
Chapter 6: Academy Encounters

As I stepped through the grand archway of the Hidden Leaf Village's academy, the wooden carvings overhead casting intricate shadows on the path before me. The courtyard was alive with activity, students and instructors moving with purpose. Cherry blossom petals danced on the breeze, a fleeting reminder of the academy's timeless presence.

As I approached the main building, its polished wooden walls and the Hidden Leaf emblem became a familiar sight. The classrooms lay ahead, each a repository of knowledge and training. Excited chatter filled the hallways as students clustered around, preparing for the day's lessons. Bulletin boards proudly displayed the achievements of those who had graduated and become revered shinobi legends.

I glanced through the list of graduates, musing to myself, 'Hmm, these legends were mostly jonin, some even achieved the 'esteemed' rank of special jonin, and a handful were exceptional students.' The list was not overly extensive, and only a few faces were accompanied by photographs.

Turning my attention towards my classroom, I realized that I had arrived early, avoiding any immediate encounters with familiar faces. Kuma had once had friends, but the bullying that began sometime after the incident with the Kyuubi had severed those ties, a situation that, in all honesty, I found somewhat preferable. Gradually, my classmates began to trickle in, identifiable by their labels—Mob 1, Mob 2,... and then there was Satoshi and his circle. A familiar figure caught my eye, the girl from the Ichiraku Ramen stand, Ayame if I remembered correctly. Even Kuma had often referred to her as the Ichiraku girl in his mind, and that name elicited a slight chuckle from me.

Satoshi and his friends seemed inclined to approach me, but the teacher's timely entrance redirected their attention. As the classroom settled into a hushed anticipation, the teacher commenced the day's lesson, a discourse on the significance of the "Will of Fire," or something to that effect. Our academic curriculum primarily consisted of lessons on the Will of Fire, basic geography, a smattering of mathematics, and a significant focus on physical education.

It was no wonder that children from shinobi families aspired to join the academy by the age of 7, although formal training commenced at the age of 5. During the initial years, from 5 to 6, we were introduced to the fundamentals of theory (excluding chakra-related teachings) and trained in handling shuriken, kunai, and basic combat techniques. Hand signs were also part of our early education, not for any specific jutsu but to familiarize ourselves with the various sign combinations.

At 7, we were taught to unlock the ability called chakra, and those exhibiting exceptional aptitude were selected for the "elite" class. The rest of us were divided into classes B through E, with those deemed unlikely to become successful ninjas due to health concerns or insufficient chakra either remaining in the program until the age of 8 or being recommended for the general civilians class situated in the capital of the Land of Fire. However, it seemed that Konoha was also considering establishing a dedicated civilians class within the village itself.


The monotonous drone of the Will of Fire theory and the geography lesson left my mind feeling like mush. After what felt like an eternity, we were finally escorted to the training grounds. And there he was, Satoshi, ready to pick up where we left off.

"Look who finally decided to show up. Had enough of mommy's milk, huh?" His taunts were feeble attempts to get under my skin, but I had learned to give as good as I got.

"Well, you know how it is. Your mom's deliveries never last long enough. Barely got me through a month," I retorted, not giving him a moment's respite. A quick comeback was always my defense, a way to keep the upper hand in this relentless exchange. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle; the look on his face was priceless.

Enraged, he lunged at me, his fist aimed at my chin. Dodging it was second nature to me. Satoshi might have been stronger physically, but without the advantage of chakra, he was no match for the speed and agility I had gained from my recent training with Izumi.

It wasn't until later that I learned about his past. Satoshi's mother was no longer with him, and while it should have stirred some sympathy, I couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction in needling him about it. Perhaps it was the cumulative effect of enduring his bullying for so long. Despite the supposed moral misgivings, a fleeting sense of amusement bubbled up within me, a reaction I couldn't entirely suppress.

Before the confrontation could escalate further, I made my way toward the instructors. Satoshi's cronies, Akira and Sora, stood dumbfounded, unable to muster a response. The sudden shift in momentum had caught them off guard, and I was relieved that they didn't rush to his defense. Satoshi's eyes were ablaze, seething with fury. I knew I had pushed his buttons more than I intended, but I was prepared for whatever retaliation he had in mind.

I continued my warm-up routine, trying to shake off the building tension. After the grueling laps around the field, I couldn't deny the slight weariness settling into my bones. The teacher, seemingly entertained by the idea of fostering healthy competition, wasted no time in organizing the dueling matches for the class. This wasn't anything new; we often engaged in such duels, typically scheduled twice a month. Today, it seemed, was going to be one of those days.

