
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 58 - Aliases, Dragon, Loose Ends

That... Was absolute madness. Gods trying to discredit Adventurers through shitty Aliases, others trying to get their own Adventurers a cool nickname to make them seem stronger…

'Fuck, this is boring and depressing. How are they seriously even calling themselves Gods? It's a fucking nickname for a mortal. Just ask them what they want, check for any duplicate names and that's it. Why all this war for a name? Will a cooler nickname increase their power? No.

They are spending way too much time on a single Alias, time they should be spending actually working and thinking of important stuff. Ah, I should just eliminate all of them and create new Gods.'

Oh, it's my group's turn. Let's see how they behave. Since we appeared out of nowhere, the Gods didn't know us. Loki handed a file on us with name, picture, specialty, and notable feats.

They started with Ruby. Loki wanted to call her 'Red Thorn'. I kinda dig it since she wears black and red and you will get 'pricked' if she's pissed. Then came another fucker that wanted to call her 'Tomato'.

"You. No longer a God. Get out." I took his Divinity and teleported him outside Orario. "Go on."

Yang, Loki wanted 'Burning Dragon'. I don't know where the Dragon comes from. Even Taiyang called her 'Sunny Little Dragon'... Anyway, I want to tease her by calling her 'Dragon', so it's fine. Nobody objected. They are smarter than they look.

Weiss was called 'Magic Ice Queen' since she acted cold to anyone who was not me or the gang and used magic, mainly. Blake became 'Solid Shadow', very unimaginative but Loki liked her semblance, so… It's fine, I guess. Sun was called 'Smiling Buddha'. That made me chuckle: Sun is always smiling and overall positive and his semblance makes him shine, while a Buddha is someone who achieved enlightenment, more or less. Is this some sort of pun I am too cash money to understand?

Jaune was simply called 'Paladin' and I can get it since he is basically a textbook representation of a knight and can heal people just by looking at them, so it's good. Pyrrha was now the 'War Maiden', which I can understand. Ren was called 'Still Lake'. Pretty shitty, but don't tell him I thought that. Well, it fits with his semblance and personality. Nora was the 'Lightning Valkyrie'. Seriously? Her family name? That's pretty much hitting a sore spot every time it is mentioned. Well, she got over the death of her parents and all that stuff thanks to Ren and the rest of us. Maybe this will help her like her family name more. That, or she won't even realize the connection, so it's good.

Then they came to the last name, mine.

"You are in Loki's Familia? A God in a Familia?" asked Demeter

"Circumstances, don't ask. My Alias will be my title: 'Origin God of Primordial Knowledge'. Now, are you guys done?" They nodded. "Good. Then, get out a little, everyone except for Loki, Hephaestus, Hecate, and Freya. I have business to discuss with them."

They all hurriedly left the Denatus.

"Hoo, those guys are crazy. I don't know how you didn't kill them all already." Loki said.

"Well, didn't you see how everything went smoothly after I got rid of that guy? They just need to know that there is someone who's watching them and they will work properly. Such good doggies. Anyway, I had you three stay here to talk a little." I said, looking to Hephaestus, Hecate, and Freya. "First of all, Hephaestus and Hecate. Are you sure that you want to come with me and my friends traveling? It means leaving your Familia for a long time, you know?"

"I am fine with that. My children are mainly blacksmiths, so me not being there won't change much." answered Hephaestus.

"My children are mainly researchers, while some are in parties. No one will level up in a long while, so there is no real reason for me to stay here." said Hecate.

"Very well, I will inform you when we decided to leave. You will have time to pack your bags, don't worry. Now then, onto you." I said, looking at Freya. "Freya, you should really learn how to act better. You've been looking at me pretty often from your residence in the last few days… What's that, you fell for me?" I asked jokingly

"Yes." And I froze. The fuck?

"The fuck? Look here, Freya, loving my soul doesn't count as 'falling for me'. Does that change your answer?"

"No. I fell for you. I am the Goddess of Love, I can recognize it." she said.

I nodded sagely, while I was internally freaking out. 'I never did anything for her to fall for me. I never whispered anything to her. The only contact we had was at the Hostess of Fertility and…'

"The orphanage?" She nodded. "Seriously? Repairing the building, a little ward, and a donation and I got the Goddess of Love to fall for me?" She nodded again.

