
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 8 - Initiation, Passenger

A few minutes after I noticed I became a hug pillow, Nora began causing a ruckus and waking up everybody, including Weiss.

"Good morning Snow Angel. Slept well?" I asked, kinda enjoying her embarrassed face. 'Guess even the Ice Princess can get embarrassed for something like this.'

She went in for a slap but I caught her hand. 'Wouldn't want you to break it.' I thought. 'Also, aren't I a little too hard to be a hug pillow? I am literally made out of metal.'

I then got up and went to wash myself and prepare. I forgot to mention that in the month I lived here I got used to always keeping my under-armor equipped. It's comfy and is like a second skin-layer thickness-wise. The night before I unequipped the chest part for my ultimate chad move, though it was simply stored in my inventory.

Anyway, I waited a bit in the bathroom so no one would get suspicious. I then re-equipped the chest part of the under-armor and went with Yang, Ruby, and Weiss to breakfast. In the middle of eating, we were told to move to the hillside for initiation after gearing up. I got up and willed my under-armor to turn back to full armor.

"Every time I see you doing that I still get surprised." said Ruby. She literally had stars in her eyes and she saw my armor many times before.

Anyway, while other students had to go to the lockers to take their gear, I had everything in my inventory. 'Using the word 'semblance' seems to explain everything in this world. Guess it is as bullshit as the Light.'

When I got the location of the launchpads, I saw Ozpin with his cup of coffee and Glynda. I waved at them, which seemed to piss her off. 'I am so going to enjoy pissing her off on purpose. I can at least enjoy my second life.' I thought, then took position on one of the pads.

When the rest of the students arrived, Ozpin began his speech, then asked if there were any questions.

"Do we have to get blasted off by these things or can we use our own way?" I asked, pointing to the pad I was standing on.

"If you think you can get there alone, you are free to do so." he said.

"Good to know. Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, do you want to come with me or will you use the pads?" I asked, earning some curious gazes.

"I will come with you. You always do some crazy stuff." responded Yang

"Yes!" shouted an excited Ruby.

"I don't see a reason to refuse if you are so confident in your method." said Weiss.

"Why me? But, sure I'll come with you guys." finished Blake.

Hearing their answers, I extended my left hand. 'Haven't called on MoonRay in a while.' I thought as my Ghost materialized on my hand.

"You finally remember about me, huh?! An entire month! Can't believe it." the matchstick said.

"Yeah, sorry… Trasmat me and the four of them to the ship." I said, pointing to the four, very confused, girls.

With that, we found ourselves in the living quarters' common room.

"W-what was that?!" asked Yang, while Ruby and Weiss were too shocked (or maybe trying not to vomit) to even talk.

"What do you think? Cool isn't it. That was teleportation and this is my spaceship. here look at this." I said, operating the table-monitor I installed previously. Suddenly, there was a complete view of Remnant from space.

'I think I broke them. Heh, look at Weiss.' I thought while looking at the shocked and awed faces of the four girls.

"So… Mind giving an explanation?" asked Blake. 'Right. Should probably do that and move onto the initiation.'

"Sure. Yang, Ruby, remember when I suddenly disappeared for a couple of days?" seeing them nodding I continued, "Well, I was building this ship. We will use this to get to the goal and take the relics… Did I break them?" I explained, then asked MoonRay, who was currently floating around us.

"Yeah… I think you did." she answered plainly.

Ruby then snapped out of her dazed state and started firing off questions: "So COOL! How did you build it in just a couple of days?! How does it work?! What is that floating thing?!" The amount of questions grew by the second so I stopped her.

"Wait, wait, wait. Time out. I will answer your questions after the initiation. For now just consider this a very advanced Bullhead. Let's get our relics for now."

"Ok, but I want an explanation. This is way better than Atlas tech..." Weiss said.

Yang, Ruby, and Blake just nodded in response.

"Ok, I'll bring us down. You four just enjoy the show, I'll bring us near the objective then we will continue on foot." I said, pointing to the table, still showing the planet below. I then trasmated myself to the cockpit.

'Heh, totally worth it.' I thought, while deactivating the stealth drive and starting the descent. I didn't care if Ozpin or Atlas saw the ship. 'I could just leave it in space until I need it if they become too annoying.'

Now, you might be asking why did I even show the four girls the ship? Well, let me tell you. I kinda wanted to show off. Plus, it sets the stage for the crazy tech I will show. You know, Dust can't make you invisible, teleport, make shields, and so on. My tech can, so it is better to explain before a possible battle, so that it causes less of a commotion every time.

