
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 102 - Gabriel Miller, Real World

I woke up with Scheta basically fusing with my body, my daughters strangling me, and my other wives on my sides, using my arms as pillows. Uh, feels great, but it's getting damned cramped in here… To hell with these harems, I even started out just wanting Weiss… Oh well, I still love every single one of my wives, so it's fine.

Oh well, time to get rid of Miller… After my wives wake up. Yeah, no way am I disturbing them when they look so cute while sleeping. Am I being creepy? Possibly. It took almost another hour before they started stirring and waking up. I conjured up some breakfast and a butler outfit, just for the sake of it, and served them all breakfast in bed. I sometimes like doing this sort of stuff.

After breakfast, we got ready for the day and regrouped with the rest of the gang.

"Ready to set out?" asked Jaune

"Sure. Let's deal with that psychopath quickly and get moving. I really want to see how these kids react to the 'real' world." I said and opened a portal directly in front of Gabriel Miller.

I stepped out of the portal and was met by a blade coming to my throat. I immediately disintegrated it and stared at the attacker.

"Damn, I knew you were one crazy guy, Miller, but never would I have expected you to be an Orc. Actually, didn't we already exterminate all of you?" I said, noticing that Gabriel was actually on top of his dragon, right above us, probably ready to take Alice with him.

"Oh, you definitely killed most of us, but not all. I will avenge my brethren, even if it's the last thing I do in my life!" said the random Orc.

I shrugged and swatted his head off. I then killed Gabriel's dragon, which crashed a few meters in front of me. In the meanwhile, everyone else had already crossed the portal.

"That's the guy?" asked Ren

"That's him. The guy with a soul fetish." the man in question widened his eyes while remaining silent. "Look at him! I bet his first ejaculation was when he killed his childhood friend! Did you enjoy it? How did it feel, tell me? Ending a beautiful soul like that child's… You deserve eternal torture, but I will first 'educate' you. Ren, Jaune, Sun. want to assist me in this education session or should I deal with this guy?"

"Hm… I'd rather fight the remnants of his army. It's the knights, so they should be stronger than those monsters we faced in the ravine. They should be entertaining." said Ren

"Yeah, I'll sit this one out. That guy disgusts me too much. Who the fuck kills a girl by stabbing her through the ear? He's definitely a maniac or a pervert." said Jaune

"I'll help. I have quite a few tort- 'education' methods that involve runes. We can try them out." said Sun.

Like so, we brought Gabriel on top of the impromptu wall I made inside the ravine yesterday.

I started with giving him almost instant regeneration and stabilizing his soul, so he wouldn't go mad. It's too early for that. I also heightened his pain receptors and made him more sensitive.

"Sun, you go first. It will be a pleasure to assist you."

"Of course, partner. We shall start with a few interesting runes Scathach developed several millennia ago." he said and started inscribing his runes on Gabriel's skin with Gae Bolg. He made them with an anti-regeneration enchantment, so the runes will stay on his body. They were mainly to make him suffer as if millions of ants were crawling inside his body and slowly nibbling at his nerves, which hurts like hell. He also casted another rune to make it so that all the pleasure he derived from killing during his life would be translated into a constricting force on his family jewels. Result? A not so inviting red stain on his pants.

"Tula, would you mind taking one of his eyes out?"

"With pleasure." I said and made my nails a little longer. I started clawing out chunks of his eye, making him feel several times the pain of a clean extraction. Oh, did I mention that I was 'streaming' this in all of the Underworld with a quick description which read: 'Emperor of Dark Territory educated by two good samaritans.' and a long list of his crimes.

Sun proceeded with inscribing a rune on a glass orb, which he placed inside his eye socket. That is basically a genjustu that showed him his victims' viewpoint as he killed them. Then, my turn came. I started with the usual removal of all nails, then heated my hand and dug into his ear until I reached his brain.

"Do you feel this, Gabriel? This is what she felt, just much, much worse. Oh, I will have so much fun educating you before putting your soul through eternal torture. You will also serve well as a Faith generator." I said, then conjured a spike and stabbed his other ear with it. I also enchanted it with an electrocuting effect, just for added 'sparkles'.

I started pulling out his teeth, impaling him, roasting him, all sorts of physical torture. Then came my recent favorite way to inflict pain: the spinal cord!

I gently passed my hand over Gabriel's back. It looked gay, but I am straighter than the pole his mom used to dance around.

"Feel this thing I'm touching? It's your vertebrae. Recently, a kind priest helped me experiment on how to inflict a lot of pain on a person I don't like. I found that, if I start from your lower back and start stabbing, twisting, and ripping out your vertebrae one by one, you will feel a world of pain like you have never felt before. The cool thing? I can do it over, and over, and over again for as much time as I like! Isn't that awesome?!"

