
Just Another Reincarnation

A/N: I will be regularly posting (at least once a week) on www.libraryofakasha.com from now on. Reincarnation. The process in which people, after their death, are reborn in a different body. Most people lose their memories and start from zero, with their previous lives deciding their future based on karma. There are, however, some exceptions to that. Those who gathered enough positive karma and those chosen by higher beings have a chance to not only keep their memories but also receive special abilities or even pick the world where they want to reincarnate. Our main character is the latter. After passing a test of the being representing the very concept of reincarnation, Arthur received an offer: "If you agree to deal with the people planning to escape the cycle of reincarnation, I will grant you the means to reach the necessary power. Until then, you can live as you please." With the alternative being losing his memories and getting recycled like other souls, the answer was obvious. This is my first fanfic and i am not a native english speaker, so i am sorry if my story is not up to your standards. Disclaimer: Everything excluding the main character, a few original characters, chapters 1-9 and other made up staff, belongs to their respective creators and owners.

Gutek_YT · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 4: Training Room


"So this is the training room? It doesn't look that special."

The Training Room, at first glance, didn't look special. It was an empty, white room in the shape of a cube, with each wall around 6m high and long.

I looked at Selen questioningly, causing her to utter, "Change into 'gym'."

In mere seconds the whole room turned into that, a gym. Now the room was much wider. It was rectangle-shaped, 6m long and 12m wide, with the ceiling only 3m above the floor. I could see different types of equipment used in lifting weights. There were also machines for training specific muscle groups and body parts, like arms, chest, or legs.

"Okey. You got me there. This room is special. How does it work? Are there any limits?"I said, looking at her, excitement visible on my face.

"This place can change into anything, as long as you can picture it in your mind. For the function to activate, you need to be focused. Since it's your first time, It will be easier to imagine if you say it out loud." Selen explained.

"Is there a particular reason why I need to be focused for the room to change?" I inquired.

"It's a countermeasure against wayward thoughts interrupting your training. For example, it wouldn't be funny, at least for you, if this place turned into a volcano out of nowhere."

I will ignore that mean remark since I can pay her back later. *evil inner laugh*

She sighed, probably because of checking what I thought.

It must have been visible on my face! Tsk, I need to remember not to smile evilly while planning my vengeance in the future.

"Is there a way to track my progress?" I asked.

"Yes. The room can evaluate your capabilities and display it in a way that would be easy to understand for you," she replied.

"Soooo, a status window?" I asked, already fired up to check it out.

This elicited a sight from Selen. "Yes, a status window," she confirmed.

"You are no fun," I muttered to myself.

I guess it's time to start my training. But first things first. Let's see how my status looks.




Name: Arthur

Race: Human

Title: -None-

Mental Age: ~20

Physical Age: ~25

Potential: Lvl: 1, Grade: EX

Existential Level: Lvl: 1, Grade: D

Affinity: All

State: Normal


Vitality: Lvl: 1, Grade: A (A/N: How hard it is to kill you. Influences how fast you regenerate and how much you can regenerate)

Toughness: Lvl: 1, Grade: D (A/N: How hard it is to damage you)

Endurance: Lvl: 1, Grade: D (A/N: How much stamina you have)

Strength: Lvl: 1, Grade: D (A/N: How much kinetic energy your body can exert with its muscles alone)

Agility: Lvl: 1, Grade: D (A/N: How fast you move)

Dexterity: Lvl: 1, Grade: D (A/N: How precisely you move)

Energy Reserves: Lvl: 1, Grade: F (A/N: How much energy you have)

Energy Quality: EX (A/N: How good is your energy)

Luck: Lvl: 1, Grade: E



[Perfect Memory: Lvl: 7, Grade: EX], [Negative Status Effect Immunity: Lvl: 7, Grade: EX], [Drawing: Lvl 1, Grade: A], [Information Processing: Lvl 1, Grade: A]






Name: [Orb of Desires], Type: Gift, Lvl: 7, Grade: EX


"Can you explain the level and Grade system to me? I can see them but I am not exactly sure what these mean."

