
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 15 - Date on the Moon?, Origin, Setting the Stage

I woke up late in the morning. Weiss was right next to me. She was probably about to wake up. It was a Saturday, so no classes today. I looked over to the others and saw that everyone is still sleeping. I decided to quickly trasmat to a cafe in the city and order breakfast for the five of us. Usually, we wake up in time for breakfast at the academy's cafeteria, so I thought that starting the day with something delicious would be nice. Sleeping in and a good breakfast, what could be better. Since I was in a good mood after seeing Weiss, I decided to leave a kilogram of gold for the cafe. Without waiting for their response, I took the food and trasmated back to the room. There, I found a worried and angry Weiss.

"Where were you?!" she asked. I just raised the food. She came to me, grabbed her breakfast, and planted a quick kiss on my cheek. 'I love my life. I can die happily now… Like hell! I still need to build our house in the EDZ.'

After giving breakfast to Yang, Ruby, and Blake, I started thinking about what to do today. 'I could spend the day lazing around, better yet lazing around with Weiss, since I haven't done that in a while. I could waste a couple of hours setting up the ritual on the moon. Or, I could go and kill Adam. Now that I think about it, if I rush, I should be able to finish the ritual stuff in an hour. Killing Adam would take only a few minutes after locating him, then I could spend my day lazing around with Weiss. Maybe a space exploration date? I could consider that,'

With my day planned out, I wanted to leave but Weiss stopped me.

"Uhm, Weiss… Not that I don't like it, but aren't you being clingier than usual?" I asked, noticing her odd behavior.

"What do you mean 'clingier than usual'?! You promised not to leave me until the end of time!" She then pointed to a nearby clock. "Time hasn't ended yet, so you're stuck with me!"

"That makes sense. Want to come with me then?" I asked. 'I will just explain the ritual to her. She's smart, so she will understand something's up either way. I will kill Adam at night. Today should also be the day Torchwick steals the Dust shipment. I should get involved and remove him. He would be one less enemy to deal with.'

"Sure, let's go." she said. 'Seriously? Without even asking where? Is this trust or dependence?'

With that question lingering in my mind for a few seconds, I trasmated us to the ship. It was constantly orbiting in space above Beacon. Since Weiss wouldn't leave me, I asked MoonRay to bring us to the moon. She was royally pissed off that I never called on her. When she discovered that me and Weiss became a couple, she sent me a message through the interface, something I didn't even know was possible.

It said: "You pedo! That body is almost three centuries old!"

In response I glared at her. 'I'm not a pedo. Weiss is almost 18 and I am 19, no matter how old this body might be. I didn't even inhabit it for a year! My logic probably makes no sense. If I am a pedo than most women in Chinese cultivation novels are as well. And they are worse: thousand year old women going after someone not even a hundred years old? In perspective its like a grandma going for a 10 year-old. That's messed up.'

"Why are we going to the moon?" Weiss asked after a few minutes. We were flying slowly, so it would take about 20 minutes to get there.

"Are you familiar with Salem?" seeing her shake her head I continued: "To put it bluntly, she is Ozpin's ex-wife, who became an evil goddess planning to take away humanity's hope. Basically she wants to kill us all. And she is immortal. Ozpin is actually the reincarnation of Salem's husband. It's more complicated than that in reality, but that's the gist of it. We are currently going to the moon so that I can set up a sealing ritual in order to seal the crazy woman, basically saving humanity."

She looked stunned. Her eyes were spinning! 'That's a pretty normal reaction. All this stuff about Salem and her love life is a complete clusterfuck. I don't really care about some fossil's love life, after all she will soon be sealed. I hope, otherwise I'll have to throw her on some remote planet in another star system.'

A few minutes before arriving, Weiss talked again.

"You didn't tell me the whole truth yesterday, right?"

'She's smart. I want to tell her after the tournament though.'

"Yes, that was not the whole truth. What I said about being with you though… That was the truth. All of it." I said. I was starting to stand up in order to prepare for the arrival, when Weiss grabbed my arm. I looked at her and knew: she wouldn't let go until I told her everything. I sighed, thinking about all the concessions I made and will make for her.

