
Chapter 21 - Shen Enterprise

In the Shen Enterprise, the top management was in a meeting since morning straightening the processes and getting ready for the change of management. Everyone knows that the current President Shen Wei Xiang will be stepping down soon and the new President will be taking over in 2 days time. No one know who the new President will be.

Stepping into his office, Grandfather Shen sank into his chair and sighed.

His secretary, Xu Shen Jing left to get him a glass of water. He came back together with a stack of documents for Grandfather Shen's signature.

"Shen Jing, arrange some snacks for me and Fei Fei. I'll be calling her over later."

"I understand Sir. I'll prepare now."

Looking at his retreating back, Grandfather Shen pulled out his phone and called An Fei.

"Fei Fei Dear, where are you now?"

"Hi Grandfather, I'm at Galore. Are you still in the office?"

"Yes I am. Your Grandmother loves to go there too. I didn't know you and your Grandmother share this love for that place." He chuckled.

"That's true. Do you need me for anything? Are you feeling tired?"

"Yes. I just ended a meeting with the rest of the old bunch in the office. They are as irritating as always."

"When were they not? Have you had your lunch?"

"I did. I'm not sure if you did. Come over. Shen Jing had just left to get some snacks for us."

"Alright. I'll be over in 30 mins. I'll see you later."

Hanging up, Grandfather Shen got onto the intercom.

"Sir, Is there anything you need?"

"Get me a pot of tea for later. Tell Vice President Chen to come over to my office in 30 mins and let him know that the financial statements needs to be brought over as soon as possible."

"I understand Sir."


At Galore Enterprise's head office, An Fei was packing the documents in her Grandmother's office.

"Big sister, the safe is located in that room just inside the cabinet."

After saying this, the door beside the server room was opened and inside is a fully furnished bedroom. Stepping in, she located the safe and was wondering what is the pin number to open it.

"Big sister, dont be shy. You know you can always ask me what the pin number is."

"It is not like I can't guess it either Pam. You should know my Grandmother. She is a very logical person and the pin number is always very similar. I'm guessing since this is something that she had left for me, it could be something related to me and her."

"Keep on guessing then. This string of numbers is unique. I was the one that came up with it for her. I can't say I'm a genius but I truly am a super computer so-"

"Stop bragging about yourself. Could it be my birthday and my grandmother's birthday added up together? Let's see."

Keying in the sting of 6 numbers, a click was heard.

"Ha... I got it. In your face Pam. In your face." She laughed at Pam and placed the documents inside the safe.

"How... how... how in the world did you get it in your first try? And here I am thinking that I'm the only clever on in this room. How did you do this?"

"Well my Grandmother hinted something to me along this line before. So it is not something that is surprising to me. Pam, I need to leave soon. Is there anyway that I can communicate with you or bring you around with me? I might have a lot of questions along the way."

"You see the box in the safe? That is a specially encrypted watch that has been modified ane is able to support my software. Put it on. It will look Classy on you. On the left side of the box is a small invisible ear piece that you can put on. You will be able to hear me from there. I'll be able to pick up all you conversations from the watch. If you want some privacy, you just have to press the button on the left of the watch and I'll zone out."

Opening the small black box, inside was a slim sliver watch with some diamonds encrusted on it. She had seen her Grandmother wearing this number of times when she visited her. She put it on together with the ear piece.

"Ok. Time for us to go."

"Do you need a car?"

"My Grandmother had cars stored here?"

"No. But we have a private garage just a few streets away. I can get the security personnel there to drive one over. Yeah. Sarah did not inform you that under her name there are about 10 cars that you are inheriting too. Go on to the panel on the right beside the safe, there are the list of the cars there. Just press on the one that you would like and the security will bring that over."

Looking at the list, she is again in awe. The value of each car increases as the list goes down. There are a number of vintage cars and a number of high end morden cars. After think, she click on to the least expensive and modest looking car that she can find in the list. A yellow Volkswagen Beetle.

"Great choice. The car will arrive in 5 mins."