
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 40 – Actual Magic, Flying

We flew back to Hogwarts at record speed, then trasmated to the ground. It was a pretty short flight and we arrived in the evening. We did skip our lunch, so we went towards the Great Hall. Blake had her head in one of the books we bought. No, that one was 'borrowed' from 'Borgin and Burkes'.

When we arrived, dinner was already taking place. We attracted some attention by arriving late, but what could we do? We sat again with the Hufflepuffs and enjoyed the dinner. Well, the food wasn't really that good, so I trasmated a moment to the ship, went to Japan and got some ramen, directly from the source. 'Wait, maybe ramen was Chinese originally, I can't remember well… Who cares. It's delicious.'

It took ten minutes to make the round trip, excluding the time I spent getting the ramen. I bought ten extra large bowls from a nice-looking restaurant. I was sure it would be good. You know it will be good when the chef is an old man that responds to you with grunts.

It was early in the morning there, so I got some weird looks, but I got the food. Anyway, I returned to Hogwarts and gave the gang their bowl of ramen. Oh, did I ever mention that universal translators are great? And that Ghosts come with universal translators? Yeah, good shit.

"Ramen! Eat while it's hot!" I repeated what the restaurant had written at the entrance with absolutely no regard for the people in the Great Hall.

"Hell yeah! That looks amazing!" Sun said, excited to eat ramen again. The Ramen shop in the Last City got them hooked.

"Dear, you are definitely doing this on purpose. Look at all the students. They're drooling." Said Ruby.

"Eh, next time I'll ask for the recipe and bring it back for the house elves. Do they know Japanese though?"

"We definitely need to actually visit Japan. It seems like a nice place. Italy and France as well. Maybe some tropical island too…" Said Yang.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's breeze through our magic studies here, then we can go out and explore. Maybe move onto stop number two of our 'Treasure Hunt'." I said before getting started on my bowl of ramen. 'The noodles got a little soggy but bringing it over once in a while is feasible.'

After a pretty crazy night with my wives, courtesy of Yang and my robotic body, I woke up due to my alarm clock. Yeah, no more house elves. I put a clock function in each of our bracelets/wristbands. Anyway, today we wanted something different for breakfast, so we all went to Paris. Let me tell you, breakfast overlooking the Tour Eiffel must be one of the most amazing things I've done to date.

After our breakfast, we decided to finally try out some magic, so we returned to Hogwarts. Now, I should probably explain exactly what happened to the gang due to the ritual.

Normally, wizards use their internal magic to stimulate external magic and 'convince' it to do something. That is because they only passively recover magic, so they have to be careful about consumption. The gang however, constantly recover their magic due to it being tied to an organ. With every breath, they gather ambient magic and pump it back into their bodies. Not only do they have a greater capacity than most adult wizards, but they also recover it faster. This means that they can directly 'convince' their own magic, without having to stimulate external magic.

Let's take a 'lumos' spell. Harry Potter would need to do the wrist movement, say the incantation, and do magic. The first two are used to gather the internal magic of wizards, while the last is the product of the 'reaction' between internal and external magic.

We just need to think about a ball of light and we are done. It's like direct manipulation of magic. Pretty cool.

However, this means that we need to learn how to control the magic. Good old Aura will come in handy for this.

We went towards the quidditch field since it was more than big enough for our needs.

"So, how are we doing this?" asked Ren.

"Well, we need to learn how to control the magic, so let's start with Aura training but with magic." I said. This means moving and shaping our magic and then just using it until it ends.

While my friends did their own things, I started trying to understand how my magic moves in my body. The gang's magic moves along their circulatory system along with the blood, but I have neither of them (circulatory system or blood). I tried flooding my body with magic to sense how it would work. To my surprise, it just spreads to my entire body without following a proper path. This is good for me since I will change my entire body to become one huge magic stick, but for now I will have to use the one I got from Ollivanders.

Therefore, I tried ordering the magic to create some improvised veins, so that I could start my training, mainly concentrating on my hands. Since I succeeded, I started the real training.

Now then.... Training montages are overrated and boring, so I will skip it. Long story short, we practiced magic for a couple of hours before moving onto actual magic. Well, the gang still needs the magical education, so they went off of their imagination. 'I will finish analyzing the rest of the books in the school's library, then I will compile a new magic textbook. It will be much better than those already in use.'

On a side note, I already know some spells from the books I analyzed. There are some useful spells, like that mending spell which is basically localised time magic. And if there is one thing that I've learnt from web novels, it's that time and space are OP. I can probably make a better classification for magic, like fire, water, and so on. Oh, I will also include the laws into my new textbook, so it will become even more reality bending. When I modify the gang's weapons to become wands, I will also rebuild them using laws. Maybe we can go to a stronger universe next and get some interesting powers while having fun.

