
Just Another Reincarnation

A/N: I will be regularly posting (at least once a week) on www.libraryofakasha.com from now on. Reincarnation. The process in which people, after their death, are reborn in a different body. Most people lose their memories and start from zero, with their previous lives deciding their future based on karma. There are, however, some exceptions to that. Those who gathered enough positive karma and those chosen by higher beings have a chance to not only keep their memories but also receive special abilities or even pick the world where they want to reincarnate. Our main character is the latter. After passing a test of the being representing the very concept of reincarnation, Arthur received an offer: "If you agree to deal with the people planning to escape the cycle of reincarnation, I will grant you the means to reach the necessary power. Until then, you can live as you please." With the alternative being losing his memories and getting recycled like other souls, the answer was obvious. This is my first fanfic and i am not a native english speaker, so i am sorry if my story is not up to your standards. Disclaimer: Everything excluding the main character, a few original characters, chapters 1-9 and other made up staff, belongs to their respective creators and owners.

Gutek_YT · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 13: Confessions


After getting to the meeting place a little earlier than I was supposed to, I found two children there. It was Raku and Kosaki, and as I previously expected, she was confessing to him.

Both of them were visibly embarrassed, making the whole ordeal look even more adorable from the outside.

I will just stay hidden until Chitoge comes here. I don't want to break this moment for them.

Then, something unexpected happened. Namely, Kosaki gave Raku a medallion with a keyhole, very similar to the one in the original story. Or rather, it was the same medallion.

I thought Chitoge was the one that gave it to him.

My confusion didn't last long, as a few minutes after Kosaki and Raku left, Chitoge appeared, holding another medallion with a keyhole. However, it was a mix of black and gold instead of golden and silver like Raku's.

Perhaps she talked with Kosaki and got a medallion for her as well?

They are friends, after all.

She kept looking at it with a big smile and sparkling eyes while rubbing it like a treasure from time to time.

Deciding not to make her wait any longer, I left my hiding spot and started approaching in a way that made me easy to see.

She instantly hid the medallion with one hand behind her back and another waving at me.

"Was there something important you wanted to tell me?" I asked, pretending not to know why she called me here. "If it was something simple, you would say it while everyone was around," I added, deciding to broach the subject without fooling around.

"Nn. I wanted to give you something!" Chitoge said with a radiant smile and slight blush. "Here! Please take it!" she added, giving me the medallion.

I thought she would confess first.

"What is this? It looks similar to that lock from your book," I inquired.

"Since I am leaving and I don't know when we will meet again, I wanted to give you something to remind you about me," Chitoge answered.

"You thought about it yourself?" I asked.

Hearing that, she averted her gaze while her blushing intensified slightly. So she did not.

"I asked Yui for help," Chitoge replied.

So it's her doing. Maybe that's why there are two medallions. She told both girls that would be a good idea.

"Is that so? I got it from you, so it doesn't matter. Is there anything else?" I inquired.

I could reject her, saying there is no need for a medallion with my memory instead of going deeper and deeper into this mess, but I would feel horrible if I made a little girl cry.

"Yes, I want it to be a symbol of a promise," Chitoge said, looking at me and smiling sweetly.

That's too adorable. Too much sugar for one day.

"What kind of promise?" I asked. "If it's just about not forgetting each other, you do not need to worry. You know how good I am at memorizing things," I added.

Suddenly, her complexion started becoming redder and redder, nearly matching her ribbon, as she stuttered, "I l-like y-y-you! So... w-when we meet again... let's marry!"

Then, she averted her gaze and only kept glancing at me, keeping her hands behind her back.

I am tempting fate, but... let's agree. I would hate to see her cry.

"Sure. If you don't change your mind until then." I replied with a gentle smile.

"Really!?! Yay!!!" Chitoge exclaimed with a radiant smile, then she jumped at me due to the rush of happiness and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, after which she ran away.

"You can come out, you peeping tom!" I said, directing my gaze towards a nearby rock.

"Eh!?! You knew I was here!?!" Yui exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah. The whole time," I replied. "Seriously, Yui, first you give her this kind of advice, and then you come over to watch?" I questioned.

