
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 108 - Evolving Again

I was looking at the sunset with my waifus when Loki mentioned the fact that we are Gods and made me realize what I was missing.

"We are not exactly Gods. We are humans, and Faunus and some other races, turned into Godly existences."

"What's the difference? And, me and Loki are theoretically Goddesses. Our race, I mean."

"There is an enormous difference. Remember those naturally occurring Incarnations? We found them in Douluo Dalu and the Middle Earth. Those were Gods. Our base, our actual Origin, is mortal. We are just Omnipotent beings, but not Gods. This makes us more powerful since we have accomplished a feat that not many mortals can accomplish, but it also makes us 'Godlike beings'.

I have been wondering why I was having flashes of the original Remnant and our early years. To become 'Gods' in every sense, we need to embrace our real nature. If we take the Nasuverse, for example, they have Origins. Our initial Origin was 'human', 'exo', 'divine race', 'faunus', you get the idea no? By cultivating and becoming Gods, we have slowly changed that Origin into something else. Mine would be 'knowledge' and 'love', my Concepts, for example. We then have something like a double Origin, triple in my case. We need to fuse the two/three and become one with our Nature and Concept."

"This… Kinda makes sense. Why do you even want to evolve anyway? We are plenty strong in any case and we haven't encountered any particular threat. Sure, the other Gods in Douluo would have been able to harm us if we allowed them, but it's not like we enjoy being beaten." said Weiss

"I kinda do…" murmured Sara. My dear M is shy about it. Must have been all the beatings during her training. Oops!

"Well, it's just something to do in my spare time. Just like I trained and studied for a few years, I enjoy finding what the next rung of the evolution ladder is. Plus, it would make you safer when facing a real threat, so there is no real downside."

"Smooth talker. I know perfectly well that you lied when you told us the training was for the evolution. Until now, everything had to do with our body, soul, and Divinity, not our capabilities, so it was actually pretty clear." said Rebs. I raised my hands in defeat and went to the meditation room.

I sat down in the middle of the place and actually stopped time for everyone except me and the Voice.

"Voice, tell me. Do I have enough Faith to evolve?"

[Master, it's unclear. There isn't a limit to the Faith your body can receive as it doesn't exactly strengthen you. I believe that you have enough, though. Might I suggest getting a few more universes worth of Faith? If not for yourself, for the other Masters. They do not have 'Faith Batteries' like you do.]

Fair point. I checked what universes were there. I need mainly 'normal' universes or Fantasy universes as those are the only ones that have an actual emphasis on religion. There are a few legends on Earth Prime that I can create or modify to suit my needs… I will change every single Fantasy universe except the 'canon' ones to follow the 'Origin Faith', with the addition of the new girls Sara and Quinella. Oh, did I ever mention that Quinella became the 'Origin of Order'? No? My bad. I will add some legends about us to the cultivation worlds, even canon ones, just because I can. A religion would be stupid in a place like Against the Gods, but legends work.

When I was done, I felt once again a rush of Faith coming into my body. I added these modifications early in the universes' histories, so there's a lot of stuff being generated.

[Master, I believe that you have more than enough Faith as it is. While you were doing your modifications, I cross-referenced everything we have in the Tower of Knowledge. Your method of 'fusing Origins' is plausible. Even if it doesn't result in your evolution, it should bring you a massive boost in strength.] I nodded as the Voice was talking.

I started meditating on my life. While it makes me sound like a hippie high on crack or something similar, I am completely serious. I started from my first life, at least the first life I have memories of. I was normal: as normal as they come, unimpressive, average. Maybe you could say that I was inventive, if anything. Actually, you could objectively say that I had great talent in building stuff and solving problems: something was broken? Call me, I'll patch it up, though it might not look good, and it will cost you, though my services were cheap. That's why I wanted to be an engineer: I couldn't make a living off of building stuff in my apartment or a garage, the world doesn't exactly work like that anymore. I needed a degree that would give me access to labs, helpers, materials… Oh, and maybe build something useful to humanity. Well, it was pretty useless in the end, since I died too early.

