
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 2 - OC: Tula-28

Time turns back a bit.

After passing through the door, Tula was YEET'ed into what can be best described as the most awesome roller coaster ride ever, if not for the fact that he hates roller coasters and lost consciousness in the middle of it. Well, this played in his favor, as his first wish, regarding his body and memories was being fulfilled. Jared, or who we now know is called Xad'el (shitty name if I do say so myself. *sips tea in very English gentleman manner*), simply used his powers to make a new existence in an already present family before the arrival of the Traveler and all that shit. However, this was only an existence, with no 'data', so that Tula could do his own thing and customize his background. Tula will also be able to fully customize his looks AFTER he becomes an Exo. Human genetics are random. Plus, he won't even remember his life before becoming a Guardian.

Well, since he will basically live through history like a live-action adaptation of a video game his body is of no importance either way.

After what felt like ages, I woke up and was presented with a completely pitch-black room with the exception of a panel, a glowing, transparent panel. 'This must be the interface I asked that God guy (*in the distance* it's Xad'el you puny mortal!). Hm, let me see.'

With this thought, I focused on the panel. For a start, it was asking for the backstory and appearance of my 'character'.

I played a bit with the interface and parameters until I was satisfied and defined my new existence:

"Tula Trudeau was a member of the Trudeau family, a great inventor. He participated in the creation of the first exo prototypes and became one of the first exo's before dying due to old age. Due to being one of the first series of mechanicals, Tula was moved to newer bodies as technology progressed, each time contributing something with firsthand experience. This led to Tula-28 being one of the most advanced exo's with the capability of changing his own body with better materials, compressing, repairing, and modifying it to his liking. His appearance is similar to Cayde's as he improved on the design and functionality of the body. Now, his body can also be coated in skin-like nanomachines that make him indistinguishable from other humans. He is around 5'11'', built kinda like a swimmer, a really strong one (as in strength/STR/do you even lift bro), pale/white skin, white hair (incapable of producing melanin). Oh, yeah! The guy got resurrected as a Guardian and killed a number of Gods. No big deal."

Yeah, I made myself the MC of Destiny so that I could make sense of the new memories and explain all of my new toys. The mechanical body would look like a human without skin and metal muscles. Only the head remained like that of a normal Exo, basically a cooler Cayde-6 without the horn.

The next thing that I found was a display with my skills, perks, and drawbacks. The skills and some of the perks were given by my wishes, 'That's obvious', while the rest are from his backstory and newfound memories. 'Although I did not integrate with the memories yet, the character and I are one, so it kinda makes sense.'

The panel read:


Material Production, Walking Forge, Immense Energy (Universal), Immense Regeneration (Energy-related), Full Knowledge (Weapons, Armor, Vehicles, Laws, Etc.), Light Bearer


- Full Knowledge

You've got all the knowledge you need. You don't understand it, but those are just details, don't sweat it. Show them what you can do… Literally show them cause you can't explain for shit.

Gun Nut, Hacker, Armorer, Blacksmith, Science!, Robotics Expert, Nuclear Physicist, Guns and Bullets, Tesla Science, Expert Pilot, Law Comprehension and Utilization

- Akashic Engine

With immense power (and regeneration) comes immense resp… Wait a minute!

Perpetual Motion Machine (PMM), Ghoulish, Solar Powered

- Guardian

You are an Exo brought back from the dumpst- I meant death, yeah death, to save humanity and all that stuff. Who cares?! Look I can shoot fire!

Resurrection, Health Regeneration, Melees, Grenades, Constructs, Movement Abilities, Jump Modification, Super, Shields, Over-Shields, Light Orb Generator (LOG), Ghost, Transmat, Inventory, Engram Finder, Engram Decryptor, Engram Creator, Data Modification, Light Infusion, Etc.

- Combat Veteran

28 basically immortal bodies plus whatever you did before… Guess that explains why you can wreck anything with enough bullets!

Steady Aim, Rifleman, Demolition Expert, Sniper, Penetrator, Gunslinger, Commando, Gun Fu, Better Criticals, Awareness, Concentrated Fire

- Exo

Seriously? Why do I even have to explain?

Toughness, Adamantium Skeleton, Unstoppable, Shield Harmonics

- Loner Leader

Are you alone? Fine, I'll do it myself! Are you with a group? Let's go guys, we've got a God to slay! Like the 5th one? I am tired of the same bullshit repeating itself over and over again!

Lone Wanderer, Inspirational, United We Stand

- Lucky Bastard

Is there really a need to explain? Ok then, you are lucky, the quantity and quality of what you find is increased and more good things will happen

Quantity AND Quality, Lucky Bastard


- Amnesia (Default for Guardians)

It literally does what it says. Fine, I'll explain. You do not remember who you were before becoming a Guardian. You do know some things and your knowledge remained mainly intact due to the last-generation data safes.

- Exo Body

You do not have an organic body. In exchange you have a stronger body, will not loose combat capabilities unless critically damaged (no bleeding, concussions, Etc.), will not age or die. But you don't have a dick… Fuck!

- ERROR! (Effect mitigated due to skills Full Knowledge and Light Bearer)

Remember that time an unknown code entered your little mechanical brain and you couldn't get it out for the love of all that is sacred? Yeah, turns out that it does not affect you during combat, however you tend to have way too many useless thoughts during your everyday life.

Occasional Ruthlessness, Undefined Personality, Modified Backstory:

"Tula Trudeau was a member of the Trudeau family, a great inventor. He participated in the creation of the first exo prototypes and became one of the first exo's before dying due to old age. Due to being one of the first series of mechanicals, Tula was moved to newer bodies as technology progressed, each time contributing something with firsthand experience. During one of these "relocations", an unknown code was introduced in Tula's body, resulting in several personality problems. Tula-28 is one of the most advanced exo's with the capability of changing his own body with better materials, compressing, repairing, and modifying it to his liking. His appearance is similar to Cayde's as he improved on the design and functionality of the body. Now, his body can also be coated in skin-like nanomachines that make him indistinguishable from other humans. He is around 5'11'', built kinda like a swimmer, a really strong one (as in strength/STR/do you even lift bro), pale/white skin, white hair (incapable of producing melanin). Oh, yeah! The guy got resurrected as a Guardian and killed a number of Gods. No big deal."

'So… Yeah, if you still don't understand I'll make it very clear to you. Me is OP; like, with my skills alone I would be a walking army with an armory filled with deadly weapons that can literally kill Gods, at least in this universe. Now, with my perks and this body's memories, my OPness reached a totally different level.

I asked for that Eternal Arms Mastership since I knew I wouldn't be able to handle weapons immediately, but I guess my memories would have solved that anyway. Also, aren't those perks from Fallout?

Those drawbacks are much more 'tame' compared to what I was expecting, guess that God was a good guy. Hm, my backstory was modified but it's really negligible. What scares me a little is that 'Undecided Personality'. I do not know its effects but I don't like the name. Eh, I'll see where this goes.'

That was my last thought before the interface deactivated itself and I found myself in the pitch-dark environment.

Before long, I felt a rush of information, but did not feel pain due to my superior mechanical brain.

'Guess I am already in my new body or I would cry out in pain for sure. Look at the amount of memories!' I thought to myself as my brain processed and integrated the memories of this mechanical body. 'I just did it subconsciously but I am able to create partitions in my brain and run parallel thoughts. I better create a separate thought process for the assimilation of my memories.'