
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 83 - GTFO, New Universe

So, after the Tournament, I used a little compulsion on the entire world to have them act normally and accept the fact that I just blaster a continent off the map. Oh, and the fact that the world is so shitty because a couple of mad lovers wanted to get rid of humanity.

It took me a few minutes to reform the academies and give some decent knowledge to the recently graduated Hunters and all those in training. Ooh, getting rid of decades of misinformation is really annoying, I should find another way to do so. Oh, how stupid I am. I could just order knowledge to do as I please. Perks of being an Incarnation to which I am not yet used.

Well, the thing is that there isn't really much to do now. This universe's adventure basically revolved around Salem and Ozpin, the planet has already been explored completely, there is no intelligent life in the rest of the universe, and we are apparently hyperactive or something. I really can't stay in a boring universe for too long, or I'll go crazy.

"We need to get the fuck out of this universe, as soon as possible!" suddenly said Yang, while we were calmly cuddling in the chalet.

"My same thoughts, my dear. When shall we go?" I asked to the ones in the room.

"I want to say goodbye to my team, then we can go." said Neo. I had given her the knowledge about us, so she wasn't surprised by our 'crazy talk'.

"I will say goodbye to my younger self, then we can go." said Weiss. This was something everybody wanted to do, so they will spend a few hours meeting and chatting with their younger versions.

I had already prepared a letter for teams RWBY and JNPR.

To RWBY: "Hey there, little girls! Miss me already? Do not fear, for I will appear in the moment of need! Maybe… At any rate, I will repeat what I said in my first letter: 'you will probably face many adventurers together, a lot of hardships, a lot of fun. Stay positive and trust each other.' Maybe you could go a little over 'trust' and go for 'love'... Just saying. Well, dear team RWBY, I bid you farewell. Good luck, see you later!"

And to JNPR: "Oi! Miss me? I hope you do, otherwise I'll be sad! We are leaving or have already left, but do not worry. You might see us again, if we want to. Remember what I told you the very first day at Beacon? 'You four should stick together. I guarantee that you'll do great things.' Well, it seems like I was right until now! Continue sticking together. Also, just some Godly advice: Jaune, you dense fucker! Pyrrha is in love with you! And you, Ren… Seriously? Come on, you have Nora sticking to you like rust! Doesn't that mean anything? You guys are frustrating! How am I supposed to stalk you from other universes if you don't advance your relationships?! And don't get me started on team RWBY… Lesbians have it easier in this universe, so there's that at least… Well, I bid you farewell. Good luck!"

Hm… That should be it. Time to think about serious things: where the fuck do we go? Cultivation again? Fantasy? Modern? I mean, some universes that I want to visit to get an easy power-up would be places with other Gods, so that we can absorb them. Cultivation worlds suit our requirements, Percy Jackson as well, but those Gods are really weak… I am also running out of universes I know of. There is still Douluo Dalu aka Soul Land, Arifureta, some games I know, DxD, Oregairu… Eh, you know what? This time I will leave it to chance. Let's see… I will set a portal to Soul Land, one to the Percy Jackson universe, one to a random video game, one to DxD, and one to Oregairu. Oh, and one to Konosuba. I suddenly have the urge to sodomize a certain crusader. And mess with a useless Goddess. And give infinite mana to a pyromaniac. Suddenly, Konosuba looks like an interesting world to go to. Since I wanted to be as random as random could be, I added another random portal, which even I don't know which universe it corresponds to, and mixed the portals at random.

The gang returned after saying their goodbyes and taking a look around for the last time in, probably, a long time.

"Are you ready? I know that it's hard leaving for a second time, but we can come back whenever we-"

"What are you saying? I am a little vexed that I can't mess with my homosexual, younger self! Oh, how many pranks I could have pulled on her…" said Weiss.

"Why so many portals? And I can't sense anything from them… Random, I guess?" said Loki

"You got it! These seven portals lead to seven different universes. Since it's only to have an adventure, I think that we can just go random and see where Fate leads us."

