
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 6 - Beyond the Universe

'So, UJD warmed up, shields up, cargo secured, new armor on including the helmet (just in case everything goes to shit and blows up), sector clear.' I thought to myself, checking if everything was in optimal condition.

"We are ready to go! Oh, this will be so fun, I feel it, MoonRay!" I said, way too excited to actually think of all the factors that could cause my ship to explode while jumping between universes.

"3, 2, 1, GO!" as soon as I gave the 'GO', space distorted, folded, and… changed. I found myself, well myself and the ship, in an unfamiliar space with many different portals. Using the UJD's display, I checked the connection with the satellite. Everything worked fine so I navigated towards one of the portals with concentrations of energy similar to my home universe. Arriving close to a multicolored portal, MoonRay scanned ahead for similar energies to those recorded. 'MoonRay apparently has received an upgrade due to my wish. Now she has all the perks and scanning abilities possible. Since I made a wish regarding the Laws from cultivation worlds, she now has the capabilities to detect Laws, as well as Light and so on.

"Guardian, I am reading a vast variety of elemental laws, but Light and Darkness as we know them are completely missing. The Laws are more abundant than in our universe, but everything considered, you are either in front of a universe with similar power to ours or inferior. After all, the Light gives you powers superior to most Laws, in particular elemental laws. Hell, you can shoot fire out of your ass if you want. Literally. Anyway, as I was saying, you are perfectly capable of entering this universe and surviving, at least. Your decision?" MoonRay offered her analysis, which was certainly welcomed as I could instinctively feel that I wasn't in danger, but I wouldn't be able to tell with such accuracy anytime soon. Probably. 'Now that I think about it, did I seriously forget to include the usage of Laws while making my gimmicks yesterday? I can't believe it, I'm so dumb.'

"MoonRay, let's do it. Let us embark on a beautiful adventure!" I said, trying to sound like one of those nobles from old films on Middle Ages. You know, those pompous, reverberating voices that gave you headaches during history class 'movie time'. Yeah, that.

"Stop talking like that. It's creepy." the Ghost rebuked, yet did not oppose his willingness to cross the portal.

I took control of the ship to cross the portal. I would not trust myself to fly in this unstable space, but crossing a portal literally in front of me is something I can do. I also don't know the situation on the other side. For all I know I could be thrust in the middle of a battlefield or an asteroid field. Either way, I am perfectly able to pilot the ship in normal circumstances.

Advancing into the portal, space once again distorted, then I found myself in space, above a planet. 'Quite convenient. Does it always send us close to a planet?' I thought, as this would be important for future trips. I observed the planet below, starting the scans. 'I can see some lights, indicating that there are cities, therefore civilizations down there. The scans should give me a better idea of where I am.'

For simplicity, MoonRay started reporting on the scans.

"The planet has a civilization slightly more modern than the pre-Golden Age Earth, yet the population is inferior in number. There are humans and a similar race. The scans indicate that they have some kind of common ancestor as their DNA is almost identical. There is also a strange type of wildlife down there. Seems to be pretty attuned with the law of death, although not enough to actually use it. Should we descend?" Once MoonRay finished, I felt that something was kind of familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it, so I looked at the reports myself, in particular the images and data collected.

"Yes,let's descend. I think I know in what universe we are. I am not sure about the time but we will soon find out, I guess. Also, if my guess is correct, this universe is about as lethal as a very hard nightfall with a ragtag fireteam, so we should be pretty OP. Probably a handful of people can actually hurt me." he responded, starting up the stealth drive and advancing towards the surface of the planet. He descended in an area void of land, but the arrival of the spaceship could probably be seen by all the surrounding countries. After all, not everyday a giant ball of fire falls from the sky!

Searching for a city, I decided to lower the altitude and fly to the East. 'There should be land here, unless the scans were wrong, which is almost impossible but… new universe, new rules. I am surprised that the ship didn't malfunction. That might have been problematic. Guess some things work even in other universes.'

Heading East for a few minutes at a moderate speed worked, as I soon found an Island with some houses. I circled around it, seeing what looked like a school and a series of houses. A small village basically. I also found another isolated house. After finding that particular house, my guess became more and more valid, as I could see a blonde-haired teenager training in the clearing right in front of it. With another scan, I confirmed my guess, so I formulated a plan.

'So, if I am not wrong and the scans are correct (and they are), I am in the RWBY universe. Hopefully not an AU: too many uncertainties can be fun but way more dangerous. This should be Yang's and Ruby's house. Yang seems about 16 to 17 years old and her not being at school should either be because it's vacation time or because she will soon be going to Beacon Academy.

