
Just Another Reincarnation

A/N: I will be regularly posting (at least once a week) on www.libraryofakasha.com from now on. Reincarnation. The process in which people, after their death, are reborn in a different body. Most people lose their memories and start from zero, with their previous lives deciding their future based on karma. There are, however, some exceptions to that. Those who gathered enough positive karma and those chosen by higher beings have a chance to not only keep their memories but also receive special abilities or even pick the world where they want to reincarnate. Our main character is the latter. After passing a test of the being representing the very concept of reincarnation, Arthur received an offer: "If you agree to deal with the people planning to escape the cycle of reincarnation, I will grant you the means to reach the necessary power. Until then, you can live as you please." With the alternative being losing his memories and getting recycled like other souls, the answer was obvious. This is my first fanfic and i am not a native english speaker, so i am sorry if my story is not up to your standards. Disclaimer: Everything excluding the main character, a few original characters, chapters 1-9 and other made up staff, belongs to their respective creators and owners.

Gutek_YT · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 9: Let’s make some friends


After calming down, Latifa decided to help me find my mom and brother.

I wonder if these two air-heads even realized that I was gone?

"Once again, thank you. I am still not feeling that well, so I will call my uncle to help you." Latifa said and smiled gently at me as she pushed some kind of button on a nearby table.

"Don't mind it Latifa-onechan! If you want to, I can come here at least once a year to hug you and share my happiness!!" I said with a happy smile, trying to sound innocent.

"I would be happy if you do," she said as her smile became more prominent.

"Consider that a promise! I am sure that in the next few years, I will be able to lift that curse of yours!" I exclaimed yet again.

Though, having to pay every time I want to meet with her may be inconvenient. Hmmm, I have an idea.

"I am certain of that." she nodded.

"Ah!" I exclaimed as if a sudden realization dawned on me. "Could you prepare a special ticket for me?" I asked, trying to perform my best puppy eyes. "It would allow me to enter this park as often as I want to. I don't want to ask my parents for money whenever I want to see you." I explained with a 'troubled' expression.

"Hmmm, this may be a good idea. I will do something about it." Latifa replied.

"Thank you Latifa-oneechan!" I exclaimed while hugging her, receiving a blush as a response.

At that moment, another person entered the room. He looked like a brown mouse with a green hat, red ribbon, and big light brown eyes.

Oh, right, that Bonta-Kun rip-off is her uncle. (A/N: Bonta-Kun is a character from the series Full Metal Panic and they look pretty much the same)

"You called me, fumo? Eh?! What is this kid doing here, fumo?" Moffle, her uncle, questioned.

"It's good to see you, uncle Moffle. That is Arthur. He helped me with the curse and prevented the memory loss." Latifa explained with a big smile plastered across her face.

"Really, fumo!?!" Moffle asked in disbelief, but his voice was full of hope.

"Yes. Could you please help him find his family? It seems he got lost before coming here." Latifa confirmed and asked.

"Ok, fumo." Moffle nodded while crossing his hands.

"Latifa-oneechan, if your uncle was there, why were you alone at such a time? Isn't it better to stay with your family at such times?" I asked with an 'innocent' and 'confused' expression.

I don't understand how could he leave her alone at such a time. This makes me a bit pissed off.

"It's not my uncle's fault!" she exclaimed, trying to justify her uncle's actions. "I... just wanted to stay alone... I didn't want to make him feel bad because of seeing me in that situation..." she said while lowering her gaze.

Great! Now I am the asshole! I shouldn't have asked about that.

"I am sorry for asking... Please cheer up." I said with 'teary' eyes.

"What an insensitive brat, fumo," Moffle commented.

"I don't want to hear that from a Bonta-kun rip-off," I said while directing a cheeky grin at him and using a trick to prevent Latifa from hearing it.

What will you do? I am just a kid. You can't hit me.

"Fumo!?! You little cheeky...!" Moffle exclaimed while clenching his fists as if he wanted to strangle me.

"Uncle, why do you shout at him like that? If you do it again, I will never talk to you again!" she asked and threatened with a pout. "Please, just take him to his family already," Latifa added.

After that, we went to the office for the park's staff members, from which we informed my mother about my location using the speakers spread around the park. They arrived after a few minutes, and as I thought, up until they heard the announcement, they were unaware of my disappearance.

Seriously, how can an adult be so irresponsible?

After that they gave me a special ticket, telling my mother it was a special prize and we returned home together.


In the days following my meeting with Latifa, I started learning about curses, how to make and remove them, and healing techniques. Other than that and focusing more on training my innate not much changed.

A month passed since then, and thanks to the ticket, I visited her each week. I have to say that her croquettes are amazing. At this rate, I may fall for her, and the simple fact of how cute she is doesn't help it.

The new function I unlocked was a bit of a disappointment. As of now, there aren't any quests that would catch my interest. There is also a list for hidden quests, but it's mostly filled with question marks, as the name and details appear only once it's finished.

Today my father decided to take us to the park, but it's the regular one. As such, he had no problems putting Mikan in a stroller and taking her with us.

While I would prefer to do something more productive than play around with kids, unless I want to become an outcast, I have no other choice.

They are the generation I will have the most contact with, so while I play with them, I may as well become their 'leader'. There always was that one kid that others would follow and listen to, which is exactly what I want to achieve. I decided to do this around a year ago, so at this point, I already got what I wanted.

It wasn't that hard. I am more athletic than other kids due to The Orb's influence and have memories of my past life, which is why I know many games we can play and usually know answers to their questions, basically an elder brother role.

How The Orb influences my childish form is a bit special.




