
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 34 – Marry Me, Adventure?

After the 'Grimm Hunting', things started changing for the better. World governments stated that Grimm were extinct on land, which lead to a campaign of repopulation and expansion. Many cities, villages, outposts were all renovated and expanded. Farmland increased, transportation got better, people were happy.

Now that I've got the boring stuff out of the way, I need to do something important. Marriage, the plague of all mankind, one of the oldest traps known to men, and probably the best thing that could happen to me.

Let's go back to the days after the 'Grimm Hunting'.

I was working on implementing some knowledge into my surprise for Weiss, Yang, and Ruby. Maybe my friends will also be included, but that will depend. Anyway, Jaune and Pyrrha, Ren and Nora, and Sun and Blake decided to get married. This was something official some time ago, but the dates were not decided. Pyrrha's family was impatient to see her in a wedding dress, so they were pestering her after Grimm were basically a thing of the past. Jaune then proposed they get married the next month. And so they did. A big, and I mean BIG, celebration was organized. Oh, I learned that people in Remnant don't go to churches or city halls to get married. No, they just organize a big party and propose in front of the people invited then bada-bin bada-boom: you're married. Cool stuff.

Where was I? Ah, yes Jaune and Pyrrha's marriage. They both had an enormous fanbase for some reason, so a shit-ton of people celebrated their marriage in all of Remnant. Some reporters even came to film the event, but they were quickly sent packing.

After the first couple got married, Blake's family agreed to have Sun as a son-in-law, so they quickly got married as well. The celebration was more private this time. Family, friends, ex-teachers, some old, good members of the White Fang.

Nora then basically forced Ren to marry her, even though he wanted to wait a little, maybe help rebuild their hometown. For once, Nora actually got serious and told him that he 'shouldn't think too much about the past. You shouldn't forget it but think about the future and what you have now.' Ren was convinced soon enough, and they got married as well. Same as Sun and Blake's marriage, the celebration was private, with only friends and some ex-teachers. If you're asking why the teachers, it's because they helped us a lot during our time at Beacon, actually growing as a person and not becoming stronger or more knowledgeable.

And so, that brings us to today, the day I am getting married. There was… a shit-ton of people that somehow got to know about this and tried filming or smuggling themselves in. Needless to say, I beat up the insistent ones, then sent everyone away. We only invited our friends, family, Ozpin, Ironwood, Glynda, Oobleck (because he's awesome even though he can be weird), obviously Qrow and Winter, and Weiss got me to invite Jacques as well. 'Why? Just why? I shot him, you know? Eh, I guess that he is her father, so I'll get over it.'

Now, I had three people to get married to, so I have no idea how to go about this.

"Look, you can just tell us, you know? We're basically already married; this is just to make it official." Said Yang, solving my dilemma.

"Then…" I got on my knee then continued, "Would you marry me Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose?"

What I got in response was three kisses. 'Yeah, there actually was no need for this, but I just had to make it official. Oh well, I got kissed so that means we're done here, right?'

"So… We're married now?"

"Well, you were already stuck with us ever since you gave us the rings but… Yes, we're married." Said Weiss.

"Cool… Doesn't really feel like anything changed." Said Ruby

"I guess that means I can finally give you my present. Everything I have is yours, but there is something I couldn't give you directly." I said, taking out three present boxes. The three girls took the boxes and eyed them Ruby started shaking it next to her ear. "Well, what are you waiting for? Open them up!"

They started unwrapping the packages and took the lid off. Their faces weren't that amused, probably not understanding what my present was, so I said one word: "Immortality."

"I couldn't give you immortality directly, neither can I now, but I will be able to do so once we go on our honeymoon." I said, pointing to the three ghosts lying in the boxes.

"This is… Like MoonRay? A Ghost?" asked Weiss.

"Sure is! It doesn't actually work yet. I need one last thing to make it work, but I can't do it here in this universe. Oh, you should think about some names for your Ghosts."

"Wait, why are you so casual about this? It's immortality, you know?!" said Yang.

"Are you seriously worried about that? Tula said 'honeymoon'! We're going on an adventure for sure!" said Ruby.