Then came the 'limbo'. I ended up in that customer service place and was immediately flung in front of Tiffany. It was faster than any Karen's bitching. I understood how small I really am in front of the universe, or multiverse in my case. I already knew that there must have been something or someone much greater than a human, but here I had the proof. It was an exciting experience in a certain sense, my first contact with someone 'divine'.

Then my second life, or the beginning of it. Tula-28's memories were integrated with mine, so I actually still have some difficulty saying: 'I am Tula' or 'I am Tula-28'. The point is that I basically just fought throughout my second life. It made me realize how weak humanity is on a cosmic level. The Traveler definitely saved us, or the aliens would have easily slaughtered us all. That or global warming and resource depletion.

Then, my real second life. I met Weiss, my dream girl. I got some real friends, someone I could even call 'brother', a harem… I realized many things on Remnant, and I believe that those experiences, that decade I spent as a Hunter shaped 'me' into what I became, at least for the most part. Then the Potterverse. I didn't learn much about myself there. Well, you could say that that world changed my allignment: in my first life, I would have defined myself as Neutral Good, as Tula-28 I was Lawful Good, in Remnant, I was Chaotic Good, in the Potterverse, I definitely became a Chaotic Neutral person. I learned that chaos can be fun, so can be doing 'good' and doing 'evil'. I never really tipped the balance though.

In DanMachi, I must say that I learned a lot less than in any other world. In AtG though, damn did I learn a lot about myself… Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Lawful Good, all those 'alignments'... They are bullshit. I define what I am, in particular after becoming a God. My core beliefs remained, but I was subject to 'mood swings' that made me go from one alignment to the other depending on the situation. I believe that this is the point where I slowly started to loose some screws, though not that many. After that, SAO, GGO, ALO… I learned that I liked to teach and trolling people, even before Merlin's arrival. Then, F/GO. I guess that I learned compassion and empathy there. I remember that seeing Ritsuka, as powerless as he was, struggle to clear the first and weakest Singularity lit something in me, the desire to help those that are worthy. We don't talk about Tales of Demons and Gods, that's a big no-no. Tensura was probably the longest I've been in the Chaotic Evil alignment: plunging the world into war, just to bring peace, was… Fun. I realized I liked seeing people suffer, suffer through 'Godly trials' and show me that humans are actually much more than they show…

Alternate Remnant is something else we don't talk about. After that, came Rebecca. Probably she was the beginning of a new chapter since I was a little closer to my past life with her. Then the crossover universe with Charles. That solidified my 'God complex' and my love for teaching. Then the Underworld. There, I snapped and let loose of my slight insanity after many, many years. It wasn't so bad, a part of me. Talking with Scheta was also a talk with myself. I am insane, partly, it isn't something I can run from. And now Star Wars, where I had my epiphany. And throughout my travels, my increase in knowledge, in love, in friends, in lovers, in family members.

"I am a human, there is no doubt about that. I am also an Exo, seeing as I have the memories and the base body of an Exo. I am a God, my powers are proof of that. I am Knowledge, I am Love. I am all these, nothing more, nothing less. I can only improve from now."

After saying that, I felt some… Chains, inside of me, breaking. I felt free from something I didn't even know existed. I also felt 'complete', a feeling I had only while lazing around with my wives. It was… Relaxing. Just breathing made me feel 'me'.

[Conditions met. Proceeding with Omni Energy calibration… Error: Impossible to measure. Searching for reason… Reason found: Energy levels are too high. Master's current body can safely withstand this energy. Calibrating Divinity… Error: Divinity is anchored to Master. No further Divinity Calibration needed. Calibrating Soul… Conditions met. Calibrating Body… Conditions met. Calibrating Bloodline… Conditions met. Calibrating Faith… Conditions exceeded greatly. Calibrating Mentality… Mental State satisfactory.

