Not a word was spoken, and even the gentle breeze seemed to hold its breath, as if respecting the tranquility of their shared presence. The world around them embraced the hush, allowing them to immerse themselves in the quietude of the moment.

Their footsteps created a soft rhythm, the sound of shoes lightly touching the gravel path. The clanking of their bag zippers provided a subtle accompaniment, a gentle melody blending with the gentle rustling of leaves nearby. Each step echoed in their ears, the simplicity of the sound resonating with the simplicity of their unspoken connection.

As they continued walking, a subtle yet significant moment occurred when Kisei's fingers accidentally brushed against Ema's hand. Ema couldn't help but notice the unexpected contact, causing her face to flush with a blush. However, Kisei appeared unaffected, walking with his usual nonchalant demeanor.

Feeling her cheeks burning, Ema glanced up at Kisei, who met her gaze with a hint of confusion in his eyes. The winds played with his hair, and the sunlight illuminated his features, creating an almost ethereal aura around him. Their eyes locked for a brief moment, and in that instance, a mix of emotions swirled within Ema.

Feeling overwhelmed, Ema quickly looked away, her heart beating faster than before. She was unsure of how to interpret that accidental touch and what it might mean. The silence between them seemed to grow more profound, and Ema struggled to find her voice, afraid that the moment of vulnerability had somehow been exposed.

'Since when did he look this handsome?!' Ema's thoughts were screaming loudly inside the back of her mind.

As they continued their walk, the blush on Ema's face slowly subsided, but the memory of that brief moment lingered in her mind. The two friends continued their journey home, carrying with them the unspoken feelings that gently colored their friendship with shades of warmth and uncertainty.

As Ema reached her doorstep, she took one final glance at Kisei, who was still standing in front of his house, knocking on the door. She watched as Kory, Kisei's younger brother, eagerly hugged him upon opening the door, showcasing the affectionate bond they shared. Ema smiled at the heartwarming scene, appreciating the close-knit family dynamic.

With a final wave, Ema entered her own house and greeted her parents. Meanwhile, Kisei's announcement of being home was met with a welcoming smile from his dad and the comforting aroma of his mom's cooking in the kitchen. As he ascended the stairs to his room, Kisei closed the door behind him and tossed his bag onto his bed.

With his back against the wall, Kisei couldn't help but feel flustered and red-faced as he recalled the accidental touch with Ema earlier. The memory played in his mind, and he found himself brushing his hair upward in a display of nervous energy.