
Chapter 35 - The Antiques

"Dearest Feng,

I know this will catch your eye. This set I am entrusting it to you. I know you will take great care of them. Together with this, the train set beside will also be coming along as both were created by the same Master Yang that you had always admired. Don't need to worry about your parents or grandparents finding out. A painting will be sent to your house tonight and these collection will be sent over to a storage warehouse that I have rented under your name. Ask Fei Fei to bring you there next week and she will arrange everything for you. Loving you always Great Grandmother."

He walked over to An Fei who was staring at the boxes on the table and handed the note to her.

"Big Sister, one of the key cards you receive yesterday is for this storage warehouse in Galore office building. I willl send you the full address to your phone and you can send to Jun Feng if you want to and being him over next week. It is a good thing that it is in the shopping mall. At least now you have an excuse to bring him out "Shopping" right?"

"I'll bring you there next week. Give me a call or message and let me know which day is best after you go home."

"Thank you. Now that I'm done, I'll go see what Brother Xin is up to."

Looking over, they saw Xin in front of a painting, reaching over to grab something. He was attracted to the painting since he came into the room.

<Flash Back>

There is an auction going on. The girl beside him was very excited about the whole bidding as it was their first time there. She was given permission to bid on anything that catches her eye. She smiled at him a smile so bright that it warms his heart.

He was looking at her the whole time during the whole auction. Nothing else is more beautiful than she is.

"Xin look, the painting by Edgar Degas. Let's get that for Grandmother. She will love it."

Hearing the excitement in her voice he looked over to the stage and saw the same painting as the one in front of him. 

Frowning, he brought himself back to the present and spot a piece of paper sticking out at the bottom of the frame and he reached over. Before his hand touched the paper, he saw that it has been snatched away by Shen Jun Feng.

Not wanting to fight with him, he looked over his shoulders, Chen Xin Read the note together with him.

"Dearest Xin,

After the lost of my granddaugther, you have not been you. I'm not sure if this painting triggered your memories of her. It was the first painting that the both of you got for me when I sent the both of you out to a charity auction that was held 5 years ago. That was the first public event that the both of you went to after your engagement was anounced. I hope you will treasure this painting as much as I did. There is no need to choose further. One of the trunks below this painting is yours to keep. The painting will be sent to your residence and the trunk will be sent to a storage room. The location is with An Fei. She will bring you over next week with the key for you to look through. I hope you can find your memories back soon. Loving you always, Grandmother Shen."

"Wow. Same as mine but mine is less mysterious. Brother Xin, wanna see mine?"

Shen Jun Feng pulled out his note and passed to him without waiting for an answer.

On the other side of the room, An Fei was still looking at the boxes.

"Big Sister, Sarah wanted you to know how loved you are by her. The trunks kept all the memories of you when you were younger. Your old jounals, notebooks, sketchbooks, your parent's journals, and many more. They will all be moved into the storage room next to Xin and Jun Feng's. You can decide what you want to do with it when you want to. There is no urgency here."

She was stunned by all the information that she had received. The boxes that are in front of her were designed and carved by her and her Grandmother during the time of her recovery. She had given it to her grandmother thinking that she will be dying soon. Tears started gathering in her eyes.

"Well anyway, your uncles are kicking up a fuss in the office now. I think it is best to wrap things up soon. The bus is here and the restruant is ready."

"Pam, is my Grandfather able to handle them? Can you show me what is happening there now?"

"Grab your phone girl. I'll live stream it now."

Taking out her phone, she saw the scene in the office. Grandfather Shen was sitting in front of the family while Lawyer Fu and Butler Chu is by his side. Behind him is part of Lawyer Fu's team.

Her fourth uncle was exaggerating his movements and was speaking pretty loudly to make his point heard. An Fei wince at the audio that was streamed into her ear piece.

"Pam, lower the volume. I still want to use my ears. From the whole incident do you think my Grandfather can handle them alone?"

"Of course. He was trained by Sarah so as not to let then get away with any of these. But it might take a while. Are we leaving soon?"

"I think we should leave soon."

"Sister Fei Fei, are you talking to yourself again? That is a very bad habit."