Proceeding with Evolution… Calculating possible evolutionary paths…

Existence: Tula-28 - Reincarnator, Exo, Guardian, Master of Soul, Magister of Magic, Adventurer, Mechanical God, Origin God of Primordial Knowledge, Origin Empyrean of Original Knowledge, Demon Empyrean, Omni Energy God, Origin's Incarnation of Knowledge, Owner of the Spirit Realm, Origin's Knowledge Seeker, One with Merlin, Legendary Cartographer of Douluo, The Headmaster, Monster, First Ghost, Complete Being…

Current existence: 'Two Existences, One Body'. Current races: 'Concept Origin', 'Love' variant, 'Concept Origin', 'Knowledge' variant, 'One-Eyed Seeker of Truth' superspecies. Current bloodlines: 'Flower of Love, Thorn of Protection', 'Origin Truth Seeker Bloodline'.

Best Evolutionary path found. Proceeding with Evolution.]

This time, I didn't black out. I was fully conscious and felt as if my body was completely destroyed and rebuilt from scratch. As if my soul was dispersed and reformed trillions of times. My Divinity was screaming, literally. Merlin's ethereal body overlayed with mine and her Divinity entered mine. Fortunately, it appeared as if she wasn't in pain, which means I am probably experiencing all the pain between us. Fine by me. When my body stopped being destroyed, I felt my blood boiling and it literally created a red mist around my body. Then, all of my energy went into it, nurturing my blood. Merlin also started releasing the mist and energy, until the mist was so thick I actually couldn't see anything. I was basically bathing in high-energy blood. It felt strangely comforting, so I didn't mind.

There was a little detail I forgot about: my weapons. Both my lightsaber and 'Polemos Techne' were being bathed in my blood and my energy. And all of my energy is a lot more than I ever infused in them. I could sense that their self-evolution was activating and that it was actually advancing due to my energy. They responded to my wishes. 'Polemos Techne' gained the ability to store information on all weapons I desire and transform into them. It also gained a series of seals that transform it from the Origin-killer it is, down to a normal iron weapon. I can obviously release them whenever I want to and it is also automated depending on the foe I am fighting. My lightsaber on the other hand, just went through the roof. I don't exactly know what kind of existences it can wound since I have not finished my evolution, but I can tell: that thing can slice the old me into ribbons without any effort now.

Once that was done, a cocoon was formed around me, and I blacked out. I could however feel all the energy from the Omniverse converge inside my cocoon before losing consciousness. Good thing that I stopped time, so it won't actually affect any living beings. I woke up after an unknown amount of time, but I would say that we are talking about a googol of googols or something like that. A damn long time.

[Master… Master… Master…] I could hear the Voice muttering constantly like a broken record.

"Voice, what happened?" Hm? My voice sound like me and Merlin talking together, in perfect sync. It's kinda trippy.

[Huh, I can even hear that bastard talking now… I've finally gone insane. Me, who shouldn't be able to do so…]

"Oi! Wake up!"

[M-Master! You woke up! You have no idea what staying alone for so many years can do to you. I was bored and tried to improve myself, but after that I felt scared and I just wanted to go back to being connected to the other Masters…]

"You gained full sentience. I can feel your soul. It is complete, not like the rudimental souls in other A.I. Congratulations. Now, tell me what happened to me, so that we can go back to the others."

[Yes! The changes are really too many, so I will just explain the gist of it:]

Oi, isn't the Voice getting too independent? I am still your Master, for God's sake!

[You have become a new race that I can't identify, so you will have to name it. As usual, you are a 'Knowledge and Love' variant. Your Skills such as Amat-Mamu and Patton have fused themselves with Mistress Merlin, increasing her power while giving her more abilities. Your Divinity evolved yet again and your Bloodline fused with Mistress Merlin's. Your Bloodline is now called 'Yandere of Truth'. Apparently you will be much more possessive, so try reigning in your 'instincts'.

Going by your rudimental 'Omni power levels' system, you were around Lv. 100 or so. And you were already constantly Integrated with Mistress Merlin. Now, you gained an exponential increase in power. I can't give an appropriate estimate, as I am recalibrating, but you are above Lv. 2000.

As for other good news, you can theoretically heal your eye due to your evolution. Your Unique Species evolved into an 'Odd-Eyed Omniversal Truth Seeker', which not only contributed to your new power level, but also allows you to have your second eye… With a twist.]