"The level represents the level of power. All beings are divided into different existential levels. There are 7 levels in total, these being 1-Mortal, 2-Awakened, 3-Legendary, 4-Divine, 5-Realm, 6-Multiversal, and 7-Aspect Manifestation. The higher they go, the bigger the difference between different levels. As for the grades, there are 10, these being EX, SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F, with EX being the highest, one step away from reaching the next level. Grades can also have a plus and minus sign, excluding EX, which can only have a minus after it. These symbols tell you if it's closer to the bottom or the top of the grade. Remember that level is more important than grade since they represent the level of your existence." she explained.

That's quite a bit of info to take in. However, there is something that bothers me.

"Isn't there something wrong with my energy quality? It only says EX, and based on your explanation Matrucksa as a level 7 being, should be able to provide a Level: 7, Grade: EX energy. What does it mean?"

"It means there is no purer energy than Origin," she replied.

"He really wants to get rid of these reincarnators, doesn't he?" I commented.

"That seems to be the case," she replied, showing no interest.

"I see… In that case, what would be the level and grade of an average mature human?" I inquired, curious how I fared against other humans.

"It would be Level 1 Grade D," she replied without further delay.

"Okey, thank you. If I have any other questions, I will ask them later. I think I will manage somehow by myself, so you can leave if you want." I said, thankful for all the help provided so far.

"Don't mess around too much. I don't want to clean up after you," Selen grumbled while leaving, somehow not breaking the deadpan expression.

Something like this hurts my pride, you know? Let's pay her back a little. I looked at her again, this time grinning.

"Of course mom~."

She said nothing and left the room.

Let's start by running. I think something more natural than a gym, like a forest or plains, would be better.

"Change into 'Forest'"

In less than a second, I found myself in the middle of a beautiful, emerald green forest full of various types of trees, all at least 20 meters tall. Moss, thick batches of grass and many multicolored flowers covered the ground.

Surprisingly, the Training Room seemed to emulate even the insects and birds, making it look alive. For a moment, I thought I was in a real forest, but the moment I turned around, I could see the entrance to the room, still in the same place as before. However, it was the only thing that remained, as all walls and ceilings disappeared.

I nodded, fully satisfied, and started my training. After running for a few hours, I changed the training room back into a gym.

Then, I started doing exercises following what I remembered about proper training, for the next few hours, until my brain could no longer focus.

Once finished, I went back to the Living Quarters, ate dinner, showered, and decided to sleep.


When I opened my eyes the next day, I saw Selen sleeping on me.

Why?! This situation is what I wanted to avoid!!!

After showering yesterday, I entered the bedroom and saw Selen sleeping there. Still annoyed by what Matrucksa made her say the previous day I decided to sleep on the couch.

I don't want to be called a lolicon again...

Alas, my efforts went to waste.

After a while, she started to stir awake. She yawned cutely, while rubbing her eyes and sat at my abdomen, then looked at me, as expressionless as always.

"Good morning Mr. lolicon," she said in a sleepy voice, causing me internal bleeding.

I took a breath to deal with the mental damage.

"First. I am not a lolicon. You are the one that has come to me. And second, I am Arthur, not Mr." I replied, putting on my best poker face.

"Nn..." she affirmed.

"Don't "Nn" me here!!" I exclaimed at the lazy response.

"Nn..." she replied.

"Ugh. Whatever. Can you at least get off me?" I asked, feeling an urge to rub the bridge of my nose.

She looked at me and then sat just beside me on the couch.

"You were a lot more talkative yesterday," I commented.

"I was forced to by The Orb," she explained.

"I see. Let's eat breakfast. Are you fine with pancakes?" I asked.

"Nn..." she nodded.

We sat down and started to eat in silence, enjoying the fluffy texture and sweetness of freshly made pancakes.

"How was it?" I asked after we both finished.

"Not bad, but you can still improve," she replied, despite her ears visibly twitching and swaying her tail.

"I think I should check what is going on outside. If I sleep too long, my 'new parents' may get worried."

I washed the dishes and directed my footsteps towards the bedroom. Then, I went to sleep with the intent of living in The Orb.

Before long, my eyes opened again, allowing me to see the child's room illuminated by the light of the day. Then, my ears heard something that made me instantly regret my decision.

"We can't... The child is still sleeping..." Ringo, my mother, said in an impassioned voice.

"He won't wake up so easily. Even if he does, he slept long enough. I can't wait any longer." Saibai, my father replied in a similarly impassioned voice.

Fucking great!!! Back to The Orb, it is!!!