Anyway, seeing as everyone was trying out their magic and trying to get the best out of it with their semblances and Guardian abilities, I went towards the library. It was just a little before the second class, so not many students were walking around. I found a group of… those are Slytherins aren't they? Let's ask them.

"Hey kiddos, mind telling me where's the library real quick?"

The 'leader' guy looked at me and said: "Oh, you're one of those psychos. Buzz off, you muggle."

'Ok… He thinks I'm a muggle. Wait, that's not important. They are kids, don't kill them.' I thought as I used an enormous amount of magic to materialize a Hive Knight behind me.

"Look, brat. I don't want to kill you since you are young and stupid, very stupid. Tell me where the fucking library is and my little friend here won't take your legs." I said, as the Knight screeched. It didn't produce any sound, but it was intimidating.

"T-that way, sir!" the little snake said.

I patted his shoulder while passing next to him. Anyway, the guy sent me the wrong way, which means I'll make him pay. I found a couple of girls with books in their hands, so I followed them. Creepy, but I did arrive at the library. Now that I think about it, didn't MoonRay make a map of the castle? No use thinking about it now.

In the library, I went towards the librarian. 'How was she called again? Norris? No, that's the cat… Eh, I don't care.'

"Good morning. I would like a list of all the books in the library, if possible." I said. She looked at me and waved her magic stick. A paper then flew in front of me. "Thank you."

Gotta be kind. I will never see her again, but I can't just say 'fuck you' to anyone. Snape gets one, the librarian doesn't. Anyway, I cross referenced the list with my memories about the Ravenclaw library. There are more books here, that's for sure, but the emo-bird's are rarer. I think since there are some missing on this list. Anyway, I started going through each and every single row of shelves with my semblance active. Oh, the knowledge. It's awful. Yet again, books written while jacking off. No, if I were to write a book while jacking off, it would be much better. Anyway, I 'read' about many more spells and the culture-related books mentioned some facets of magic which were new to me. Stupid, but new. This will help me make the absolute best magic textbook in the universe. Oh, there were also a couple of books on wands, which were much more interesting, to be honest. I like collecting knowledge to build stuff. Oh, and all those books about materials and their uses are much appreciated. There were some that even Tiffany didn't have. Within an hour, I finished 'reading' all the books and put my secondary thought process to work. I should finish understanding the books in another hour or so. In the meantime, I noticed the forbidden section, so I went back to the librarian.

"Excuse me, how does your forbidden section work?" I asked. See, if I had flipped her off, I wouldn't get an answer while now…'

"You are not allowed to read the books. You need a teacher's permission to read a specific book. Now, be silent." she said.

Not very useful, but I don't need to read the books. I went towards the forbidden section and started analyzing all the books. These were the real deal. All the more 'interesting' stuff was discussed only in theory, but that was sufficient. There is probably more knowledge in this section than in the rest of the library. Oh, the books might be missing a page or two due to someone (*cough* Dumbledore *cough*), but my semblance doesn't give a fuck and gives me all the knowledge that is supposed to be there. I also found a grimoire, which automatically teaches you magic. Guess what, I learned how to create a grimoire. No more studying for us. Now I can put as many complicated concepts in there and the gang will just learn them in a second. Actually, I don't know how long it will take.

I trasmated to the ship and analyzed all the books we looted yesterday. I have already done so to most books, but not all. Legilimency was much easier than I thought: just create a bridge between your brain and another then subtly extract information; by strengthening the 'bridge', you can mess with those memories. Oh, and Occlumency was particularly useful to me since I can increase my processing power even further and create parallel thoughts in my secondary thought process, which basically means OP processing power.

Now, I really want to get the books from all those noble families. I need them, I crave them. Let's check all those brats' memories to get the location of their houses. Am I becoming weird? Anyway, I decided to go loot those families with Sun at least, since it will be a part of our 'Treasure Hunt'. On that note, there were a lot of magicians' legacies which were not found yet. And I have some ideas on where they could be. Those places will also be included in our hunt, but we will all go there. No need to hog all of the fun.

Anyway, a few days passed between practicing magic, studying, lazing around, checking the student's memories for their houses' locations, and looting said houses. Until now, we have collected books from the Black's house, which was a blast.

When we arrived, everyone felt the wards and runes that were supposed to protect the manor from intruders, but they were deactivated. What a shame, we wanted to test our magic shields. Well, we entered the house without caring about subtlety: Jaune just smashed his foot on the front door, which obviously broke down. Note to self: Jaune is a strong boi now. We were immediately 'greeted' by Kreacher. His sudden appearance, along with his fugliness, scared the shit out of us, so I beat him a little. Just enough to make him regret ever being born. Then, we met with Walburga and BOI was she ugly and loud.