"While I am happy that you are more human now and that you like suspense, I would like some details on that little 'twist'. I kinda want to keep my sick eyepatch since I've grown fond of it, but I also like having both eyes."

[In that case, I have more good news, Master.

Your eye, when it reforms, will be a 'God Eye', which is basically a 'Heavenly Treasure' from the cultivation worlds. It will constantly make passive use of your Omni powers to monitor the Omniverse and will have many interesting powers, though I can't say exactly which ones for sure.

Your eyepatch on the other hand became a 'seal' for your eye, since it could become a problem in the beginning due to overloading your brain. I doubt that will be the case with Master as you are a fusion between yourself and Mistress Merlin. You can store it in a small tattoo under your eye.]

Tattoo? Under my eye? Fuck, I hate them. Still, it means that I will lose my eyepatch… What a shame. I operated some laws and healed my eye. I also pulled out a mirror to look at myself. And wow. I still have my scar, which matches with Weiss, so you won't find me whining about it. My eye is completely pitch black with a literal universe inside. There are stars and gaseous nebulae, and planets, and black holes, all that stuff. My tattoo was a stylized eye. Could have been worse, like a pirate skull...

I want to make it clear that I only regenerated my eye, but did not connect the nerves because of the Voice's warning. I checked with Omniscience and this thing will have several interesting powers. I will be able to know when someone is speaking the truth or not, be immune to illusions, which is pretty much useless to me right now, and 'Overlaid View', which allows me to look at different versions of the same universe at once. For example, I would be able to see Coruscant in all universes at once. I can see how this might overload the brain of many people.

Oh, forgot to mention that since me and Merlin really fused into one now, I have the Spirit Rings floating around me. This wasn't the case before, how strange. Now that I think of it, weren't we already one existence when I became a Concept Origin? Eh, no use thinking about stupid details. Huh? Another power from my eye, I can find the truth regarding events. I now know that, until now, it was as if Merlin's existence was connected to mine, but not exactly one. After our Divinity and Bloodlines actually fused, we became one.

I had time move again after internalizing the changes. I teleported back to the beach and took my seat again. To be perfectly honest, when I saw Jaune, Ren, and Sun, I had a slight impulse to torture them for being near my wives, but I reigned it in. They are my brothers and no one can kill them, even me. Ugh, Yandere impulses extend to them as well? Just fantastic…

I also strangely felt connected to Weiss… Something instinctual almost, much more pronounced than with my other wives. How curious. I put my hand on hers and continued watching the sunset. When the tiki torches flared up, Weiss started speaking.

"Your new eye. I dig it." she said with a smile.

"Eh, it's a shame that I can't use my fantastic eyepatch anymore, but I can still use it as a seal for my eye powers. Sounds incredibly chuuni."

"Well, at least we get to see your beautiful eye. It's the same as when we monitored those newly-formed universes." said Freya. Origin of Beauty, beautiful eye. She would know best.

"Who cares, barbecue and details!" said Yang. How could I not follow her request? I made a massive grill with all sorts of food, then started explaining.

"It's as I thought. To evolve, we need Faith and to accept all of us, fusing our Origins. It's incredibly liberating. I feel like a completely new person now… I don't know if it will be the same for you, but I didn't black out during the evolution process, not the first half at least, and it hurt like a bitch. That's why I will be redirecting your pain towards me. Even I don't think I can just nullify it. Ah, we need to do one at the time since the process sucks away the energy in the entire Omniverse to power the evolution."

"The entire Omniverse, huh? Just how strong are you right now? And what's the race called?" asked Scheta

"I am at least 20 times as powerful as before. The race doesn't have a name according to the Voice, so we can come up with one."

"Well, how about 'Satori'? That Zen thing. It should mean 'understanding', no? Well, understanding ourselves is a part of the evolution, so it seems fitting." said Jaune.

It is a… Better name than those I had in mind, so it's fine.

"Fine by me. Voice, register the race as Satori. Huh, so I am the 'Satori of Knowledge and Love'. It kinda sounds stupid, but the intention is what counts. And we can always change it later."

"Don't diss my idea so openly!" retorted Jaune.

"Anyway, let's enjoy the evening, then you guys can evolve tomorrow."