The fuck is it with this situation? Did I start collecting Pokémon or something? Oh, now I want to go into the Pokémon universe. Where was I? Ah, yes. Freaking out. I got up from my throne, went to a nearby wall, and slammed my head in it. I destroyed the wall and the entirety of Babel shook, but it cleared my head.

"Freya, how do you feel about other people? Anyone else you love? I mean romantic love."

"No. I love all other beings equally. I don't really know why I fell for you, but it's undeniable that the 'love' I felt towards you changed."

"I see… How do you feel about a trip?"

"Ready when you are." she said immediately after I finished.

"Great, now let me examine my team a little. Three wives, six friends, a daughter, a magical cat, four Goddesses, my assistant/maid. I will need to expand the ship…"

"Ship?" said Hephaestus, who perked her ears up. I checked their minds a little and saw that there was no sign of betrayal or backstabbing.

I transported the four of them to the ship. "This is my spaceship, something you use to travel outside the planet. We, meaning me, my wives, and friends, use it to travel between universes. That's why our trip will take some time, maybe even years."

"I'm fine with it." said both Hephaestus and Hecate.

"I have fallen in 'love' for the first time since I was born. I will come with you whether you like it or not." said Freya. I think she is a Yandere.

"It's not me who decides. It's Weiss, my first wife. I promised that if I ever wanted someone else in my life, I would first inform her. I love her and my other wives more than anything. If she doesn't agree, you won't come with me."

"You're making me look like some kind of home-wrecker like this, idiot!" I got a slap on my head as Weiss came in. "Hello there, I am Weiss. Hey Loki, you are already fine, so don't worry." She said, smiling to the four Goddesses. "Now then, who of you three wants to become a new wife?"

Only Freya raised her hand. Yes, the other two are only interested in the trip. I will bring them with me, though. After all, I can always erase their memories and throw them back here. Weiss took Freya to another room and came back only after several minutes. She gave me a thumbs-up, apparently convinced about the new addition.

"Well, that is one thing settled. Welcome to the family Freya! Now then I will go and take care of the One Eyed Black Dragon, it's still afternoon after all. After that, we can decide what to do. Oh, I really want a Dragon mount."

"Am I the only one who is surprised by the shift to his man-child personality?" asked Hephaestus

"Get used to it. Six years with him got me used to his antics." said Yang, coming in the room with Ruby and Ais.

"Oh, Ais, my dear! How do you feel about the One Eyed Black Dragon?"

"I hate it. I want to kill it. I want to avenge my parents." she said. I want a dragon mount, but if it means hurting Ais, I can just create another one.

"Want to come with me? I am going to get rid of it now." she nodded, so I raised her on my shoulder and searched for the bad boy with my Spirit Sense. I found it slumbering in a mountain range in the far North. I immediately teleported there.

It was cold as shit in these fucking mountains, not that I could feel cold anymore, but I knew it was cold. I already casted all sorts of spells on Ais to make her feel comfortable.

I took a deep breath and used some laws to make my voice be heard in all parts of the world. "One Eyed Black Dragon, come out! Die by the hand of the Origin God of Primordial Knowledge!" God, I already regret my decisions.

I got a lot of messages saying things like: "Chuuni!" or "Lame!" or "Just why did I marry you again?"

That last one hurt, I'll make sure to punish Yang later.

At any rate, the lizard finally showed up and I must say that it is indeed really strong: about Sky Profound Realm. Ottar, the Level 7 in Orario is barely True Profound Realm, there is no way the people of this world could kill it. Maybe Bell Cranel with the Argonaut skill… I will mess with his soul later to find out if he really is the reincarnation of the Argonaut or not. If he is, it might be interesting to put his soul into a puppy. Maybe a scaly one… Imagine a dragon Argonaut, that would be scary.

I talked again, still allowing the world to hear my voice just because.

"You finally showed up, lizard? I initially wanted to make you my pet, but my daughter wants to kill you, so you will die." I forced it to stay still, then talked to Ais, this time normally.

"Ais, do you want to hear its thoughts? It appears to be intelligent. I have the feeling it will say something interesting. She nodded, so I momentarily gave it the ability to speak in the human language. I also projected its voice towards the world

"Why?! Ever since I was born, you humans do nothing but try to kill me! What did I do?! Should I not defend myself?! Do I just have to die?!"

Woah, this went from zero to fucked up real quick. And it's a female.

"You have no desire to kill humans? Any sort of 'order from the above'?"