Anyway, I descended right above Beacon Academy, showing the imposing ship to everyone outside, which meant Ozpin and Glynda, along with some of the students who were blasted into the forest a few minutes prior. 'Explaining took a long time. I should be in line with canon though. JNPR would probably suffer losses against the Death Stalker. In canon, they were in an advantageous position with their semblances, and it still took them a lot of effort to beat it.'

The ship then zipped above the forest, while I was using the weapons system to eliminate any Grimm I encountered, helping several students in the process.

'Should I say that MoonRay is my semblance? In this universe those things are crazy varied.' I thought while nearing the temple ruins.

Arriving about 50 meters before the ruins, I hovered the ship. I then trasmated myself back to the common room.

"Okay, there are the relics. Prepare your gear if you need, then I'll trasmat us to the surface." I said while getting my HC and SG ball. I decided to go with an 'Ace of Spades' and a 'Mindbender's Ambition'. 'Those are the most inconspicuous weapons, though it is useless to use low-key weapons after showing my ship. Well, I like the design so it's fine.'

"I'm ready" said Weiss, checking her weapon one last time.

"Me too." said Yang, bumping her fists together.

"Me three!" said Ruby, twirling her scythe. 'Woah, that thing came dangerously close to the roof of the ship. Not that it would be damaged. Actually, the scythe could probably break.'

"I am ready as well." said Blake, fixing her ribbon. 'Seriously? Is hiding your ears more important than checking your gear?'

"Ok then. Let's go!" I said, before trasmating the five of us. I can't trasmat many people if the distance is big, like the surface to space, but we are like 50 meters above the ground. I can do that much alone without using MoonRay.

Upon arriving at the surface, I took my shotgun and loaded a cartridge. We then started moving towards the ruins while keeping an eye on our surroundings.

I checked the relics. 'The King pieces are all there. Same with the Knight pieces. We arrived before Team JNPR. The Nevermore should not be coming this time since Ruby didn't use it as a taxi. The Death Stalker hopefully does not kill Pyrrha and Jaune before getting here.' I thought while moving to the center of the temple. I then pointed to the Knight pieces.

"What do you think about horses?" I asked.

"Fine by me." responded Weiss

"No problem here." continued Yang

"Horsey!" said enthusiastically Ruby

"Guess we have our artifacts then. Hm?" I said. My attention was drawn to the threat detector on my HUD (remember I have one?). 'Guess JNPR is coming…'

All of a sudden they heard a girly scream, so looked in the forest's direction. This also caught the girls' attention. They quickly grabbed the relics and put up their guard. Lo and behold, after a few seconds, a wild Jaune could be seen flying in the air.

'It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's Jaune!'

Then, from the forest, a wild Nora riding on an Ursa appeared. Followed by an exhausted Ren. 'We arrived at the perfect time. Or maybe it's something like the Will of the World or one of those things. From now on if something strange happens I'll blame it on that; 'plot' is a great excuse.'

I moved closer to the two new arrivals.

"Hello there, nice stunt!" I said. Nora was already moving to grab a King piece.

"Hello, are you guys the first here?" Ren asked

"No, but there are enough relics, if that's what you're asking. By the way, I'm Tula." I said, extending my hand.

"Ren. That girl is Nora."

"The Ursa is dead now, but whatever sent that guy flying will probably be coming here, get ready for a fight." I said, pointing at Jaune and ignoring Nora's background song.

Soon, we saw Pyrrha running from the Death Stalker. Trying to prevent what happened in canon, I quickly gave some simple instructions.

"Ruby don't run ahead. Yang, I will blast off its pincers, you will attack the side. You do the same, Nora. Weiss use your semblance to support us if needed. Ren, try to blind it. Blake, I guess you know what you can do."

Immediately after, I blasted off the ground, blinking halfway to the Grimm. 'Not being restricted by the game mechanics is great!'.

I continued moving forward while infusing the shotgun with Solar energy, like a Golden Gun, then went past Pyrrha, shooting one of its claws. A gaping hole was opened, but the claw was still usable. Sliding under an attack, I shot the joint between the body and the left claw, severing the limb.

Meanwhile, Yang and Nora were rushing towards the Death Stalker while being boosted by Weiss' glyphs. They separated and headed for the two opposite sides of the monster. When I blasted off the pincer, Nora slammed her hammer on one of its right legs, while Yang started pummeling the left side. Ruby, who this time didn't rush forward, saw that the pincer was still usable, even if the claws were being shot off by me. She also started running along with Ren, shooting the Grimm to distract it. 'A sniper rifle and low caliber guns. That should do the trick.' I thought, moving onto the other claw.