"Cool, so when are you going kid? I still need to get married myself and Winter would be sad if her sister couldn't attend." Interjected Qrow.

"Yeah, we need to know so we can prepare. You weren't planning on leaving us, were you?" asked Jaune

"Wait… I planned on asking if you wanted to come with us but don't you guy like still need to go on your honeymoon and live like actual married couples?"

"Eh, it's not like marriage changes a lot of things for us. Plus, what kind of honeymoon can be better than an interdimensional adventure?" Ren added.

"Well, you're not wrong… Well, then we should sit down and decide when to go. But first! Let's finish this celebration and get Qrow married!"

That night, I was facing three angry(?) women.

"So, you just transformed our honeymoon in a trip?" asked Weiss.

"And you just gifted us immortality. That's important." Said Yang.

"You two knew perfectly that this would happen! This idiot 'husband' of ours is immortal and I doubt he would be able to function properly without us. Him giving us immortality was just a question of 'when'." Said Ruby.

"Well, I planned on having our honeymoon first then go on an adventure with the gang. I thought I could invite them on an interdimensional adventure to discover something new since Remnant got kind of boring in the last year. Huntsmen like us who were trained to protect humanity from Grimm became security guards… The people in generations before and in ours aren't all that happy with their jobs.

Immortality was just a question of 'what is the appropriate time. I've been tinkering with your Ghosts for a couple of months. That tech is hella difficult to understand.

And, Ruby is right." I went next to them and kissed them all one at the time (*sips coffee* obviously the idiot doesn't have three heads, what a disappointment.) then continued, "I can't live properly without you. So, what do you say? Will you give literal sense to the phrase 'until the end of times'? It's a one-way train and lifespan won't apply to you anym-" I was interrupted.

"Seriously this guy! You've been with us for what? Five years now? And you still need to ask this stuff? Immortality sounds boring, but I think us four can make it work out." Said Weiss, pouting a little. 'Oh, with her older face, that pout is just too good!'

"Well then… Help me convince Winter to move up the date of her marriage! I think an adventure can wait until they make it official." Yang said to Weiss.

"Yes, I still can't believe my sister of all people is getting married. And to that dusty old crow!"

"Oh, come on. You know you find Qrow fun. He's a good guy and Winter loves him! What could be better?" said Ruby.

"Anyway, we are digressing! We were talking about our honeymoon/adventure-trip right? We need to wait for the last marriage, then we could go. I really want to see another universe. But we're coming back to visit every once in a while!" said Weiss.

"I'm alright with that. Now… Shouldn't you act like a good husband? D-e-a-r?" asked Yang.

'This is going to be yet another long night right? I love my life!'

Qrow and Winter had to talk with my (not so) favorite father-in-law Jacques before marrying. She was adamant about that for whatever reason. Jacky-boy had learnt his lesson well and agreed to the marriage after a very in-depth background check and a long interro- meeting. Winter was ecstatic and spent a lot of time with Weiss to ask about her married life. Not much to say about that, just the usual: laze around, maintain order in the world when needed, training, going on dates (can they be called dates if you're married? Outings maybe? Stupid jargon)…

Qrow on the other hand was a nervous wreck. He was worried about messing everything up, so me and the bois spent a few days calming him down and convincing him that after five years of being a couple, his life wouldn't change that much. Hopefully.

Anyway, the two got married a couple of months after receiving Jacques' green light. Raven was probably the most excited of the guests: never would have imagined that her brother would get married. But then suddenly… Plot twist! There is no Plot twist! Everything went perfectly and the two got married successfully.

Winter was a little conflicted over following us or staying in Remnant. Weiss also didn't want to lose contact with her, so what could I do but create a series of inter-dimensional satellites and communicators for every family? One to Tai and Raven, one to the Arc's, one goes to Pyrrha's family, one goes not to… Ren and Nora… Yeah, that was a little sad, very sad. Anyway, one goes to the Schnee (I secretly passed separate ones to my mother-in-law just in case Jacques went back to his old ways), one goes to Winter, and I made another set for Ironwood and Ozpin to contact me in case of an emergency, like, real important emergency.

With that, we were ready to go on our honeymoon/adventure. First stop: Destiny universe.