"Fine. Would you believe me if I told you that I'm not from this universe?" I asked.

"Another universe?"

"Another universe. One without Grimm, without hunters, without you. I was human, that is the truth. One day, we found an enormous machine on another planet in our solar system. We called it the Traveler. Then came the Golden Age. Due to circumstances I don't remember, I became an Exo. And even with this seemingly immortal body, I died. Later, after several decades, maybe more than a century, MoonRay found me. I became a Guardian. We are basically immortal hunters who fight against the alien races that invaded the solar system. Who knows why they all wanted our destruction.

I fought alongside a group of Guardians and defeated all the powerful enemies of humanity. There were even a few Gods, nothing that enough bullets and planning couldn't handle. After years of fighting, we achieved peace, at least momentarily. My teammates all took solo missions since sitting around was not our style. I decided to go on a scouting mission outside the solar system. I encountered an anomaly and found myself above this planet. After getting enough information, I am ashamed to say I tricked Yang and Ruby's father to let me stay at their house for a bit. The day before the start of Beacon, Ozpin invited me and Ruby to attend due to our capabilities, I guess. The rest you know already." I told her everything. Well, an abridged version of the Traveler and Golden Age, with some slightly changed details.

Weiss looked at me with wide eyes. I just told her I am more than a century old, some kind of legendary warrior, though I spared her the details, and that I tricked one of our teammate's family into letting me crash at their place. I guess she is confused and, quite possibly, disappointed.

"Weiss, I told you everything. What I feel for you is the undeniable truth. I will say it again: I love you. I will stick to you until the end of time. So, Weiss the Snow Angel, will you go on an adventure with me, sometime in the future?" I asked.

She thought for a bit, before answering.

"I will. You won't get rid of me easily! I will just ignore the part about you being technically a relic and tricking that poor man. Though you should probably come clean about this with the others in the future."

"This makes me very happy. Let's face the future together then."

"Ahem! You two lovebirds might want to save all the smooching for later. We have arrived on the moon." said MoonRay at a very inappropriate moment.

"Not cash money! Definitely not cash money of you, MoonRay!"

After getting interrupted by a very rude Ghost, I got my gear on and trasmated myself and my gimmicks to the surface. Weiss stayed on board the ship, preferring watching me work down here. 'She's definitely a sadist.'

I started by choosing a suitable crater. It will be the 'stage' for the final act of this piece. I planted four metal stakes in the ground, forming a square. They then started melting the ground. Soon, in the area delimited by the stakes, only a perfectly straight cubic depression. I then took a cube and threw it inside the depression. It started enlarging until it filled the hole. 'With this, I have a stable, unbreakable surface with which I can work. Better get moving.'

I started with the inscription of the 'magic circle'. Hive rituals can be considered technology as their runes can be counted as a type of formula. I started inscribing the runes needed for the sealing ritual. 'I say ritual, but it's just activating the circle with a predetermined keyword, in Hive language. That is arguably the hardest part.'

After I was done with the actual ritual, I started setting up my restraining devices. First are harpoon-like turrets. They will hopefully take care of any resistance. Second line of defence is a series of shield generators just outside the platform. This is followed by a second set of shield generators. As a last line of defense, more like desperate resistance if everything else fails, I set up some turrets that shoot bullets that corrupt the soul. Like this, even if sealing Salem were to fail, she will at least be out of commission for a few thousand years. Pretty sweet.

Finishing my preparations, I wanted to head back. Suddenly I thought about this technically being my and Weiss' first date, so I got a decent sized chunk of lunar rock. I pressed it between my hands, making it become as hard as metal. I then used my blacksmithing magic to make a pendant with a shattered moon pattern. I made the main color light blue like her eyes, while the background was white. Basically, I inverted the colors I usually use. It's not my fault I suck at designing things. Well, it looked pretty good and was made of a material nobody would be able to copy. It is definitely a unique, priceless piece. Literally there is only one in the world. 'A fitting souvenir for Weiss.'