"Y-you… Are… A m-mon-ster…"

"Me? No, no. I am no monster. I am the guy that punishes monsters. Sure, I may be worse than you guys while delivering punishment, but it's all for the 'Greater Good'. Can't you imagine it? A world where no assholes exist, where no psychopaths or criminals are allowed to exist, where everybody is happy and free… Isn't that nice? The ideal world… Of course, that's just a childish ideal. I just make different worlds better by getting rid of the scum."

"Heh… And I… Am the one… Being tortured… Hypocrite…" said my guinea pig.

"Hypocrite, huh? Yes, I guess I am a hypocrite, but I actually do good with my violence and a healthy dose of craziness. You see, I have a few screws loose after living for so many years, even if I don't usually show it… I am no hypocrite, because I believe in the law of equivalent exchange. I do bad and I do the same amount of good… Perfectly balanced, as all things should be, to quote a certain purple ballsack Titan." I said, then plunged my hand into his back. "Ahh, yes! Scream, squeal! Your pain is the best reward I could ask for! Beg for forgiveness like the sinner you are! I am God, and I shall judge you!"

"Bro, you're kinda scaring me…" said Sun from the side, but I was too busy enjoying this.

What? I did say it, but I have a few screws loose by now! I hide it well and my wives certainly help me keep a chill facade, but this guy just ticked me off for some reason. It might also be the fact that I enjoy torturing people…

Miller's torture session lasted a few hours before I stuffed his soul into a flaming bird cage and stuffed him into a machine I created on the spot, which will basically act as a perpetual machine that generates Faith for me. I then stopped the 'streaming'.

"Hoo… I feel better! Torturing people really is a great way to let loose! Yeah, sadism is the answer to everything!"

"Bro, I wouldn't want to be any of your wives right now… Who knows what kind of crazy plays you guys do…" said Sun

"Actually, not much S&M fan, if I have to be honest. I am not into hurting people I care about."

"How about your 'I have a few screws loose'?"

"Totally true, but I have it under control for now, so nothing dangerous. I can deal with it since you all are with me, otherwise I would find it hard. Let's go back. I really need to fill my love reserves, or I'll just go cuckoo." I said. And with this torture session, one of my biggest secrets was out! Well, shit!

When I arrived back to the rest of the gang, I could see the pissed faces of my wives and daughters, the worried faces of my friends, and the… Knocked out faces of our mortal companions.

"T-u-l-a! What's with that?! Since when did you become some kind of psychopath?!" shouted Ruby

"You better answer, or you'll sleep on the couch for the next ten million years." added Hinata. Now, that's a serious threat.

"Hey, chill. I might have a few screws loose, but only when I get pissed. I am back to normal already, don't you see?"

"And when were you planning on telling us?" asked Ais, obviously pissed and worried.

"Uhm… Never, if possible. Didn't want you to worry too much. But it's okay! As long as I have you, my dear wives and daughters, I can stay sane. I already said this to Sun, but without you, I would have already gone insane a long time ago."

"Fine! You're lucky we love you, otherwise I would have killed you for keeping so many secrets!" said Weiss. Yay! I don't have to sleep on the couch!

Anyway, with Gabriel Miller out of our way, we decided to get out of here.

"Kazuto, come here."

"Should I be scared?"

"Maybe." I said with a smirk. He sighed and came to me. I touched his forehead and sent his consciousness back to his body on the Ocean Turtle. I also made it so he would be able to keep the 'Blue Rose Sword' with Eugeo inside. After that, I opened a portal just outside his STL room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's the captain speaking. This is a one-way trip from the Dark Territory, Underworld to the Ocean Turtle, Real world. Please mind the step while walking through the portal."

"Yeah, now that I know you are slightly insane, your quirks make a lot more sense." said Rimuru.

One by one, everybody entered the portal, though Ronye, Tiese, and Sortiliena were a little uncertain. I also stepped inside and found myself on the Ocean Turtle. I saw some familiar barrels pointed towards us. I didn't want to deal with it, so I dismantled the weapons directly.

"Do we seriously have to do this every single time I come here?" I asked while rubbing my temples. Stupid mortals, stupid mortals, stupid mortals! No, calm down… Today isn't a good day for me.

Kazuto woke up and ripped those pesky probes out of his body, then went to hug his waifu.

"Yay! Touching reunion! Remember that you now have to provide for quite a few girls, Kazuto." his brain seemed to stop working for a second, so I made a Windows error prompt appear over his head, just for shits and giggles.

"W-what do you mean?" he asked, turning stiffly towards me.

"Well, do you think that I brought Alice, Tiese, Ronye, and Sortiliena here just to leave them to their own devices? They are obviously your responsibility! Ah, but since I am a generous God, I will gift you an apartment and a bank account to provide for your waifus."

Since I said so, I sent a clone to buy a plot of land and created a bank account for my little friend. I even gave him a few shares of the companies I own in this universe. What? I worked here as a teacher for, like, a year. Of course I would have some assets. I also immobilized the invaders on the Ocean Turtle, so that they wouldn't be able to escape or cause problems. Nice.

