
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 56 - Return, Real God, Labyrinth, Ariel

I spread my omniscience over all of Primal Chaos and gathered all of knowledge that could be gathered. I also left a waypoint satellite in the remains of the moon. Then, I warmed up the UJD, paying attention to how the laws behave during the universe jump. It's not like I would stop using the ship, but I wanted to know. And… Using omniscience every time is just boring.

Space distorted once again in a familiar manner, leading to the portal space. I directly flew towards the DanMachi portal and entered it.

"Here we are, Amy. This is the first time you travel with me. This is another universe!"

"You did give me the knowledge about it, but experiencing it is different. Let's go now, I want to meet your friends and family. MoonRay showed me some photos, they seem like a lively bunch!" Amy said.

'Her personality has certainly changed in these two years. Well, it should be due to the knowledge I gave her… Oh, well. Not a problem.'

I directed the ship to fly towards the Twilight Mansion and hover above it. Then I touched Amy's shoulder and disappeared to the Dungeon. Just a little under 5 hours had passed, so I found everyone sleeping. Well, not exactly everyone.

"Oh! There he is! Welcome back, Tula! Had a nice vacation?" asked Jaune

"That's for sure! I found a type of universe that is extremely interesting. We will be visiting many of those, for sure." I said, then I realized that they are really weak, probably only reaching the bare minimum of the Earth Profound Realm. Different energies make it difficult to distinguish power levels, even to a God. Well, I could use my omniscience, but that would be boring.

"Anyway, let me introduce you to our assistant! She's Amethyst aka Amy!" I said, pointing towards my side.

"She looks like Ruby! Aah, now I see why you helped her… Anyway, I'm Sun! Nice to meet ya!"

"I am Ren, nice to meet you, Amethyst." he said with a smile.

"And I am Jaune! Welcome to the gang, Amy!"

"So, what did you do during these 5 hours?" asked Ren.

"Well, to me it was two years, though I spent most of them sitting. I became a God! Admire me, you mortals!" I said jokingly.

They laughed and said: "Yeah, sound like something you'd do..."

"But still… A God, huh? Of what?" asked Jaune

"I would be the God of Knowledge primarily, though I can control everything. Omnipotence and all that stuff…" I said. "Well, don't worry. When we decide to switch worlds, we'll go to a cultivation universe like the one I went to, so you can all become Gods, if you want."

"Hm… Becoming a God sounds interesting, though I'll have to see what Blake says. Wouldn't want to become a God without her." said Sun.

"Ah, I'm in." said Blake, coming out of nowhere. "I didn't come from nowhere, Tula. You might be a God, but you forgot of your surroundings."

I felt like saying 'How dare you, mortal!' Then I remembered that she is my friend and I calmed down.

"My dear, what's this thing I hear about becoming a God?" asked a very scary Ruby.

"R-Ruby, calm down… It was the peak in that universe, so I had to reach it! It felt interesting, so much power at my disposal… You will see how cool I am!" I said, thinking 'She's scary' over and over. Wives are scary, even to Gods.

"Dad, you became a God like big sis Loki?" asked a sleepy Ais.

I picked her up and made a chocolate appear. It was delicious and destroyed all impurities from her body. Plus, it would make her even more beautiful.

"Yes I did Ais. Actually, even stronger! 'Big sis' Loki is just a little better than Amethyst here in regards to laws." I said. After all, Loki was barely a Divine King Realm in terms of law utilization, meaning she was a little better than Amy. Well, to mortals, she was a lot stronger, but to me that strength is negligible. Her physical strength is inferior to a trained human, which is quite… Concerning.

"I see you once again did something incredibly amazing and stupidly difficult like it were nothing. And I am barely better than your assistant? So, what's your Arcanum?" asked Loki. I used my omniscience to see what an Arcanum is. Basically it's a representation of a 'god's power. I feel like laughing just calling them gods.

I used some laws and some omnipotence to create an Arcanum for myself. "It's called 'World Library' and immediately gives me all knowledge about the universe I am in, if activated. Basically, a small part of my omniscience. Pretty useless to me."

I ignored the stares and started cuddling with my daughter. Two years is a lot of time, and I need to recharge my Ais-ium reserves. I answered some more questions, then we hit the sack. Becoming a God was nothing too particular in the end. Just a huge power up, so it didn't cause that much of a commotion.

The next day I woke up with my wives attached to me, as always, Ais was also there and was curled up on my head, good thing I don't need to breathe. What surprised me was a wild Loki sprawled on top of me.

'What's this? Eh, it's fine. I'll sleep some more.' I didn't fail to notice Loki's smirk, so I pinched her cheek.

"What's with you today? A rather warm welcome, don't you think?" I asked softly, I didn't want to wake up the rest. Loki smiled, but still kept her eyes closed, so I caressed her hair. You know, she's quite cute with her hair down.

I slept about another hour, then I woke up since someone was coming near the tent. I was still submerged in bed, so I had to create a body double and teleport out of bed. Oh, now I'm pissed and I barely woke up.

I went outside the tent and found Tsubaki.

"What are you doing up and about so early in the morning? Could it be that you missed me so much?"

"Miss you? You went somewhere? Anyway, you guys are late and I can't find Loki-sama anywhere."

Then, with perfect timing, Loki came out of the tent, still half-asleep. "Tula, get that body double out of bed! The real thing is much more comfortable to sleep on."