I stood there, in front of her painting, then blasted it to pieces. You are welcome, Sirius. There was one thing that I miscalculated: I didn't know where the library was, so I got Kreacher and searched his memories. We slowly made our way to the library, admiring a wizard's house. It was pretty much the same as a normal house, just creepier with all the house elf heads and other dark magic gimmicks. The gimmicks were all collected, except the really creepy ones. Oh, I also found Slytherin's locket, which I analyzed. The thing is supposed to help the recovery of magic, but Voldefuck ruined it and it is now just a cursed piece of jewelry. I did find though, that it was supposed to be a set with Slytherin's wand, Gryffindor's sword and shield, which was never found, Ravenclaw's diadem, and Hufflepuff's cup and bowl, which was never completed. Now, I have the main targets of our little Treasure Hunt.

Anyway, we found the library and looted everything we found. I also entered the potion storage, where I found some interesting, but unfortunately spoiled, potions. My semblance did some work here and now I know how to make them perfectly. Even Felix Felicis, though that is useless: it concentrates all of your luck into a short period of time, which means you will be unlucky for a long time after consuming it. I also found some wands lying around, but they were useless to us.

And with that, our looting of the Black family manor ended. I got a lot of knowledge on the Dark Arts that day. Let me tell you a secret: not as dark as you would think, just a little different and more effective than most common spells. I am starting to think that all previous Ministers of Magic were afraid of an armed uprising and started labeling this strand of magic 'Dark'.

Well, all that brings us to today: the first flying lesson. I have flown on all kinds of things as a Guardian. I even mounted a Nevermore and a Wyvern, but a broom? I need to try it out. The feeling was shared by everyone else, as a flying broom is the definition of magic. You're no wizard without a broom. Since Fumbles has so kindly allowed us to attend the classes, we went with the Gryffindors and Slytherins, because Yang said that they looked like a good source of entertainment. Oh, how right she is.

Anyway, since the little sneks were giggling to themselves when we showed up, me and Weiss summoned our knights. Weiss' was the white Atlas knight, while mine was basically a miniature Crota. That shut them up right away. Ronald mother-fucking Weasley had a shit eating grin, so I had mini-Crota stand right next to him. To be honest, I couldn't help but laugh at his face and thoughts. He was thinking about every single sin he committed since he could remember and why he would ever deserve to be threatened with a monster. Well, he laughed at others' misfortune, which is a dick move.

When the quidditch witch whose name I really can't remember arrived and saw those two 'monsters' around the students, she took her sand and attacked. Our summons didn't even flinch. Maybe if Weiss didn't have magic, her knight might have been injured, but now that thing is almost indestructible.

Ah, yes. The name was Hooch.

"Don't worry Ms. Hooch. These things are our… Familiars, they won't attack the students though they will maintain the order. Please start your lesson, we are ectastic to the idea of flying on brooms." I said to the tense witch.

"Familiars, huh? The Headmaster did tell us that you and your group would do something crazy… Well, put them away, the class will be starting now." Hooch said.

And so, the class started. Yang got the hang of it almost immediately, while the rest of us had a slightly harder time. I did use my semblance on the broom since, you know, my Sparrows can't fly yet. It was actually really simple: a couple of runes here, a couple of charms there, and voilà le flying sparrow. Ok, it isn't exactly simple. Basic would be a better term.

Anyway, that little ball of awkwardness that is Neville fell from his broom, so my summon caught him before he fell on the ground. Well, he fainted, probably due to the fact that a scary alien summon caught him. He didn't break his wrist or anything so it's fine. Hooch had to bring him to the infirmary though. I also noticed his remembrall on the ground. While I was debating what to do with it, Nora picked it up.

"Hey Ren! Look at this!" she said, waving the thing around.

Ren turned around with a smile, then froze when he saw that a child was dangling from the ball.

"Nora, what do you have there?"

"A ball! Oh, and an obnoxious kid. He's surprisingly light." She said like it was absolutely normal. Let me tell you: Nora is a great person, but she is an extreme airhead sometimes. That or maybe she just doesn't care.

"Put the kid down. He looks troublesome." Ren said. 'He isn't wrong. Young Draco was absolutely troublesome. Just breathing in the same room as him meant trouble. More like annoyance.'

Well, Draco's face when Nora picked him up by the scruff of his neck like a kitten was priceless. He was scared, confused, and enjoying it. Hey! No enjoying my friend's wife! That sounded wrong, didn't it?

Anyway, Draco didn't throw the ball and Harry didn't get selected as a Seeker. We also learnt how to fly a broom and I will soon make flying sparrows. All in all, a good day I'd say. Now, it is time to make the grimoire for the gang, then we can explore. Oh, I am totally taking the philosopher's stone, bird-brain's diadem, and Gryffindor's sword. Oh, and the basilisk, I'm taking it, dead or alive.