"Ooh, Fate is my bitch, but even I can't tell anything about these portals. This is so interesting!" said Hinata.

"Ok, everyone move towards the portal you prefer. We will use a majority vote to decide."

We all thought for a moment, then picked our poison. I went for the second portal from the right, together with everyone else.

"Guys? Everyone chose this portal? A little unlikely don't you think?"

"Nope. We chose the only surefire method to pick a good universe: following your intuition. It has yet to fail us." said Jaune.

"Oh, I think my heart skip a beat. Is it bad? Well, let's go. We still need to check whether my intuition is as good as you all believe." I said and entered the portal, followed by everybody else.

Guess where we ended up? I will give you a hint: there aren't giant God-eating frogs. What a shame… What is here is an enormous amount of non-human creatures. Oh, what was that? 'Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?' Hey! I told you I was going to give a hint, not the answer. Come on, you can do it!

Fuck it. We are in the Soul Land universe.

"This place looks great! Civilization is still quite primitive, a decent way to power ourselves up, and a lot of areas to explore! Oh, I am so feeling the Adventures we could go on!" said Yang. Our resident Incarnation of Adventures is very excited.

Our hearts already started fusing this world's energy with our Omni Energy, so we only needed to get some Spirit Rings. Oh, and Spirits.

We decided to have our present Spirits conform to this world's concepts, which means that we modified the Spirit Rings and produce them ourselves, including some of those nifty little bones.

I opted for some abilities I knew would be better kept in a Spirit Ring, so that I didn't have to work as much. Omnipotence enables you to do anything, but having certain more complex abilities on standby is obviously better, even for me.

I went for 'Universal Copy', 'Universe Heal', 'Universe Merge', 'Universe Hijack', 'Shattered World, Bloom Anew', 'Concept Nullification', 'Floating Island Summoning', 'Knowledge Grant', 'Forceful Evolution'. The first allows me to copy a universe or parts of a universe into my Inner World, like what I did in the F/GO universe. The second 'fixes' a universe according to my standards. The third allows me to merge part of different universes or alternate ones together. The fourth allows me to 'hijack' a universe, like what I did in the Tensura universe. The fifth completely destroys a universe I believe to be irreparable and forms it again from zero. The sixth does what it says. The seventh eases the Island summoning. The eighth makes it easier for me to share my knowledge with a huge amount of people at the same time, like I did in the last universe. The last allows me to forcefully evolve anything, even myself. Obviously, the last one has so many disadvantages and implications that I will never use it on me or the gang.

I also made a few interesting bones that I knew I would enjoy having. 'Incubus Ears', which allow me to have a telepathic link with those I consider my wives, at any distance and inter-dimensional. I transformed my old helmet into a Spirit bone, so now the 'Eye of Another World' allows me to more easily view other universes. The 'Devil's Eyes' are eyes that allow me to see a person's deepest desires, even unconscious ones. I modified my old gauntlets, so my 'Karnstein's Left Claw' allows me to sever concepts and laws, while 'Karnstein's Right Claw' allows me to shoot out five blades made of Omni Energy or any of its components, just for the shits and giggles. I made a 'Scholar's Hidden Stash' Torso bone which helps me hide my thoughts, if I so desire and puts a seal on the 'sensitive' knowledge, so that only I can access it. I made a 'Lunafaction Left Leg' that recharges the energy and ammunition of anyone I consider as a 'friendly' within a universe's distance. The last bone I made, for now, is the 'Warping Right Leg', which allows me to warp anywhere in my sight or memory with a step. In reality, this is only useful in high level combat where I need to be very focused and can't teleport 'manually'.

Everyone created their own Rings and bones, so that they could get the most benefits out of them. Most were related to their dominant laws. Jaune for example made 'Determination, What's That?', a right hand bone that allows him to 'take' someone's determination and manipulate it. That was a fun one. Well, Spirit Bones and Rings were more like giving a name to our 'abilities', not much of an upgrade. They did become faster to use, but that's it.

