
Just Let Me Live

“ JUST LET ME LIVE “, That's the final thing Ryu said before some unfortunate things happened to him. Ryu was suddenly dragged into the novel that he started to read. THE SWORDS PAINTING, a massively successful fantasy novel that had millions of fans, Ryu was one of the new readers of it. In his life, he had read countless novels but this one stood out from the rest, it captivated his heart quickly with just a few chapters. But after finishing the first half of the second volume that novel became his reality, he didn't become a hero or a villain, instead, he became an extra. A thought formed in his mind after brainstorming for some time, " what could he do after only reading two volumes? " " I can ask the help from others and survive using the cheat items that the main character would find, right? " ......? Well, let's see what he will do.

Wandering_Sword · Fantasy
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8 Chs


After seeing the memories of the previous owner of my body, I felt like he deserved more. He deserved to be loved.

But no one didn't care about him, no one even considered him as a human. To the others, he was even lower than the slum rats.

In their eyes, he didn't deserve anything and he could be beaten to their heart's content, as I watched the struggles of this body I was getting more and more upset and sad.

The first one that ever showed kindness to me was Sam, he didn't care about my background. He saw me as a commoner a worthless nobody as his friend.

It was the greatest joy I ever achieved in this world, when the professor left the training arena he told us to practice the mana circulation method.

At that time Derek came forward and started to insult me and Sam, I didn't know what to do I was looking down.

But in the corner of my eyes, I saw Sam clenching his fist.

( Sam was an introverted person, he didn't know how to respond to others. But it seems like now he is mustering up his courage. )

Sam, " How dare you to insult my friend Derek? "

Derek, "How dare you the son of a mere baron talk to me like that? "

Sam, "Just because someone holds a title doesn't give them the right to demean others. And my background doesn't define my worth or the worth of my friend here."

Derek, " Does the Darkfern barony have the resources to fight against my Valerian Viscountcy? "

Derek was furious about how Sam was talking back to him, but Sam remained composed, his voice steady. " This isn't about resources or titles. It's about respect and decency. And from what I've seen, you're lacking in both."

Derek's face turned bright red in anger, his fists clenched at his sides. " You'll regret crossing me, Samuel. "

Sam, " You can't do anything in this academy Derek, we are all equal in this cluster academy. "

Sam's words echoed through the training arena, but at that moment Derek lost all his reasoning and punched Sam on his face.

Sam fell back and his lips got injured, blood started to come from his lips.

As I saw this I quickly helped Sam, then looked at Derek.

My whole body was shivering in anger, " HOW DARE YOU? " I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Not only Derek's but everyone's eyes widened in surprise at my outburst, but his expression quickly hardened. " Huh? What kind of animal just shouted? Did you hear anything? " Derek asked his followers. " No! We didn't hear anything. " His followers replied to him while giggling.

" How dare you to injure him? Did you think that you can do everything as long you have money and power? Then listen you are a disgrace to the hero candidates. A hero is a person who is indifferent to everyone and will help anyone without thinking twice. But you are just a spoiled brat of a wealthy family. "

I was lashing out at Derek, I know that there might be consequences but I can't look away from the fact that he hurt Sam.

Derek was getting extremely angry, the other students were surrounding us and watching as the drama progressed. This is their first time seeing a commoner standing up against a noble.

To those noble kids, it was a joke, more like people like me don't even worth the dust on their shoe.

As Derek's anger flared, his face contorted into a mask of fury, but I refused to back down. Every word I spoke was fueled by the injustice of the situation, by the sight of Sam lying injured at my feet, and by the deep-rooted belief that everyone, regardless of background or status, deserved to be treated with dignity and respect at least In the academy.

Derek grabbed me by the collar, " You unsightly animal. How dare you to speak to me like that? Do you want a beating too? "

" Hey Thomas bring me my sword, I want to slice this bastards tongue off. "

Derek ordered to his follower Thomas, I was struggling to get out of his grasp.

As Derek's grip tightened around my collar, I struggled against his hold, my heart pounding with fear and anger. But I refused to let him intimidate me, refused to let him silence my voice in the face of injustice.

"Let go of me, Derek," I demanded, my voice trembling with defiance. "I won't let you bully us any longer. You can't silence us with violence."

But Derek's eyes gleamed with malice as he ignored my pleas, his fingers tightening around my collar. "You'll pay for your insolence,"

As Derek raised his hand to punch me, suddenly a voice cut through the air. "What's going on here?"

It was Professor Alaric, he came back from his office after hearing the noise.

"What is the meaning of this?" Professor Alaric's voice was bold. He looked around and saw Sam sitting on the floor with blood coming from his mouth and Derek grabbed me by my collar.

Professor Alaric's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene before him, his expression darkened. "Release him at once, Derek," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Derek hesitated for a moment, but he slowly loosened his grip, and I fell to the floor. Then I quickly got close to Sam and asked him how is he.

Sam said to me that he was okay, there was only a slight sting on his lip.

Derek, " This commoner dared to insult me, the heir of the Valerian Viscountcy. He deserves to be taught a lesson."

But Professor Alaric remained unmoved, his gaze steady as he addressed Derek with a stern tone. " Violence is never the solution, Derek. You know that as well as anyone."

Derek's jaw clenched in frustration, " then I'm requesting a duel with this damn commoner. "

Professor Alaric's expression grew even sterner at Derek's request. "A duel?" he repeated, he looked at me and asked. " You? What do you think about it? "

" I refuse! "

Professor Alaric, " You refuse the duel? Don't you know that one needs to accept the duel to prove himself? "

" Professor I want to ask you a question! Do you know what my name is? " I asked Professor Alaric.

Professor Alaric's face turned Grimm as I asked the question, "Are you questioning Me the professor? "

I looked at the professor and said, " No, professor. I am not questioning your authority. But before you consider Derek's request for a duel, I want to ask if you know what my name is. it's a genuine curiosity. "

I knew what he was going to answer but still, I wanted to hear it from his mouth, and then the professor said something.