"I couldn't possibly refuse her! She is like a younger sister and a friend to me." Yui explained.

"You also want to say something, or did you come over just to peep?" I asked.

"Let's get married," Yui said with a warm smile.

"*Sigh* I refuse!" I said, putting on my best Jojo impression.

"What?! You want to make a girl cry?" Yui asked, teary-eyed.

These crocodile tears. You want to mess with me, but too bad. I won't give you that chance.

"I won't fall for such cheap tricks," I replied. "You realize that the person you called your sister and friend moments ago asked me for the same, right?" I added.

"Love is war! There is no such thing as friends when it comes to war." Yui said, seemingly proud of herself.

"You know, if you were more sincere instead of putting on this act, I wouldn't mind agreeing," I said. "After all, it would be up to you who marries me. First come, first serve," I added.

I waited for a moment, then turned back and started moving towards my home.

"I am already tired so I will go home. Bye." I said while leaving.

"Wait..." Yui muttered while grabbing my shirt from behind. "I was serious. I like you as much as Chitoge, if not more," she added.

"I see. Then my answer is the same," I replied. "If you don't change your mind until we are old enough, come back, and we will decide at that time," I added and started moving towards my home, this time uninterrupted.

I need some rest...


With the end of the summer break, the time kids could spend playing was cut down a lot. That included everyone left in our little group except me. I did not need to spend time studying, so I used it to increase my amount of training instead, making it seem like I was sleeping for most of the day.

I also started drawing again, deciding it was time to pick up my old hobby as a form of recreation, and the results were far better than I expected.

My drawing skill quickly jumped from Lvl: 1, Grade: A to Grade: SSS once I started putting in the effort.

It was a result of my increased dexterity and perfect memory, which allowed me to draw many times faster and more precisely than in my previous life, finishing a portrait on a B2 sheet of paper in under 30 minutes.

It prompted me to go to the Library to see what books about drawing it held, as I was curious about what lay ahead. After all, from Lvl: 2, the skill would likely develop into something more supernatural, like illusions.

My current guess is that it will allow me to imbue the drawings with emotions, allowing anyone to feel what I intended instead of interpreting it themselves.

"Could you prepare me the books and other media about drawing?" I asked Einlion after entering the Library and approaching his counter.

In the past, I would get stunned by its splendor each time I entered it, but now I am already used to it. Truly humans can adapt to anything.

"I would say you already have enough things to learn. Why start another one?" Einlion asked.

"Don't worry. It's for recreational purposes." I explained, and soon after, he got me what I asked.

"Thanks," I said and took everything to the reading section of the Library.

After immersing myself in reading for a few hours, I learned that my theory was partially correct.

To reach the next existential level in drawing, one must learn how to imbue his creation with not just emotions but also their will. It works like infusing your attacks with your will to make them stronger, albeit you add emotions or even memories to the mix. I do it every time I use Origin, so while a pencil isn't as responsive, I won't have to start from scratch.

There are methods of imbuing the finished drawing with a particular set of emotions, but it is considered a separate skill, often a type of magic, not to mention that's just cheating.

Deciding it's better to test it out instead of staying here and only reading, I went back to the training room. There, I pulled out a B2 format sheet of paper and started drawing while thinking about the summer break.

It's a bit embarrassing to say, but I came to truly love playing with the small groups of friends I made. All of them were mentally twenty years younger and could have been my children if I had any in my past life, but they were also unusually mature, intelligent, and caring for their age. In a few years, I will be able to proudly call them my friends as the age gap will get more and more insignificant as time flies.

With such thoughts in mind, I drew a group portrait of all eight with the secret hideout in the background and got so immersed that I could feel time flying, only once I was finished.

The result was... stunning. I honestly wasn't sure what else I could call it.

The number of details was comparable to an 8k picture. Despite being drawn with a pencil, the portrait looked as if it was in color. It was exuding the happiness and warmth of the summer.

"I am going to hang it in my room..." I muttered, not caring about the consequences it will have.