As the arena was adjusted and another class concluded their session, the stage was set for the showdown. The teacher announced the pairings, and it was clear that the selection process had a random element to it. The gender divide was nonexistent during these matches, meaning anyone could be pitted against anyone. With 52 students in total, our class 2 was up against class 4. I recalled the class distinctions from 1 to 8, for year 5 and 6 or rather for the first and second year. For most regular students, class assignments until the age of 7 were typically randomized. However, members of renowned clans often found themselves assigned to class 1, with a select few placed in classes 2 through 8. Our class boasted a diverse roster, including a branch Hyuga, an Uchiha, a Nara, and an Akimichi, but notably absent were any Yamanaka representatives or members of other prominent clans. With 18 children in our class, I had hoped to avoid the need to face any of my peers.

But then, fate intervened with a cruel twist.

"Kuma vs. Satoshi."

The teacher's words hung heavy in the air, and I couldn't help but curse inwardly. How was it possible that the random selection had chosen my bully as my opponent? It felt like a personal affront, a pointed jab from the fates. Suppressing my frustration, I exhaled audibly and made my way toward the makeshift ring, determined to face Satoshi head-on, my resolve unshaken despite the anticipation gleaming in his young eyes. 

Now, good as I might be, I couldn't afford to underestimate Satoshi, not even for a moment. While I was confident in my abilities, the use of chakra in this particular duel was strictly prohibited, especially when facing opponents who hadn't unlocked their chakra pathways. It was a rule meant to maintain a level playing field among us, to prevent any undue advantages. Besides, there was always a chance that Satoshi had somehow acquired knowledge of chakra usage, given that his father was a special jonin, much like my own late father.

Without the advantage of chakra, winning this match was going to be challenging. On top of that, we were also prohibited from using any weapons, limiting our options even further. I had to rely solely on my physical skills and the basic academy style I had been taught so far.

As we both stepped into the ring, the tension palpable in the air, I prepared myself for Satoshi's assault. I initiated the confrontation seal, a customary gesture before the commencement of any duel, and then backed away, maintaining a safe distance. Satoshi wasted no time, charging toward me with unwavering determination, his movements reflecting the fundamental techniques we had been taught in the academy. I assumed a loose defensive stance, poised to react swiftly and evade his attacks if necessary.

As my duel with Satoshi unfolded, He started his relentless assault, which while powerful, lacked finesse, and I was quick to capitalize on the openings he unwittingly created. I weaved through his strikes, bobbing and weaving with the grace I had honed during my recent training sessions with Izumi. With every dodge, I could sense his mounting frustration, his once calm composure now giving way to aggression and impatience.

As Satoshi pressed his attack, I found myself gradually analyzing his pattern, recognizing the subtle shifts in his stance before each strike. He was indeed a formidable opponent, his strikes fueled by a primal fury that seemed to stem from somewhere deep within. I focused on conserving my energy, my breaths steady and controlled despite the exertion. Each blow he landed was met with a calculated response, a counter that, while not as forceful, chipped away at his resolve.

With a surge of determination, Satoshi attempted to deliver a powerful uppercut that would have surely incapacitated me had it landed. Yet, through the haze of the skirmish, I saw the opening I had been waiting for. Stepping aside at the last possible moment, I allowed his momentum to carry him forward, his balance faltering in the process. In that split second, I launched myself backward, my feet finding purchase on his chest as I pushed off, propelling myself away from him. The impact of my strike sent him crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

As Satoshi lay there, stunned and bloodied, the announcement of my victory echoed across the training grounds. I took a moment to catch my breath, feeling a surge of satisfaction at having bested my adversary. Yet, even as I celebrated my triumph, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this wouldn't be the last time Satoshi and I clashed. For now, however, the pain was his, and the victory was mine. I settled back, my attention drawn to the other ongoing duels in the arena.

The teachers had purposefully pitted clan members against each other, for appropriate peer testing. The Uchiha versus Hyuga duel was particularly thrilling, and though the Hyuga emerged victorious, the battle had clearly taken its toll. He was unable to continue onto the next duel, a testament to the fierce nature of the fight.

Soon enough, it was my turn again.

As the call for my duel with Higero Aburame resonated through the training grounds, I cursed my luck and trudged wearily into the arena. Neither of us was particularly well-rested, having already fought our initial battles. My mind raced with the knowledge that at least I wouldn't have to contend with his swarm of insects, thanks to my lack of chakra control.