"Hell no! You stupid fucking humans just came and tried to kill me! You already got my brothers, so just let me be! And what's with that 'desire to kill' bullshit?!"

I stopped projecting our voices to the world since this is getting confusing.

"Hey, big guy. No, it's big girl… Look, I think we need to talk a moment here. Humans in this world were given 'Three Great Quests' which was, basically, killing you and your 'brothers'. They were sure you guys were exactly like other monsters born from the Dungeon who only desire to kill humans…" I put Ais to sleep for a moment. "Look, do you remember about a spirit you killed? A wind spirit? Golden hair, golden eyes? Basically a grown version of the girl I am holding?"

"That woman? She isn't dead, you know? I live off of magic and she is my backup in case I can't feed off of a leyline or enough magic cores. She's in suspended animation."

"Look, let's make a deal here. This girl, the spirit's daughter, became my adopted daughter. She desperately wants to kill you because you killed her parents. Now, I have two options for you: I kill you and get her mother back myself or you can give me the woman and I will make sure no one will disturb you anymore."

"And how would you do that? You're nothing but a God, you can't influence the entire world."

"Well, I could influence the entire world, but I could bring you with me to another world."

"Tell me more."

"I would change your appearance to something less menacing... at least, not as threatening like the current you. I can give you more power, safety, magic, anything, but you will have to become my familiar. I can travel to different worlds where no one knows about you, so nobody will actively hunt you… In exchange, I need the spirit."

The dragon thought for a bit. It seems that there is something that hasn't been told to the world, but I don't care. After today, the God of Knowledge (adjectives not included) will have 'killed' the One Eyed Black Dragon, one way or another.

"I accept your proposition, but I first want you to make me your familiar and all the stuff you promised. Only after that will I give you the spirit. My life depends on the woman, so I won't back down on this."

"It's fair. Let me change your appearance." I manipulated her body to become a beautiful, fluffy Reshiram, form Pokémon. Ever since I had that thought about Pokémon, I can't stop thinking about it. Since I was at it, I made her my familiar at the same time, but did not tamper with her soul, as it would be useless at this point. She is offering herself willingly- That sounds wrong. She offered to become one herself, so there is no need to make her a slave.

After I finished those two things, I gave her a whole spiel of magic hearts I had knowledge about. They all fused and created a unique heart just for her that gave her more magic than she could possibly use in a couple thousand lifetimes. Good thing because I am immortal. I also gave her the best profound veins she could support and as many profound openings as possible. Then, I implanted knowledge on Aura, Magic, and Cultivation in her mind. I then unlocked her Aura, since she had a soul. Oh, and I gave her the ability to shrink or expand as she wants.

"There, I changed your appearance, gave you a magic source, gave you defense, gave you power, made you my familiar. I upheld my part of the agreement. Now, you should give me the spirit and your name, since you still haven't done so."

"I am Diana. At least, that is what my brothers called me. Here, take the woman, Master." You know, I kinda like it when my dragon familiar calls me 'Master'.

Anyway, Diana spit out Aria, then shrunk and nestled on my shoulder. She started cultivating using the Primordial Energy I passively gave off. And it's a lot of energy.

I went towards Aria's body and checked her condition. Once I confirmed that everything was fine, I woke up Ais.

"Ais, good evening. You fainted due to the shock. The One Eyed Black Dragon is no more and it left behind your mom." I said, then she noticed the body next to me and started shaking in fear. "She is fine, just sleeping. Should I wake her up? Or should we go back to the ship?"

"Ship." she said. I put Ais on my free shoulder and took Aria in a princess carry, then appeared back into the ship. I went to my room and gently laid her on the bed. Ais then jumped down from my shoulder and laid down next to her mom.

I caressed her head and said: "Don't worry. She's here now and will never leave you again. How about you sleep here for a bit, so that the first person she sees when she wakes up is you?"

She nodded and started crying, so I stayed next to her for a bit, hugging her and caressing her head.

"T-thanks… Dad… Will you leave me?"

"What? No way am I leaving my daughter! Nope, now you're stuck with an overprotective dad until you grow old enough. Let's say a couple of millennia. After that, you can decide what you want to do."

"I already did. I will stay with you." she said. I never felt so happy. Well, I did, when Weiss accepted marrying me six years ago, when I actually got married to her, Yang, and Ruby, and when I confirmed that we're sworn brothers with Jaune, Ren, and Sun. But this still gets a spot at the top, because Ais is my dear daughter.

