
Poor system

The Ultimate Golden System is very stressed out because of its current situation. If you've read the synopsis, then you may have an idea of what's going on.

Its host, a supposed protagonist, has no edge whatsoever. No past life, no knowledge of the future, nothing. The only edge he has was the system.

It could've been fine if it was just like this, but this protagonist has zero ambition! He doesn't want anything. Whether it is to become the strongest, to rule the world, or to make a harem, nothing!

As the system was racking its brains on how to proceed, the host, Justin, spoke up, "So what's this thing you were saying about a system?"

After calming itself for a bit, the system replied, [A system is a cheat-like existence that helps protagonists such as yourself to become one of the strongest beings in the website– che, world]

Justin rose from a pool of white blood. His eyes were like gold stars shining. His skin, in contrast to his surroundings, was deep like chocolate. He was just born into the world.

After looking around and seeing nothing but white walls, he asked, "Where am I?"

The system's voice resonated in his mind, [You are in the source of all life. Like all protagonists born into this world, they start here.]

"Can I get out?"

[Yes. Simply walk out of the white pool and walk in one direction]

Justin slowly stepped out of the white pool. The viscous liquid latched onto his body, turning into a shirt and some pants as he continued walking.

Just when Justin was wondering about the clothes, the system answered.

[Those clothes are your starting equipment. It is a sign of your status as a protagonist.]

[Continue walking in one direction.]

Justin nodded and walked. It took him a few minutes to reach the end of the white room. As he stepped further, he suddenly felt weightlessness. He fell through the white void.

After experiencing the feeling of falling, he suddenly opened his eyes and saw a purple sky. It was sunset and the colors of the sky were starting to mix. Two moons could be seen in the sky, along with the red setting sun.

Before he could react, a string of text appeared in Justin's eyes.

[Task: Find a settlement | Reward: Unlock a Leveling System]

"What's a leveling system?" asked Justin.

The system replied, [It's going to make you stronger. There is a nearby village southeast from here.]

Without thinking too much of the system's reply, Justin walked in the direction of the village.

[Good thing this kid doesn't have any ambitions,] thought the system, [at least I can direct his development. I'll make sure he'll become a fine protagonist.]

Arriving at the settlement, Justin saw many strange buildings. Houses made of bamboo were scattered around. Most of them were on stilts as high as his chest. He could see many people working. Some were farming, while others were crafting. He could even see some children running around.

[Arrived at the village of Lamina. Reputation: 0/1000 Unknown stranger]

[Task Completed. Loading rewards...]

[Unlocked: Leveling System]

Upon hearing the notification, Justin asked, "What's a leveling system?"

[In order for the protagonist to become powerful, a system aid is used. It can simplify the process of becoming stronger through the use of numbers. Because the settlement you have arrived at does not have a standard power system, you get to decide what leveling system to get.]

[Option A: Cultivation System]

[Option B: Martial Arts System]

[Option C: Magic System]

Not understanding any of the options, Justin asked for a description for all of them.

[Option A: Cultivation System

You gain strength by gathering spiritual energy into your body. By following this path, you can become a great immortal capable of moving mountains and splitting seas. This is a standard leveling system for a lot of webnovels]

[Option B: Martial Arts System

This focuses on forging your body. You learn how to fight hand-to-hand combat. With your raw strength, you will be able to crush your enemies. You'll learn and master fighting techniques as well as weapon techniques.]

[Option C: Magic System

You will be able to learn spells and bend the elements to your will. You will be able to learn the secrets of the world as you delve deeper into the realm of magic.]

"So basically, pick A to become a generic webnovel protagonist, B to become a musclehead, and C to become a nerd."

[What kind of conclusion was that?!]

"But they're all basically over-powered, right?"

[Yes. Any system you'll pick will allow you to gain tremendous power beyond your imagination. The only difference is the kind of power you'll receive.]

The system thought to itself, [As long as he chooses any of these, he'll become a strong protagonist.]

Justin thought for a bit before saying, "I choose..."