Taking our positions, I adopted the basic academic stance, while Higero assumed a more specialized Aburame style. Whereas the Hyuga style placed a significant emphasis on hand-to-hand combat, the Aburame style relied heavily on legwork. The Uchiha and academic styles, meanwhile, found a balance between the two.

I locked eyes with Higero Aburame, my mind bracing for the intense battle ahead. Both of us were no strangers to combat, our previous matches leaving us somewhat fatigued. Taking our positions, I adopted the basic academic stance, while Higero assumed a more specialized Aburame style. Whereas the Hyuga style placed a significant emphasis on hand-to-hand combat, the Aburame style relied heavily on legwork. The Uchiha and academic styles, meanwhile, found a balance between the two.

With a brief nod to each other, we initiated the clash. I made the first move, advancing with a series of precise strikes. Higero responded with an unexpected aerial block, showcasing a technique similar to that of taekwondo and capoeira, his limbs moving with a speed and agility that caught me off guard.

The sound of our grunts and the shuffling of our feet echoed through the training grounds, a testament to our mutual determination. I adjusted my strategy, transitioning into a series of well-timed sweeps and low kicks, inspired by the principles of judo and muay thai. Higero countered with an intricate sequence of locks and throws, akin to the movements of jiu-jitsu and aikido.

As our bout intensified, I incorporated evasive footwork inspired by the art of boxing, bobbing and weaving to avoid Higero's incoming strikes. His approach was unrelenting, punctuated by sporadic bursts of kicks , the force behind each blow too heavy to directly face- uninjured.

Suddenly, in a swift maneuver, Higero unleashed a flurry of strikes, his fists and feet interweaving in a symphony of calculated aggression, I swiftly countered, using moves similar to kickboxing to gain an upper hand. With each passing moment, the intensity of our duel escalated, the arena seemingly narrowing down to just the two of us.

Sensing an opportunity, Higero made a daring move, a quick feint followed by a lightning-fast roundhouse kick that I barely managed to evade. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I gathered my remaining strength and launched a calculated series of strikes, fists and kicks both.

As Higero loosened his grip, an eerie sensation rippled through the air. My eyes widened in alarm as I noticed the tiny insects emerging from the openings in his palms. They crawled across his flesh with purpose, their presence sending a shiver down my spine. Instinctively, I began to move away, my mind racing with the implications of this unexpected turn of events. Glancing towards our instructor, I sought some indication of how to proceed. The teacher's gaze remained fixed on the unfolding spectacle, a silent observer to the tension that hung in the air.

The swarm of insects surrounding Higero seemed to respond to his mental commands, the unsettling sight reminding me of tales of warriors employing unconventional and unsettling tactics on the battlefield. The Aburame clan's unique bond with insects was well-documented, their ability to control and utilize these creatures for combat setting them apart from other shinobi. Despite my initial revulsion, I couldn't help but be impressed by the precision with which Higero directed the insects, their movements serving as an extension of his own will.

'Nah fuck that, its still too disgusting,' I thought.

Realizing the futility of persisting in a battle that I was ill-equipped to navigate, I made the swift decision to yield.

"I surrender!" My voice rang out.

I think almost everyone understood my decision, especially the girls, but they did seem very surprised by my performance, which was natural, me defeating satoshi was big enough, me fighting an aburame to basically a draw was a big shock.

As I descended from the makeshift ring, I caught a glimpse of Satoshi's simmering fury, his eyes burning with a promise of future retribution. His silent threat held little weight in that moment, as I remained resolute in my resolve to rise above his bullying tactics. Ignoring the bristling tension that seemed to hang in the air, I made my way out of the sparring grounds, my steps guided by a quiet determination to leave the confrontation behind me.

The day had been a tumultuous blend of unexpected challenges and fleeting victories, a tumult that had left its mark on my consciousness.

After such a long and exausting day, I longed for the comforting familiarity of home, the solace of its welcoming embrace offering respite from the bullshit of the day. Upon my return, I found myself succumbing to the gentle lull of sleep, the weariness of both body and mind coaxing me into a state of rest. The events of the day faded into the recesses of my consciousness, their echoes gradually diminishing as the comforting embrace of slumber enveloped me, carrying me into the realm of dreams.

But the day was far from over. And so I lay, unaware of the events yet to come.

Well there's that, once again, 2 fights this time, tell me if ya liked it. Also was the chapter too short? Comment and lem'me know.

next chapter izumi and mother will appear again.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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