My best bet would be crashing (as in staying) at their place, then be with Ruby when Torchwick tries to rob that shop, don't remember the name. If I can't, I will check where in the timeline I am, then reconsider my plan. For now I could 'causally' pass out after coming out of the forest near their house. Better activate my skin layer and keep my gear on.���

After quickly considering my plan, I activated my skin layer, which worked like SIVA nanites, forming my pale white skin and white hair. I then trasmated at a safe distance in the forest. MoonRay was currently dematerialized but ready to appear if needed. I started getting into the 'character' I decided to play: an unfortunate aspiring hunter who got lost after being attacked by Grimm. I will pass out after getting Yang's attention. With that out of the way, I started dragging my left foot and breathing heavily, while holding my right shoulder with my left 'good' arm. My armor can't be removed by others either way so they will have no way to check my 'injuries'. I started softly saying "Help! Please" while moving towards the clearing I saw from the ship. By the way, the ship was following over me while still cloaked. When I reached the clearing, I faked being relieved before shouting with a hoarse voice: "Help! Please!"

After making sure Yang saw me, I 'collapsed'. I will wake up in around an hour or so, hopefully with my head on top of those heavenly thighs. Oh my God, they're marvelous.'

As I planned, I 'awakened' a little over an hour after reaching the clearing. Until now everything worked out since I am in the house and not in a forest surrounded by Grimm. So GGWP.' As I got lost in my stupid thoughts, I saw Yang and her father. 'What was his name… Tang? No, Taiyang! Not that I can call them by name, that would ruin the plan.'

I started to move and 'groggily' stood up.

"Where am I, I remember being in the forest and getting attacked by… Oh, so they died." I said, looking at the floor and clenching my fist. "Sorry, could you tell me where I am? my transport had a malfunction and the next thing I know is that the Grimm surrounded us…"

"Calm down, kid. You're in my house in Patch. The island West of Vale, you know." Taiyang said, before handing me a glass of water. 'What a thoughtful man.'

I collapsed my helmet, leaving only the rim of the 'Eye of Another World', another nifty function I found. I must have surprised the man with my appearance, as he momentarily widened his eyes before returning to normal.

"Thank you, I am Tula. I was going to Vale in order to become a huntsman along with some friends. I guess you understand from my condition what happened." I said, trying to sound pitiful. 'I should get an Oscar. I hate to do this to good people but I can't exactly go around saying 'Hey, I saw you from my spaceship, let me stay at your house!', that would be bad.' I thought to myself this while drinking the water. It felt surprisingly refreshing. 'Now I need to continue my act. Probably acting tough and self-sufficient will activate the mama bear instinct in Taiyang.'

"Thank you, again. Do you know any inn or anything similar? Hope they will accept a barter instead of Lien…" I said, while muttering the last part, just loud enough to hear. 'Oh, what a devil I am!'

"Wait kid, what do you mean by inn, what do you want to do? You're obviously in no condition to travel alone."

"My friends died fighting those monsters. We knew the risks but this... The least I can do is become a Hunter and wipe out as many Grimm as I can. Maybe that will help them rest in peace." I pause, clenching my fist, before continuing, "As you said I am in no condition to travel alone. I need a day or so before continuing. That is why do you know of an inn I could go to?" I asked, looking at him in the eye.

He looked thoughtful for a minute, while Yang was looking at me sadly. She then touched her father's arm gently.

Taiyang looked at his daughter briefly before saying: "My daughter here is starting her term at Beacon in a month. Why don't you stay with us in the meantime? Not for free: you will have to earn your own share by helping around the house when you can. How about it?"

'Hell yeah! I now know where in the story I am and got a place to stay. Ops, got to keep my act up.' I started to tear up a little (fake), before saying: "Thank you. Really, thank you."

'Ay, I got hugged by a beautiful girl!' I thought, as a yellow shadow suddenly hugged me tightly.

Over the course of the month, I got to know Ruby and Yang properly (obvious, living with them that was an obvious result), and let me tell you, they are a blast. On one side you have a hypersonic ball of fluffiness and happiness. On the other you have a pun-spouting, battle-hungry, yellow Muhammad Ali knock-off. Needless to say, in our spars I won, except one time since I was hit by the mysterious Teary Eye justu, so I just had to. Taiyang was quite a nice guy, considerate, he didn't even ask too much about my past. I told them I was an orphan so no problems on that front. I also met Qrow, the drunk mess. He must be a pretty good drinking partner. A thought for the future me. I helped where I can, though I was basically thrown out of the kitchen after I almost burnt down the house. Apparently Dust appliances don't exactly work like electric ones. Who would have thought that? Certainly not me.

I also started accompanying Ruby when she goes to Vale. That store's name was 'From Dust Till' Dawn'. Pretty interesting name, Yang loves it. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. Vale. Today is the day that Torchwick supposedly attacks the store. Which to me means today I will get my ticket to Beacon.