
Chapter 43 - Ji Li Investment Firm

Once the snacks were served, An Fei gave Pamela a go ahead to switch on everything and monitor again as she is sure her Grandmother might have left some instructions with Pamela.

"Big Sister, I'm back on now. Thank you. Your Grandfather and Xin is on their way over."

"Thank you."

Just as Lawyer Fu was setting up, An Fei was enjoying her favourite strawberry shortcake. Taking small bites wishing that it never ends.

Just as she was taking the last few bites, her Grandfather and Chen Xin walked into the room. Seeing her enjoying her desert, Chen Xin felt that the image of this looks very familiar but there were no flashes to remind him of anything so he brushed it off.

"Master Shen, Mr Chen the both of you are here. Let's get to it shall we?"

Waving his hand, Grandfather Shen gave the go ahead and settled down with Chen Xin just beside An Fei. An Fei was still eyeing on the remaining desert on the table ignoring everyone in the room.

Watching her reaction towards the desert, Chen Xin felt a smile threatening to appear on his face. He gave a light cough and pushed the strawberry shortcake in front of him over to her.

She smile and gladly took the offered desert and started eating it while Lawyer Fu handed out the documents to the three of them.

"Since I also had enough of the drama that Madam Shen had left behind for us, I have decided to just give everyone a copy of the will now to look through while I summarise the will for Miss An. At the end of this session, I would need all parties present to sign on the copy behind as witness for Miss An and my office for safe keeping. Now Miss An, please take a look at this."

Lawyer Fu handed An Fei a document for the transfer of ownership for Ji Li Investment firm to her. In it, it is stated that the company was incorporated under her Grandparent's name. In the copy of the Will states how the company was founded and the sole reason for the creation of this company is to inject funds into the Shen Enterprise without the knowledge of the rest of the main family. Since Grandmother Shen never wanted to deal with those shareholders that will insist that the business had to be done their way, with this investment firm, it was easier to stay in control in regards to the business operations. With this transfer of ownership, it will pump An Fei up to be the largest shareholder of Shen Enterprise at that moment.

"Big Sister, this is the company that is currently holding 35% of the Shen Enterprise shares, the management of Ji Li Investment Firm has already been informed that they will be under you from today onwards and will keep your name as the biggest share holder to be kept a secret the whole time. Until and unless you need anyone to know, else, no one will be able to access to this information."

Putting aside the cake in her hands, she took over the documents. Hoping to get this all over and done with so that she can go back to her cake.

"Big Sister, on the next page, it will show that 25% is the amount of Shen Enterprise shares directly under Ji Li Investment Firm's name. The remaining 10% is under the 2 Vice President of Ji Li Investment Firm. They are usually present during each time there is a board meeting to give their professional and neutral points of view. After today, they might be approached by the main family to sell the shares to them. But that will never be possible as the clause in Ji Li states that if any employees where to sell the shares of the Shen Enterprise, they can only sell it back to She Enterprise directly or back to Ji Li. If failure to compile, they will be removed from their current position."

Looking through the documents as Pamela was speaking all she can think of is "WOW" and unknowingly she spoke the word out loud.

Sneaking a peek at the documents, Grandfather Shen understand the reason for the Wow that came from An Fei and he was grinning from ear to ear. He was grateful that after his wife's diagnosis, she had spoken to him and they had decided to park most of their assets into making Ji Li flourish. He always knows that his wife is great. Her vision and views were always spot on and he is thankful for that.