
Just let me Farm in Peace!

Subject B28 and Subject B34 spend every waking minute in a hospital not to be cured but to be used as a research subject. The only good time is the hour they have once a week to read in the library for, 'mental health' since it has been proven to help the test subjects survive longer. Subject B28 spends all his time looking through the picture book of plants to see what the world outside is like. It gave him peace and hope away from the cruelty of the cement walls of the lab. It is then he is told that they will let him experience what it feels like to touch plants, all he has to do is volunteer to this experiment... Yet he knew those cruel scientists wouldn't be so kind... Subject B34 who has the same interests as him also joins in the experiment making the pair experience the same thing. So it is when they died together they were both given a second chance... A new world! After death, they get the chance to experience a completely different world. A world where dirt is everywhere and the forest is his backyard. Will the experiment subjects gain the peaceful life full of plants they so desired, or will the world around them force them to act differently?

ObsidianWolf · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Spark of Hope

Seeing the twin's expressions that showed them to be on their last leg, David took this time to step up and talk to them. "I know you both don't want to go to the Academy, but I have something you might like."

The twins already hollow simply looked up at him with dead eyes.

"You see many kids before you have felt a similar way, so the Academy has set up the school system to be split into two parts. One part is the necessary schooling that everyone needs to pass, and the second part is the freedom of choice schooling.

Now I know you both might not understand why the second part is so good for you, so let me explain. *ahem* During the second part you can join a club or take what we call supplementary classes.

We have plenty of clubs that can perfectly conform to what you want. And if we don't have it, then you can make your own club! Club activities range from sleeping to fighting and everything in between. It all depends on what you want.

Supplementary classes are a bit different as you can think of them as clubs made by the school. They were originally made to fit in with student's wants but with a more academic spin on the activities. Yet many weren't satisfied with the lack of activities matching the demand, clubs were made by students in response. Still, supplementary classes are just as good as clubs, it just depends on what you want."

The twins perked up a bit hearing this and quickly turned to each other. Their eyes said everything that was needed.

'Is he trying to trick us?'

'Definitely, but our plan was always to escape after reaching the Academy.'

'So act interested and seem like he got us?'

'Yes, but it would be best to get some basic information for now.'

Turning back to David, Abrose spoke first, "So you say there there is a club for everything? Is there a club for farming?"

David looked slightly surprised at the first question, but still smiled as he answered, "I don't know every club there is, but even if there isn't a club for farming, you can make your own."

Nodding Lily asked, "What are the requirements to start a club?"

David put on a nonchalant expression as he spoke with a casual tone, "Nothing special, you simply need five students to agree to join and a teacher to agree to be your representative. There are plenty of ways to make this happen, so don't worry about it."

'Trap' x2

"Do you know of any clubs that give the most freedom?"

"Well, I know of the famous Miscellaneous club it lets its members do anything they want to."

"Are there any restrictions to what clubs we can join?"

Once again David spoke with a very casual tone as if what he was saying didn't matter, "Not really... Just that you can't join more than five. More than that and you won't have enough time for each one. I guess besides that there is a limit each club has on how big they can get before they need to be reconsidered as a supplementary class."

'Another trap' x2

The pair kept asking questions constantly. The entire conversation was being very enthusiastically listened to by the rest of the examinees. Eventually, they knew they couldn't get any more information as the Academy mage kept saying that he didn't know the specifics. 

Seeing that the twins had finished their questions, Maria drew the attention back onto herself as she continued the test. 

The test consisted of three different parts. The first part was simply about channeling their power and seeing their control. The second part is about seeing how much their base Mana capacity is. The last part is about giving them a spell to learn on the spot for their elements and seeing how long it takes for them to learn it. Of course, the spell will be the easiest possible, but learning something on the spot is still very difficult.

Having already completed the first part all that was left was the last two parts. For the second part of the test, another small orb was taken out that was connected to the large floating orb they had previously taken their test.

This time placing their hands on the small orb they did their best to channel all their energy into the orb. The large floating orb didn't seem to react despite being connected. The small orb on the other hand 

The twins had gotten the same mana capacity score of 288. Of course, they didn't input all and tried to act very tired afterward. Still, they got the highest score with the following being Carmilla with a score of 204. This time David didn't seem to suspect anything and only nodded.

The third and last part of the test was the really hard part as four kids were given a paper and everyone else was assigned an aid to help them. There were seven kids with three who had not shown the ability to read at the required level. 

The twins saw the spell on the paper and quickly memorized it and began to act like they couldn't perform the spell very well. Strangely one of the kids who had only condensed less than a hundred drops showed amazing potential as he almost immediately activated the air spell sending a gust of wind outward.

The twins waited a moment and soon another kid followed suit. Carmilla activated her earth spell and soon had a mound of earth rise from the ground.

The twins thought that this should be average enough and activated their own spells. Ambrose made electricity crackle on his hands. Lily made a water drop condense and fall to the floor.

Thinking they were finally average the twins looked calm while ecstatic on the inside. Unfortunately David broke their fantasies. 

"Impressive, there looks to be four extremely talented students here. You all have great talent for comprehending spells. I look forward to your participation in the Academy."