"Oh, then I'll never let you go! If anyone tries courting you, I'll curse him! Now, rest a bit. This must be all very exhausting. Talking with the dragon and finding out your mother was alive… Don't worry, I'll be right next to the door with your big sisters and uncles." I said, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I also casted a good old soul-stabilizing spell, to help her calm down.

When I exited the room, I found the whole gang there. I checked that Ais was asleep, then said, pointing to the mini-Reshiram on my shoulder: "People, I present to you the fearsome One Eyed Black Dragon aka Diana. From today, she is my familiar."

"Fearsome, huh? She looks so adorable, so white, so soft…" said Sun, stroking Diana and losing himself in the softness. Diana got angry and spewed some fire at him, but it didn't actually hurt him.

"Ooh, fiery personality, huh?" said Yang.

"Try being hunted by humans for millennia, you'll see just how shitty your attitude becomes!" said Diana, shocking everyone.

"She can speak?" asked Loki

"I can now, washb-"

"Yes, my dear Loki. She can and still has to get used to not being the enemy of humanity anymore." I interrupted before having to collect dragon pieces all over the ship.

"And that woman? She is Ais' mother, right?" asked Weiss.

"She is, but don't worry, Ais isn't going anywhere. When her mother wakes up, we will have to explain a lot of things. And I need to expand and remodel the ship. I don't really need the UJD anymore, but it is safer for you guys, at least until you become real Gods."

"We should talk about some loose ends, then I think we could theoretically leave this universe. We can either return to Remnant, though that sounds boring right now, we could just really take a break and relax for a while, though we did that in the last universe, or we could find some other interesting universe."

"I would opt for a short vacation. We didn't do much in this universe, but I strangely feel more tired than in the last universe we visited." said Ruby

"Yeah. I feel like we could wind down a little then go onto a cool universe. We could even take the opportunity and casually become Gods. I know there is some strange energy entering Diana, and I guess she is cultivating, so we can just do it by staying close to you." said Blake. I nodded since she got the cultivation part right.

So, since the Goddesses didn't even understand what we were talking about and Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren didn't really mind taking a break, we will be taking a short break in some chill universe. I don't mind since there will probably still be some kind of knowledge to collect.

It was already night. Four hours had passed since I came back with Aria and Diana.

She was starting to wake up, so I got my grimoire ready. I realized that giving her the information directly would be easier and quicker than actually talking and being interrupted by questions and comments.

When Aria was fully awake, she found herself in an unknown room. The last thing she could remember was being devoured by the dragon… How could she be in a room? She tried getting up but couldn't for two reasons: her body wouldn't respond properly and there was some kind of weight on her chest. She looked down and saw someone she thought she would never see again. Ais!

"A… is." she said with a hoarse voice.

"Calm down." I said. I was using some omniscience before to learn of her thoughts, so that I could enter at the appropriate moment. "Ais is sleeping, she was quite shocked to see you again. She thought the dragon killed you… Take this." I said, passing her some water made to restore her body and voice. She looked wary. "Actually, you should first take this. It's a grimoire, it will explain some things." I said, handing her the grimoire I prepared.

She took it and used it. She immediately learned about the failure of the dragon extermination, of her 'death', of how Ais slept for a thousand or so years, how she joined the Loki Familia and I became her adopted father, and of how I am a God that killed the dragon. She took the glass of water and downed it.

"Thank you. For giving Ais some love, even if only for these last few days. And, for saving me."

"No problem, my daughter will stay with me for eternity, so saving you is a given. As for the love, that is nothing. Ais is so adorable that my wife immediately accepted her as her own child. Oh, she's waking up. I'll leave you two alone for a little."

I was about to exit the room when Ais said: "Dad, where are you going?"

She was looking at me, so there was no chance that she was referring to her real father.

"I'm not going anywhere." I sat on an armchair and had Ais fly on my lap. "How could I leave such an adorable girl alone? But… Don't you want to talk with your mom?"

She nodded then whispered in my ear: "I am scared. I was too little to remember much about mom. You need to stay here with me."

I patted her head and nodded.

Basically, Aria asked Ais what she wanted to do, if she could be her mother again, and a few other things. Well, it must be awkward meeting your mother after 1000 years, yet to you only a couple passed. Ais told her that she would come with me, that she wanted Aria to be her mother again, and that I had to be her new dad.

