
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 79 - First Day, Weak, Of Stowaways and Androids

So, today is the first day of classes. We decided to skip everything except for Port's class since we can just manipulate the professors' minds and have them give us full marks. Port is just fun, so we will check his lesson out. Maybe a different universe will make him more interesting. I kinda wanted to force those that never went to school, but it sounded too boring and Hinata started threatening me with her spear. Paladin waifu doesn't like school, definitely.

We decided to split up and do some good to this world. Sun, Blake, and Rose went to Menagerie to help the Faunus there. Atlas was in an okay-ish situation without our intervention. Ren, Nora, and Shizue went to Anima. Me, my wives, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Frey decided to work here in Sanus. We will clear as many Dungeons and Gates as possible in a relaxed manner while not using any Omni power except for Omniscience to learn of their exact locations.

This will be the first step to making this alternate universe more peaceful.

The Dungeons were quite fun, to be honest. The inside became a sort of sub-dimension due to the high concentrations of death and darkness-related laws, so each of them had a different, independent ecosystem, depending on the type of Grimm found inside.

They obviously weren't hard at all, but they were fun to explore and clear out. Yang enjoyed this little adventure very much. We also helped any village in need by building various utilities and defensive systems. Oh, those only worked against Grimm, so we didn't have to worry about some madman declaring independence or anything similar, hopefully.

By the time of Port's lesson, we had cleared out around 60% of the Dungeons and Gates in Sanus and helped hundreds of villages. We obviously allowed them to snap photos of us, so we will probably become famous soon. Eh, who cares. I know for a fact that it will only be fun. Ok, maybe a little annoying if we continuously get swarmed with paparazzi or something similar. I'll deal with it if needed.

We regrouped together about five minutes before Port's class.

"Everything good?" asked Ruby

"Of course, Ruby, everything was alright. We cleared out Dungeons and terraformed the desert in Menagerie, along with building a safe city for the Faunus. Hopefully that will help…" said Blake

"We pretty much did the same, except that terraforming wasn't necessary. Mistral's countryside is infested with Grimm, much more than in our universe." said Ren

"I think the Dungeons attract or spawn more Grimm than in our universe. There really is an unnaturally high number of them, even in Sanus." said Pyrrha.

"Well, nothing good will come out of standing here. Let's go, Port's classes were my favorites back then!" said Sun

"Yeah, let's go. I want to piss off my younger version!" said Weiss.

"Young Nora is just too adorable, so I can't really mess with her…" said Nora.

"Oh, you're adorable now as well, my dear." said Ren, holding his wife. I gave him a thumbs-up for the smooth compliment.

Well, we entered class and formed a fucking traffic jam. In the end, we sat in the very back, since we were here just to mess around and listen to his lesson. We barely sat down that we were swarmed with shitty brats.

"Out of the way, my Master is troubled." said a wild Luminous. Her sudden appearance startled the students.

"Luminous, did something happen?"

"Master, some Hunters have found the chalet. We have wiped their memories and sent them on their way. I just came here to inform you. We have also laid a series of illusions to make our base undetectable." she said, lowering her voice so that only we could hear.

"Good job. Don't worry about the Hunters. Without any kind of protection, it was bound to happen. If anyone else wanders too close to the chalet, do the same." said Jaune.

"A chalet? And… A maid?" asked Young Weiss, who had just arrived.

"Oh, my dear little sister! Listening to others' conversations isn't nice, you know? And, yes. We have a nice cozy chalet in Forever Fall and several maids. How many are there now? 5? Sounds about right. You are welcome to come with us one of these days. It is an extremely relaxing place..." said my Weiss.

"Are we invited as well?" asked a wild Young Nora, who jumped in her elder sister's arms.

"Of course, sis! It will be fun! I can create a lot of enemies so that we can break some legs!"

At any rate, JNPR and RWBY took their seat right in front of us. They were all… Correction, most were sleeping through the lesson. Well, Port is a fun guy, but his lessons tend to get you sick if you can't get the details of his stories. He is a great teacher if you think of it. A Hunter must be perceptive, so he hides the information in his over-the-top story. Theoretically, this makes it harder for mediocre students to pass his course, that is unless they copy from the ones that actually get the stuff. That or he is just an ego-centric pompous fuck. I really hope he is just a good teacher.

There weren't many differences between this universe and ours, except the fact that he seemed very focused on any girl in the first rows, not Weiss or Yang. Well, I guess he just wants to smash and doesn't care about who it is.

Then, came the good part once again: the demonstration! Young Weiss volunteered once again, so my Weiss said.

"I will be evaluating you. If your performance doesn't reach my standards, I will throw a summon at you until I deem it satisfactory."

"Aren't you acting a little too much like Winter… And your father, kinda?" I whispered to her.

"No, this is for her own good. It will make her realize just how weak she is at the moment. Plus, you know that it's either love or defeats that can work on her." she answered.

Weiss got ready and faced the Boarbatusk. She was having some difficulty piercing the thing and was absolutely ignoring Ruby's hints on its weak spots. She got disarmed, then continued her useless struggle. Then, she finally pierced its stomach.

"Pitiful. You are weak, Weiss." my wife started saying, then rose from her seat and started walking towards her. "Your swordsmanship is stiff. Your glyphs, slow. Did you not study anything about Grimm? What is a Boarbatusk's weak spot?" she asked. Seeing no response, she continued. "Its stomach, exactly what your teammate was trying to tell you. Do you not trust her? It's understandable, you have only met her two days ago. However… Do you seriously think that she would purposefully put you, her teammate, in danger?"


"Then why not head her advice? Huntsmen do not fight alone, that is why teams exist, that is why you students are not facing an individual challenge, but a team effort. Get ready, you will face one of my summons. Actually…" she looked at me. "Dear, use your summon. You haven't used it in a while. The knight, I mean."