"So… What's next?" asked Shizue

"Hinata, how long will it take for someone with incredibly high Karma to be born?"

"A few thousand years, why?"

"Well, they would be fun to pick on. Kinda like Rimuru back in your universe… We could do several things, but the most interesting would be fully exploring this world before anyone else does. There should also be some Gods that we can absorb to gain some power…"

"How about living normally as explorers? It would be fun creating some kind of legend about us then coming up to whoever has high karma and mess with them." said Yang.

"Civilization is still quite primitive, so why not introduce the Voice to them? We will completely replace any God they have, so that no one would ask questions if they can sense them disappearing." said Pyrrha.

"Nice. Let's get started." I said. The Voice is anchored to my Tower, so I need to set a tower in this world. I went to find the highest peak still decently close to civilization. I want them to find us, not live in seclusion. I set my Tower here and used my Spirit Rings for the first time to test them. The 'Universe Hijack' Ring shined and automatically subplanted the 'Heaven' of this place. Hey, look at me… I'm the Heaven now. I couldn't resist.

"Voice. Take over for me. Introduce yourself to these mortals."

[Of course, Master.] she said, then there was a short silence.

[Greetings, mortals.

I am the Voice of the World, servant to the Incarnations. You will gain many benefits from now on, rejoice and revere my Masters!] she said, then started with giving out skills, administering evolutions,quantifying powers, and so on.

[Master, may I add your new skills?]

"There is no need. Just warn me when I have almost completed the evolution conditions. That is the important thing."

[Of course.]

"Ok, that's done… Humans are too primitive to be worth our time. I say we explore for a few hundred years as common mortals would, then we come back and start our legends." I said, pondering what we should do now.

"Sure, it will be fun!" said Ruby.

Do you know that this world is fucking repetitive? It looks like it was made by an unimaginative God who took the same mountains, same plains, same valleys, same everything and copied and pasted them a shit-ton of times. Sure, there are some more interesting areas, but they are few. Well, it might be that we are exploring in a time where humans are barely constructing villages, not empires or sects. Oh, we introduced a calendar system based on the time we introduced the Voice: the Post-Voice calendar. Very unimaginative, but it is very useful.

One fun thing that happened in 138 Post-Voice is that Diana woke up. I had almost forgotten about her. She was sleeping inside my soul because there were no dragons in the RWBY universe, so it was uninteresting to her. When the other dragons felt her aura, they all covered in their caves and hideouts. There were a couple of strong dragons. The one they call Dragon God was actually an Empyrean, which was honestly surprising. I didn't expect to find such a strong existence here. Well, I guess that Dragons are always quite strong and we are in a world where beasts are OP, so… Should have expected it. When they arrived, the actually bowed.

"Greetings, Incarnation of Dragons and fellow Incarnations. May I ask why you came to my world? You are welcome to stay, but I would like to know your intentions." said the Dragon God. So it wants to be respectful but not subservient? Typical Dragon. It didn't even realize that this isn't his world anymore? Eh, weak Empyreans.

"You are the one that calls himself the 'Dragon God', huh? Nothing special, I see. My Master and his friends are here to explore and have fun. Nothing more, nothing less. Oh, maybe eating a God or two." Diana responded with a bit of contempt. For the Incarnation of Dragons, anyone else is barely a lizard.

"I-I see… If you desire to feast on the human Gods, I can lead you to them directly. I could also guide you on this planet, showing you some interesting locations… Unfortunately, humans are not very interesting yet, though I have seen an improvement in the last century."

Diana looked at me. I mean, sure that might be fun. We will absorb these shitty Gods, take their Divinity, their Knowledge, their Authority, everything that makes them Gods, then enhance our own constitutions with their corpses! Ugh, that sounded edgy and dark. Oh well, better get the show going.