Using one of Weiss' glyphs, Ruby jumped in the air and brought her scythe back, preparing to slice off the stingy-thingy. Pyrrha must have understood what they were doing, since she also joined in on the attack against the pincer.

All the while, Blake was trying to tie it down with her weapon. She embedded the hook part on the Death Stalker's back, before running towards the trees and using them as an anchor point.

Within the first minute from its appearance, the Death Stalker was missing both claws, its pincer, 2 legs per side, and 3 eyes.

It was still raring to go, as it swung its maimed tail at Pyrrha. Out of nowhere, Jaune arrived and stuck his shield between the tail and the girl. Due to his sub-standard physical abilities or maybe due to the strength of the beast, he was thrown back towards Pyrrha. 'Still better than getting hit by the tail.'

Seeing that there was no use in prolonging the fight, as it could possibly attract other Grimm creatures, I stuck the barrel of the shotgun inside of the Death Stalker's maws, and started unloading the remaining cartridges, destroying the insides of the beast and ending the fight.

'With good coordination and better planning than in canon, the fight was much faster and less exhausting. Hopefully we didn't attract the Nevermore. I think this is its territory and we caused quite a disturbance.' I thought while reloading the shotgun just to be safe.

"That. Was. Epic! So cool!" suddenly shouted an overhyped Nora

"Yeah. That was nice, much less troublesome than I thought it would be." said Blake, slightly out of breath

"Well, everyone did their part. Without any means so attack, its mobility impaired, and its vision taken away, it was like taking candy away from a kid. Ok, maybe not that easy but still manageable. We were also 9 against 1, so there's that as well. Anyway, good work, everyone." I explained. I was still in perfect condition and could deal with it alone, but wanted to make them understand that the battle was easy since we did all the right stuff.

"Hey, guys! There's a glowy thing right there. Should we be worried?" said Ruby, attracting my attention. Upon inspection, it was exactly what I thought it would be.

"Oh, that. That's an engram. Think of it as a collection of data that takes a physical form. It can be decoded to get a piece of gear." I said, earning several confused expressions.

"It's a part of my semblance. If an enemy is strong or old enough, I have a chance of getting one of these bad boys."

Once I said that, the group suddenly thought it made sense. 'Heh, semblances are as much bullshit as the Light.'

"Well, now that we are done with this, I think that the redhead and blond guy still have to get a relic. Why don't you get the same as Ren and Nora, so you can form a Team." I proposed, pointing first at Pyrrha and Jaune, then at Ren and Nora.

"First of all, I am Pyrrha and he is Jaune. Second, that sounds like a good idea, I think a team with the four of us can work well." She said, accepting the proposition.

Seeing that the initiation had basically ended, I looked back at the future team RWBY. I caught sight of a slightly demoralized Weiss. 'She is probably sad that she was assigned to a supporting role.'

I then looked at the engram on the ground and had a good idea. 'Now I know what to do with it.'

I walked towards it and took it in my hand. I checked it and it was bright purple. 'Legendary. Cool, I'll make something great out of it.'

I then started infusing some Light into it. The engram started floating on top of my hand, while strings of data were orbiting around it. I slowly imagined what I wanted the engram to actually be, modifying and fortifying the data, improving its quality. I imagined Weiss' SnowPea outfit, changing the black with dark blue, and adding a snowflake emblem on the chest. It looked good. 'I am no fashion designer so the color pairing is probably off. I think it will look good. It is also probably the best armor piece that can be found in this world.'

After bumping the quality of the engram to exotic, it glowed a golden yellow, before morphing into the outfit-turned-armor.

While this was happening, Pyrrha had taken the other King piece and returned to see me focusing on the glowing engram. When a dress outfit came out, most were confused, while Ruby and Weiss were waiting for an explanation.

"Well, engrams are random, so sometimes they are things I can't use. Hm… I think this would suit you, Snow Angel, what do you think? It's armor, top-grade at that. You probably won't find something better." I said, looking at Weiss.

She went forward and took a better look at it. She then took it and said in a low voice, almost a whisper: "Thank you."

'Oh my GOD! This is a weapon of mass destruction. That embarrassed smile is just THAT good.'

"No problem, Angel." I said.

'I don't want to ruin the moment but… Can I give myself an exo dick? I need to do some research'