
just different in pokemon

a guy in pokemon gifted with an extraordinary ability

man_dude_person · Video Games
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pokemon potential and other things

from lowest to highest

red can reach level 20 at max

orange can reach level 30 at max

yellow can reach level 40 at max

green can reach level 60 at max

blue can reach level 80 at max

purple can reach level 100

white can go even futher

in this alt universe trainers are allowed to carry ten pokemon as it is safer as if you think about it with things like dragons it's pretty dangerous

in this universe ash and Gary are the sons of red and blue who are where they are in gold and silver

all the other game MCs are in this to

in this web novel evil teams like tram rocket are really evil like murder and stuff as that makes sense logically

red potential is all others

orange potential is one in 32 pokemon

yellow potential is one in 64 pokemon

green potential is one 124

blue potential is one in 2048

purple potential is one in 4096 and is a shiny pokemon

white is only legendary pokemon and some things of certain things like Ash's trainer potential would be white

also pokemon on every route is based on radical red