I summoned a weakened Crota, just big enough to swing its sword around without endangering the class.

"Fight this. Do your best, I will evaluate you again afterwards. Oh, take note that this is a severely weakened version of the original."

I received a mental message from my teacher wife: 'Prepare the others.'

I sneakily summoned Ruby's, Yang's, and Blake's weapons and passed them to their owners. They looked at me with a puzzled look, but I just winked and pointed forwards.

Young Weiss looked at her opponent and was utterly frightened by it. It certainly isn't a nice sight, but the problem is that it feels like a strong opponent. She got in her stance, then remembered what my Weiss told her. Stiff swordsmanship? She was doing exactly as she was taught… She got the first problem with her fighting style and took a more natural stance, something that felt comfortable for her.

Then, she was about to attack, but realized something: this was a totally new opponent which she has never faced, so she had no information on it. That is why Weiss had me summon this guy: nobody has ever seen it, so it is an absolute mystery.

"Are you not going to attack? Then the summon will move first. Dear, if you would."

I had Crota start attacking and exchanging blows with the young girl. This was utter bullying.

"An unknown enemy, you have absolutely no idea about how to face it. Its weakpoints? It's a humanoid! Think!"

Young Weiss started going for the joints, heart, eyes, things like that. Problem is, I had Crota protect itself, instead of blindly attacking.

"You are weak, realize this already. The summon is stronger than you, that is absolute. You can't do it. Not alone at least." she received no response. "What have I just told you, Weiss? Did you not hear me?"

Well, to defend the younger girl, my wife has said a lot of things.

Then, something clicked and Young Weiss looked over to her team, then said: "Help me bring this thing down!"

The three other girls understood why they have been given weapons and rushed to help their teammate.

My Weiss nodded at me, so I weakened Crota further to make it manageable with the four of them.

It took them almost ten minutes to defeat the summon. Class had already ended, but no one moved from their seats. Well, Cardin tried, but I cursed his ass to stay stuck to the seat. Pretty evil.

I'm digressing. Since they managed to beat the summon, my Weiss spoke again.

"Weiss, you are weak alone, that is undeniable. You can only grow stronger now, but you are not alone. Your teammates are there for you, like you are there for them. Your performance just now was... Passable, so you can go on to your next class. Work hard, little sis." she said with a smile. "And you guys!" she said towards JNPR. "Don't think you are safe! Pyrrha is the definition of 'drill sergeant from hell' and she will straighten you up in no time!"

Older Pyrrha giggled a little, which sounded very ominous, then said. "Yes, indeed. Meet me after your classes in the arena, I'll put you through the wringer and get you to a decent level!"

"I pray for your survival." is all I could say, but I secretly blessed them so they wouldn't seriously die.

Like so, a couple of months passed and the Vytal Festival preparations were underway. Guess who arrives today? Young Sun!

Me and the gang went to the docs ahead of time and just hung out in a cafe, ordering whatever seemed good. I realized that in six years I've spent in the original RWBY universe, I've only ever visited a handful of cafes and restaurants. Quite a number, but definitely not all of them. Freya was sipping on some tea when she caught sight of the students looking over to a ship.

"That's your queue, Sun." she said.

"Yup! Oh, I am so going to have fun teasing the younger me… What should I have him do? Oh, so many possibilities!" he squealed and created a clone to intercept his younger self.

We saw how Young Sun ran from the police and went towards team RWBY. Then, Sun appeared out of nowhere and kicked his younger self's ass. The poor boy was actually thrown a couple of meters forward.

"What the hell are you doing, you prick?!" asked the older Sun

"What the hell are YOU doing?! That hurt!" said the younger one, then he looked over to the culprit. "Dad? I though you were in Vacuo?"

"As if! Call me big brother! For now, you come with me! I need to knock some sense into that stupid head!" He said and dragged the younger boy from his tail.

"What just happened?" asked Young Weiss

"Our older siblings messing around." stated Blake

They got used to calling us 'big bro' or 'big sis' over the past couple of months. Probably still have some doubts on the whole 'God' thing, but they sure know we can do crazy things.

"Oh, you know us so well, little sis! Here, come and get some headpats!" said Old Blake, sending her voice directly to her younger self. Young Blake shivered in fear for a sec, then walked up to us and sat on her older self's lap. If the Incarnation of Yin tells you to get headpats, you get headpats. That is something that our Blake made clear early on.

"How are you girls doing? Eating well? Sleeping well? Did you make some friends?" I asked. I know for sure that this will piss a certain someone off.

"What are you!? Our mom?!" asked Young Yang

"Why, would you prefer me being your mother than your elder brother? I can do that." I said and genderbent myself real quick.

"Oh God… Go back. Immediately. Please, big bro!" she said. Heh, my genderbent version is ugly as fuck, though I could make it a bombshell like my wives.

I went back to normal and started headpatting Young Ruby, who sat on my lap. Older Ruby was jealous as fuck, which made me snicker.

"Come on, Ruby! I can pat your head as well, you know?" She immediately teleported on the other side of my lap, which I freed just for her. "Is this considered a sister sandwich?"

"No. Don't even think about it. I will carve your eyes out is you do." Older Ruby said. She was quite serious, so I really shouldn't think about it.

"Oh! You know we met a new friend earlier?! She was a little strange, but she's a good person. Her name's Penny!" said Young Ruby.

"Really? Why didn't you bring her with you? We should totally meet her."

"Don't you already know her from your reality?" asked Young Weiss.

"Of course we do, but here we are still strangers. It wouldn't be a bad thing. Meeting her I mean." I said.

"She will be participating in the tournament, so you will be able to meet her then." Said Young Yang.