
Just Let Me Live

“ JUST LET ME LIVE “, That's the final thing Ryu said before some unfortunate things happened to him. Ryu was suddenly dragged into the novel that he started to read. THE SWORDS PAINTING, a massively successful fantasy novel that had millions of fans, Ryu was one of the new readers of it. In his life, he had read countless novels but this one stood out from the rest, it captivated his heart quickly with just a few chapters. But after finishing the first half of the second volume that novel became his reality, he didn't become a hero or a villain, instead, he became an extra. A thought formed in his mind after brainstorming for some time, " what could he do after only reading two volumes? " " I can ask the help from others and survive using the cheat items that the main character would find, right? " ......? Well, let's see what he will do.

Wandering_Sword · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Mana training

Samuel agreed to join my group, he wasn't anything like the typical nobles that I met in the class.

Samuel was from Darkfern barony which is famous for their clay pots and sculptors throughout the Vailberg Empire.

While talking Samuel revealed his Divine Guardian to me, and it was a shock there is an unwritten rule about never revealing your divine guardian. But no one seems to be following that rule.

Samuel's Divine Guardian was * The snake with a golden eye *, I knew about this divine guardian but if my memory is correct it was only mentioned in a small paragraph.

I tried to recall the details about the Divine Guardian, I closed my eyes and focused on that.

* Snake with a golden eye * it was one of the Divine Guardians that offers both poison immunity and the unique ability called poison, if the required amount of demonic core is harvested this divine guardian can even bestow one of its eyes to the person it contracted with.

The Golden Snake Eye, allows the user to see in the dark and gives the effect of intimidation.

" Such a good Divine Guardian and the ability got wasted in the first volume, what a waste. Well, all I need to do is save Samuel and then I can use him to survive in this world. "

I was speaking to myself without noticing that the professor was shouting my name, I then snapped back to reality and registered our group.

After registering every group Professor Alaric told us to gather around and watch what is he about to do.

Professor Alaric showed us what a Mana Sword/ Aura Sword would look like.

Then he asked some questions, at first question Helix answered it but, the answer to the next one was no one knew it.

Some students had their suspicions but no one was sure, so I slowly raised my hand while stuttering.

" pr....pro.... professor Alaric! I...I know the answer. "

Everyone's gaze turned at me like they were seeing something impossible, even the expression of the professor changed.

The professor allowed me to answer the question, I slowly opened my mouth and started to answer the question that the professor asked us.

" The reason why you showed us the Mana Sword is because, once we obtained our ability the magic vanished from us and we can no longer do any magic. Instead, we were granted the unique ability that still uses the mana that the magic used operate, so in that way, we are closer to a mage than a knight and with mana Sword, we can fight against the monsters that ordinary weapons can't hurt. "

After answering the question I looked around, but no one was saying anything. Only Samuel was clapping and smiling at me.

Professor Alaric looked at me as if I had done something wrong, he cleared his throat and said.

" What you said was correct, no matter which household you are born once you have an ability you need to use mana. And it's better to learn that while you train the combat technique. "

Professor Alaric then continued, " It doesn't if you can't use magic, you can use your mana to create runes and the talismans and even the magic formulas. So make sure to learn how to properly control your mana. "

After that, Professor Alaric called Helix and Derek and taught them the combat technique of the prestigious cluster academy.

Professor Alaric, " I will teach you something. " After saying that he took his sword and slashed downward and made a half circle using his sword.

As Professor Alaric made swift and precise movements with his sword, everyone's eyes widened in fascination.

Everyone was watching the professor closely, trying to grasp every detail of the technique being demonstrated.

The sword movement that the professor showcased resembled an elegant dance, each move was precise and captivating. Not only me but every student in the class could sense the power and finesse behind each strike.

As the demonstration concluded, Professor Alaric turned to the class and started to explain the technique that he just demonstrated. " This technique is known as the Crescent Blade. It is a fundamental skill that requires mastery of both physical and magical prowess. But don't worry I will only teach you this technique once you master basic mana circulation. " After saying that the professor smiled.

The whole class listened closely to what the professor was saying, and then Elena raised her hand and asked. " Professor! Some of us have already mastered the basic mana circulation and even learned the first-tier spells. So do we still need to partake in the basic mana circulation? "

Professor Alaric glanced at Elena, considering her question for a moment before responding, " Mastering the basics of mana circulation is essential for every student, But what we in the academy discovered was once a student gets chosen by the Divine Guardian their mana mastery will hit rock bottom and they need to start again with the basic mana circulation. No matter what might be their achievements or proficiency in magic they need to start all over again. Does it answer your question, Elena? "

Elena nodded, but the puzzling expression was evident on her face. The realization that even those with advanced magical abilities needed to start all over again was quite a shock to everyone. "

" Everyone quickly sits down on the floor, you need to maintain an arm's distance on four sides. I will teach you our academy's unique Nana circulation method. " Professor Alaric announced.

The class promptly followed Professor Alaric's instructions, arranging themselves in a disciplined formation, eager to learn the academy's distinctive mana circulation method.

Professor Alaric began to explain about the cluster academy mana circulation, As he guided the students through the movements the whole training arena was filled with a warm energy.

" Is it mana? " I asked myself. " It's quite a unique sensation. " I could sense the heat slowly spreading throughout my body, It started at the tip of my fingers and slowly spread throughout my body.

At that time Professor Alaric was guiding each student separately, but it seemed like he skipped over Ryu, even though Ryu didn't notice that. He was concentrated on the mana circulation while his eyes were closed.

Every student Was in deep meditation, they were all eager to master this mana circulation.

At that time there were quite a few questions formed in my mind.