Name: Arthur Yuki

Race: Human

Title: -None-

Mental Age: ~25

Physical Age: ~5

Potential: Lvl: 2, Grade: EX

Existential Level: Lvl: 2, Grade: E

Affinity: All

State: Normal, Bored


Vitality: Lvl: 2, Grade: SS

Toughness: Lvl: 2, Grade: B

Endurance: Lvl: 2, Grade: A+

Strength: Lvl: 1, Grade: C

Agility: Lvl: 1, Grade: C

Dexterity: Lvl: 2, Grade: B

Energy Reserves: Lvl: 2, Grade: D

Energy Quality: EX

Luck: Lvl: 1, Grade: E



[Perfect Memory: Lvl: 7, Grade: EX], [Negative Status Effect Immunity: Lvl: 7, Grade: EX], [Drawing: Lvl: 1, Grade: A], [Information Processing: Lvl 2, Grade: SS], [Cooking: Lvl: 1, Grade: S], [Body Control: Lvl: 2, Grade: B], [Energy Perception: Lvl: 1, Grade: EX], [Inner Energy Flow: Lvl: 2, Grade: S], [Outer Energy Flow: Lvl: 1, Grade: A], [Swordsmanship: Lvl: 1, Grade: SSS], [CQC: Lvl: 1, Grade: SS], [Pain Tolerance: Lvl 1, Grade: EX], [Instinct: Lvl: 1, Grade: S], [Healing Magic: Lel: 1, Grade: D], [Curse Arts: Lvl: 1, Grade: D]


[Even Further Beyond: Lvl 2, Grade: E], [Domination: Lvl 2, Grade: A], [Telekinesis: Lvl 1, Grade: A], [Clean: lvl: 1, Grade: C+]


[Breath of Heaven and Hell: Lvl 2, Grade: S]


Name: [Orb of Desires], Type: Gift, Lvl: 7, Grade: EX

Name: [Indomitable Will], Type: Spirit, Lvl: 2, Grade: SSS


My speed and strength are restricted unless I ask Selen to unlock them. It's an anti-measure against me harming others unconsciously, as the difference in size from what I am used to makes it a bit tricky to control my full abilities.

After playing with other kids for a bit, I realized something.

Right now, there is one kid with messy, black hair and lightly tanned skin that others avoid without any real reason. There doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary about him. I have never seen him here up until now, but I am not staying here the whole time.

"Hey! Saruyama, come over here for a second!" I called out to one of the boys.

"What's wrong, boss?" Saruyama asked after getting closer.

"...I told you not to call me like that... We aren't a gang or anything similar." I commented.

"Hahaha, I know. I just like to tease you like that. Everyone else does as well, hahaha." Saruyama replied, laughing his ass off.

I will do something about that cheeky grin of yours later.

"Who is that kid? Why no one wants to play with him?" I asked, pointing at the boy.

He gives me early Naruto flashbacks.

"Hahaha, see? You are already acting like a boss, hahaha." Saruyama commented and burst out laughing again.

"Ugh... Just answer me, please." I said, feeling tired from this conversation.

"No idea. My parents told me not to play with him. Others are probably the same." Saruyama shrugged.

"But why?" I asked further.

"They said something about his parents being bad people or something like that?" Saruyama replied, scratching his head.

"Sigh... Thanks anyway. I owe you one." I said and directed my steps towards the lone boy.

"No problem boss, hahaha." Saruyama said and, under my wrathful gaze, ran away.

I will strangle him one day.

"Hey, I am Arthur. What's your name?" I asked the kid after getting close enough.

"I am Raku Ichijō." he replied, visibly surprised at someone approaching him.

Seriously? Even Nisekoi is a part of this world? Wait, wait, wait! I still have to make sure, right? It may be just a coincidence.

"Perhaps, your father is a yakuza...?" I asked, trying to confirm my suspicions.

"Eh!? How did you know?" Raku exclaimed in surprise.

Welp, it's him.

"*Sigh* Just a guess. Do you want to play with us?" I proposed.

"Really?! But, I don't think others want to play with me..." he said, visibly distraught.

Being a son of yakuza is hard, isn't it? These two scary-looking guys looking after you from afar are also a problem.

They hid well, but after all this training, it was easy to detect their intent being put on me and track it back.

"Don't get so pessimistic. They won't refuse if I ask them, hahaha." I smiled brightly and started laughing.

If you guys want to call me a boss, I may as well act like one. Maybe this will change your mind.

After that, I took him to the other kids, and while they were reluctant at first, they quickly changed their minds and forgot what their parents told them. That's what happens when children start playing. They forget about everything.


"Arthur, Rito, I don't think you should play with that kid. From what I heard, his father is a bad person, so it's dangerous for you two." our father said on the way home.

"Eh?! But why!? He is our friend!" Rito protested.

"Dad, I don't think we should ignore him just because his father is a yakuza. He's a kid like me and Rito. He just wants to play and have friends." I protested.

My parents are used to how mature I am. They just attributed it to a high level of intelligence.

On the other hand, I act a lot more childish around Latifa since that makes me look cute, and she spoils me.

"*Sigh* I know this too, but still... I am just worried about you two." Saibai replied while holding one of his hands on his forehead as if fighting a headache, realizing he can't change my mind.

"Dad, how would you feel if I was in his position?" I asked, pulling the guilt card on him.

"Ok, ok, I get it. Just make sure that while you play nothing happens to him. Children can get hurt easily, and if he gets hurt, it may become big trouble." Saibai said in defeat.

"Don't worry, I will manage it somehow, hahaha," I replied showing a confident smile.

From that day, we played more and more with Raku. He quickly became friends with us and started coming over to our house, and as could be expected, other kids we usually played with soon warmed up to him as well.

I guess the only ones unhappy about it are the parents but it's not my problem.