Tsubaki took a moment to analyze the situation and then started pointing at me, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.

"Y-you! You scoundrel! W-with a Goddess… How dare you?!" she shouted.

"Hey, it's not my fault if a real God is such a good hug pillow. Want to try? I know the law of hugs and I want to know how it feels to hug you. I crave that knowledge." I said. My dominant law is affecting me, a lot.

She became red and ran off.

"The law of hugs, huh?" said Loki

"Yup, makes my hugs the most comfortable in the universe."

Bit by bit, everyone in the gang woke up. Amy was already up and about preparing breakfast for us. I should totally get her a maid outfit. I snapped my fingers and changed her clothes to a maid outfit. I made it black with silver details and it has a bare minimum of protection (read as 'a Godly amount of defense'). She was surprised for a second before remembering that I am a God, so it's normal. Well, being a God's assistant isn't really normal, but those are details. Since I was in the mood, I quickly improved the gang's gear as well.

Ais was asking about what I did in the other universe, so I told her a (very exaggerated) version of my escapades there. It wasn't really fun, though she laughed when I told her about making people cough out blood. She said: "But, that's not possible!"

So, I showed her my memory. She laughed again since those old fucks called me 'Senior' like I was some sort of millennia-old monster. Now that I think about it, I should have ended those mortals right then and there, but the prospect of knowledge clouded my mind. Was that thought cultivator-like?

Oh, it was fun when Finn looked at me with hate and Tsubaki was flustered. I am sure that Finn wanted to kill me. Heh, dream on, mortal.

"So, should we descend a couple of floors, map them out, then return here?" proposed Gareth.

"Yes, we should. I am interested in seeing the entirety of the floors in person. Maps are nice, but there must be something else." I said. From now on, we have a labyrinth, how could there possibly be nothing apart from monsters? Some chests maybe? Or a hidden room?

We started marching towards the next floor. Well, the others did. I floated and checked out the surroundings. I am much more curious now that I am the God of Knowledge. 'Now that I think about it, what's after Ancestor God Realm? Origin God? It would make sense to call it like that, but who knows? 'Origin God of Knowledge' sounds cool though… Maybe I should add 'Primordial' before 'Knowledge', since theoretically I bathed in the 'primordial soup'. Yeah, from now on, I will be the 'Origin God of Primordial Knowledge. Guess I will have to collect as much knowledge as I can to honor my new position.'

I ignored all the looks that said 'What the fuck is this guy doing?' and went on to do my own thing. Which meant meditating and expanding my Spirit Sense through the whole Dungeon. I could see the Adventurers fighting, collecting materials, stopping in the safe-zones to catch their breath. I could feel the spawning rooms throughout the place, how the monsters are created from accumulations of grudges and magic, how the Xenos tried to hide from the Adventurers' sight. It felt… nice. I now understand what omnipresence is, though what I just checked is a very limited area. There was one thing that would make this better: music, but I don't have much knowledge about it… I will have to see whether there are bards or minstrels around here.

Now that I think about it, this is a pretty boring medieval world. I mean, where are the bazaars, the demon lords, the super OP, well not to me, travelers? Where's everything that makes a fantasy world? Well, the Dungeon is pretty good and there's still that One Eyed Black Dragon out there… I'll make it my pet. Won't be too hard, I'll just modify its mind a little, then cast a few subordination curses on its soul, give it profound veins, and I will soon have my own OP dragon mount. I am basically a sage in Fantasy terms, so just imagine a sage flying on a terrifying dragon… That would be cool as fuck! No… transforming my ship in a dragon… Research needed.

I snapped out of my thoughts as we arrived on the 51st floor. It was basically the puzzle on the back of your cereal carton brought into reality, just filled with monsters. I decided to do a quick run through the floor to take a look. I stopped time and took a stroll. The labyrinth was simple, the design was nothing special, it was particularly uninteresting. No secret rooms, no chests, no secret enemy…

I went back to the group that was still frozen in time, took my place, and unfroze time. I acted as if nothing happened and we continued to advance through the Dungeon. Just because I had nothing to do, I started levitating close to Tsubaki, flashing her some grins. Haha! Her flustered face is very adorable. It's very 'gap' with her seasoned adventurer look.

We blazed through the labyrinth, arriving to the 58th floor. The improved gear helped a lot, certainly. The Valgang Dragons annoyed me on my descent through the earlier floors, so I played with them a little. I changed one of the monsters' personality to that of a kitten, I vivisected another one, I had two fight against each other to see how they would react, and I left one untouched to see if it had some reactions to this slaughter.

The kitten dragon was extremely annoying, so I turned it to dust, much to Ais displeasure. Since she liked cats so much, I created a new being, a magic cat. It will become her familiar if she likes it. It can use so much magic that Hecate would revere it as a God and it is also strong physically. It will keep her even safer than the armor. It could even communicate telepathically.

"Ais, I know you like cats, so… Do you like this little guy?" I asked, holding a small kitten in my hand. Her eyes shined and she immediately asked if she could hold it. "He will be your familiar from now on. You should name him; if he likes it, you will create a bond."

It was a Norwegian Forest cat lookalike, silver fur with green hues. "Ariel, like my skill."

It's a little feminine, but Ariel liked the name, so he shined and grew to the size of a normal cat, then started communicating with Ais. I know because she widened her eyes and looked around, then she saw me smile and understood.

And so, we got a magical cat named Ariel.