I didn't even bother with the staff and security since the Underworld visitors were quite overwhelmed. I sent a quick mental message to Kirito, telling him to start explaining how things worked to his guests. Oh, my clone finished buying some land, so I built an apartment complex and reserved the last two floors for Kirito. He should have some income and a base like this. Sometimes I feel like I am too generous…

Scheta came close to me and asked: "This is the real world?"

"This is a research institution." I opened a portal to the center of Tokyo. "On the other side of this portal is the real world." I said, then grabbed her hands, gently, and led her through the portal. I left Kirito and co. on the Ocean Turtle because it's not my problem anymore. The rest of the gang already went back to the Tower since the trip around the globe won't be too interesting.

Scheta was surprised by the modern city since she had never seen anything like it. Well, her armor and my robes were attracting a lot of attention, so I changed our clothes to my Headmaster suit and some comfy casual clothes for Scheta.

I gave her a tour of the city while trying some local specialties and sightseeing. We continued doing this for a couple of days until we toured all of the world.

"What do you think?"

"It's… Different. I like it, but now I want to see what other worlds are like."

"As you wish. Let's return to the Tower and fetch the others." I said and opened a portal. On the other side, I saw the gang around the Round Table on their thrones. "Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that you need to make your own throne to represent your dominant law."

She nodded, closed her eyes for a second, and created her throne. Nothing fancy, just very sharp edges and angles. It looked like a sharp blade from any angle, so it's perfect for her law.

"Ok, now that we are all here, should we skedaddle?"

"Yup, let's skedaddle. You have already decided on the universe, right?" said Hephaestus, pointing at my lightsaber.

"Exactly. It's a pretty fun place where we can roleplay as almost anything we want. I have a target planet in mind so that we can join in on the fun, but we can do anything there."

"It's fine by me, but I first want to create my lightsaber." said Blake, gaining many approval nods.

"Ok then. You guys get your lightsabers ready. I will get enough resources for Scheta to become an Origin like us. We can go after she evolves, how about it?" they all nodded, while Scheta inclined her head in confusion. I winked at her and disappeared to an alternate Douluo Dalu universe, where I hunted down all the Gods and created a pill for Scheta with all the Divinities, souls, physique essences, and all that good stuff. She is but a young Incarnation, so she requires a lot of resources. I had to go through three different alternate universes to gather enough stuff, but it's all worth it for my waifus. I returned to the Tower to see everyone meditating on their own crystals.

Each of their hilts were quite unique, but the one that I liked the most was Yang's, to be honest. It kinda had an Iron Banner feel with green engravings on a golden base. It had dragons coiling around it, which gave the grip a textured feeling. It was quite nice, good job, Yang. Oh, Weiss basically used a 'Myrtenaster' style hilt for hers. Throwback to the good old days. Let's see… Pyrrha made a pike/saber hybrid, where the weapon can switch between the two forms. Scheta used her rapier's hilt and modified it. Hephaestus went for a steampunk style while Hecate used a wand as a base… Sun made some modified nunchucks that could also work as a double-bladed saber. Rebecca made a crossguard lightsaber. She always liked that design… Rimuru made a light-katana? Whatever the best name would be. Ruby made a double-bladed saber. I think she wanted to make a scythe but abandoned her idea… I should ask Hephy if she can come up with anything. Jaune modified his sword hilt to become a lightsaber, same with Ais. Neo actually made dual light-daggers, so I guess that she liked the assassin kind of fighting style. Her crystal should have the Ghostfire's characteristics of being silent and transparent. Hoh, Ren basically copied Tron's discs, those are cool. The rest are just standard lightsabers with personalized hilts. How unimaginative.

I kinda wanted to wake Scheta up, but I decided not to disturb her, so I meditated and monitored the Omniverse for a few googols. Luckily, time flows differently here, so I didn't have to witness the death of several universes. I also found the canon Star Wars universe, which will be our next universe. I believe that jumping into the Old Republic Era could be interesting, though it might also be a little too annoying… There was too much… Crazy. Yeah, the slightly insane guy calls the struggle between Jedi and Sith crazy. Any problems?

Anyway, one by one, everyone woke up from their meditation and finished their weapons. Our current lightsabers are all Origin-killers, so they will serve us well. I gave Scheta the 'evolution pill' and had her evolve. It will take some time, so I decided to go through some more alternate universes and collect as many pills as I can, before returning them to their original states. Like this, I now have a decent stock of 'evolution pills', in case we get some new entry in our ranks.

Sun wanted to summon Quinella and bend her to his will… He got corrupted by Blake. And I'm the insane one… Anyway, he decided to wait until we settle in the new universe, since it would be fun if Quinella suddenly became a normal girl, with no powers, on an alien planet. Hehe, I can't wait.

Seeing as we were all ready, I opened a portal to Ahch-To, the first Jedi settlement. I set the time to be random between a year before the creation of the settlement and a decade before the Naboo blockade. This will be fun. We stepped through the portal and found ourselves in a cave. There were many people meditating, from humans, humanoids, to clearly alien guys and gals.