"Uhm, Ais? That is something for Aria and Weiss to talk about, so… How about she starts with coming with us? So you can get closer again and will be with both of us." She nodded, so will do that.

Then Aria said the only thing that you should never say when Weiss or Yang or Ruby are in the same universe as you: "Well, what could be better than being the wife of a God?"

If you don't see the problem, it's that she considered only the 'God' part, only the apparent benefits and nothing else.

Weiss burst through the door and dragged the stunned Aria away.

"What was that?" asked Ais.

"Oh, dear… Don't worry, big sis Weiss just needs to have a nice long talk with Aria." Yeah, let's put it like that. I just hope that Aria was joking, otherwise I will have to create a clone. Eh, I am sure Weiss won't actually kill her. Maybe torture.

Anyway, with that done, I started thinking of any loose ends I need to fix.

'I need to put a magic circle in the Twilight Mansion so that the Loki Familia can still update their status while we are gone. I should do the same for the Freya, Hephaestus, and Hecate Familia, just to be sure.' I used a little Omnipresence and Omnipotence to do that.

'I would like to explore the remaining floors in the Dungeon, but I actually only want the knowledge at this point, so some Omniscience will do. I want to change the mentality of those 'Gods' (read as 'shitty brats') and actually make them earn their keep. Omnipotence can take care of that. I wanted to check on the kid there, Cranel. His soul must be interesting.'

I created a clone and sent it to examine the kid. I found him with his grandpa Zeus in a cottage in the countryside.

Old man Zeus was in his armchair reading a story to Bell. I stopped time since he is still, like, 6 years old? I don't want to traumatize him. I copied all of Zeus useful knowledge and checked out Bell's soul. I must admit that it is indeed very 'pure', I can see why Freya was obsessed with him. He isn't the reincarnation of the Argonaut. It's just that all those stories moulded his personality and subconscious, manifesting into a skill. He's of no interest to me. However, I don't think he is a bad kid, so I manipulated his mind so that he wouldn't think about conquering girls in the Dungeon, just one true love. Which probably means Hestia or that chick at the Guild. Wait, will he even meet Hestia now?

'Oh, the Guild, right!'

After finishing my check on Bell, I went to the Guild and checked out Rose's mind. Yup, it's a crush on Sun. I had time start again, though I did erect a barrier around us.

"Rose." I said, causing her to jump at turn around in panic. I held a grimoire with some basic information about me and the gang. "Take this, I want to ask you something."

She looked dubious but took the grimoire and it activated. She stared at me with wide eyes and started to tear up. "Rose, you now know something about us. Do you love Sun? Even if I bring you with us, I don't know if he is even interested in another wife or if Blake will accept you. But, if you want… You could come and at least try."

"I… I don't know. All of you Adventurers come by then end up getting hurt or dead. When You and Sun came by, I just wanted to know more about him… Then, not seeing you guys for almost a week made me realize that it might have been more than interest… I want to come with you. If I can't be his wife, lover, one-night-stand, I at least want to be his friend."

I nodded and made Rose a clone. It will continue to work in her place, so that no one will notice anything strange. I transported her to the ship, left her with a more detailed grimoire and dispelled my clone.

My main body, I, got all the information from the clone. 'Now, what else is left for me to fix? Ares? Should I kill him? Eh, sure. Omnipotence and Omniscience will take care of that. Hm… Nothing else, I think. I can always just quickly jump back here if I remember something.'

I finished thinking about what I needed to do and used my Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence to do everything I needed to do.

So, the Dungeon is a living being, a remnant from a Fallen God that was at odds with Ouranos. All this shit regarding monsters and Dungeons is basically a feud between lovers. The big guy in the Guild is homosexual and I could have done without that knowledge. The remaining floors are mainly Glaciers since they act as the 'prison' for this guy. Eh, what a shitty world-building. I could have done better.

Omnipotence and Omnipresence let me quickly change all of the targeted Gods' mentality. Now they will actually work together for the betterment of humanity.

Since I was in the mood, I used Omniscience to get all knowledge regarding magic, materials, buildings, music, skills, anything that I thought would be interesting. Even cooking. 'Should I abduct the Hostess of Fertility's cook? Eh, no, not necessary.'

Like this, I have taken care of all loose ends I could think of, meaning we are ready to leave this universe.