
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 100 - Scheta, Pugilists, Teaser

Anyway, with the first assault done, I created a new wall to block off the invaders while allowing the Human army to monitor the situation. A one-way mirror, basically. I regrouped with the gang and checked at what the hacker-guy was in regards to connecting the players to the Underworld. He wasn't even close to done. It would take almost another day, and I don't really want to wait that much.

"Let's speed things up a little…" I murmured and literally completed the hacker's job. I also already prepared to spread the information myself at the right moment. A little manipulation will make it so the players forget about the pain and just reconnect time and time again. Infinite punching bags acquired.

Now then, since everything is under control, I want to talk with a certain little girl. Sun had already expressed his desire to put Quinella in her place, so he will summon her afterwards. I, on the other hand, have a certain silent lily to talk to. Oh, even though the battle finished, the Human army didn't even move and just stared- Correction, they have all fainted. I didn't care and moved directly towards the second unit of the right flank. The little girl I wanted to talk to saw me arrive and got a little defensive, ready to cut me down. As if! In her dreams!

I continued walking towards her, and stopped just a few centimeters in front of her.

"Hello, Scheta. How are you doing on this fine night?"

She looked confused. "Should I… Feel anything? I feel… Normal?"

"Hm, yes… Care for a walk?" she nodded, so I started walking towards the supply unit. Once we reached a decent distance from the soldiers, I spoke again. "Scheta, I can see that you are conflicted. You reject your own nature… Why is that?"

"I… Don't understand the question…"

"I mean your desire to slice things. Why do you hate it? It's a part of you, after all..."

"I can't be a... Functioning Integrity Knight if I slice everything. And there aren't targets that won't be sliced."

"Hm… So you want to fit in?" she nodded once again. "You find yourself… Sinister? Wrong, maybe?"

"My desire to slice… Isn't normal-"

"It is. We all have our own desires. I desire knowledge and making my family happy, one of my wives desires freedom and happiness, another desires adventures. One of my friends' wife desires war, which you could define as much more sinister than slicing things up. You are not 'wrong', nor are you a 'monster'. You are but a little girl with a little battle maniac nature." She didn't talk for a long time after that.

"Can I slice you?"

"You can try." I was immediately attacked by a bunch of slices and stabs. My suit, which was normal though of high quality, got shredded, but I was absolutely fine. It was fun seeing how her expressionless face changed and started smiling ever-so-slightly. I would be happy if she understood there is nothing wrong with wanting to kill, not in a world like this. Sure, in modern society it would be frowned upon, but I am a God above the concept of right and wrong. If I say it's fine, then it's fine.

Scheta continued attacking me for almost an entire minute, before her weapon snapped. She looked at it in marvel, not understanding how I was still alive and how the weapon broke.

"To put it in terms that you would understand, my body itself is a weapon with unmeasurable Priority. Your weapon is obviously inferior and snapped." I said as I wore Merlin's robes. Well, the Integration version, not 'her' robes.

"Who are you?"

"I am a God, a real one. Little girl, would you consider coming with me? I can show you many different places and I promise that you will never have to fear or hide your nature ever again."

"... Can I think about it?"

"Of course. How about some refreshments now?" I said and teleported both of us to the Tower, where the gang, Kirito, and company were waiting.

"You two took your sweet time. Is she the one that interested you?" asked Weiss.

"Yup, she's Scheta Synthesis Twelve aka 'Little Girl'. These are my family, friends, and you should know Kirito and Alice. The other four girls are unimportant."

"Hey!" shouted Asuna while Scheta did a little bow. I made a seat appear for her, then we enjoyed some relaxation after the fight.

At a certain point, Scheta poked my arm. I looked at her and saw that she was holding her weapon's hilt. I extended my arm and took the weapon, then passed it to Hephaestus.

"Ooh, this is quite good for such a normal world… It's like a Mystic Code with enough Mystery to be called a Noble Phantasm… Nice." she said, then started fixing and improving the rapier. Holy shit, she's making an Incarnation-killer weapon. The fuck, that thing can easily slice this fucking dimension apart! Oh, good, she's adding restrictions like the original 'Rhongomyniad'... "There you go! All ready to slice things up like a hot knife through softened butter!"

Scheta looked confused. "She improved the weapon. Now, it can seriously slice through anything." Her eyes shined for a second, I shit you not.

"I want to come with you."

"Perfect. Start practicing this and this." I said while I passed a personalized cultivation method to her and a personalized 'Heart' series of techniques. It will help her accept her 'slashy' personality. Within the hour, we had a new 'Incarnation of Severing' among us. To celebrate, I gave her a modified and genderbent version of Lanling Wang, whose weapon became an ultra-thin rapier. Oh, and the 'knowledge welcome package'.

"Congratulations on becoming a big-shot, Scheta. Now, we spent enough time relaxing. It's time for us to go back and start heading for the 'World End Altar'. Like that, I can spawn in some enemies for you to test your new power."

"Can we spar for a moment?" Scheta asked.

"Sure. Who do you want to fight?" She looked around and zeroed in on Weiss' rapier, so she pointed at her.

"Ooh, the little girl directly went for the boss here!" said Nora

"Boss?" Scheta repeated

"Yeah, Weiss is Tula's first wife and probably the third or fourth best combatant among us. She's really good with her rapier." said Jaune

"Yup, the best is Tula, then Pyrrha, then it's either Ren or Weiss, then probably Blake, Jaune, and the rest of us are more or less at the same level. I am more for the 'crush 'em with raw power' approach." explained Yang. "Ah, not to say that we are weak, let's be clear."

Scheta nodded, so I transported us to the Island outside the Tower.

"Welcome to the Island of Knowledge, home to the Tower of Knowledge. It's my personal dimension." I explained. "Now, get ready both of you… And, the spar starts now."

Scheta took her stance and waited for Weiss to move, but she's definitely not used to Godly fighting. Weiss arrived directly in front of her and smiled, then bonked her head with the flat side of the rapier.

"You need to get used to your new power. It's not like you can immediately use all of it. Your output is limited and you don't have the muscle memory required to fight against us. Through Integration, you can access Lanling's memories. Use them to understand more styles and a higher level of combat. Heroic Spirits are inherently superhuman, so that will help you." Oh, she went teacher-mode.

Scheta nodded and closed her eyes for a second. Weiss obviously didn't attack. She's trying to get her used to the situation. When she opened her eyes again, Scheta's whole 'aura' changed. Seems like she has understood something new. In a cultivation world, they'd say she reached an 'enlightenment in the way of the sword' or some bullshit like that. Since she was an Incarnation against an Origin, she was inherently disadvantaged, but the second half of the spar Scheta was doing quite well and managed to get Weiss to parry a couple of strikes. That's an accomplishment to be proud of, for sure.

In the end, Scheta was actually mentally exhausted. Well, it's normal. Here the concept of time doesn't exist, but they fought for the equivalent of three days. I eliminated the concept of fatigue from the mortals that accompanied us, so they were fine.

"Good job, Scheta. You fought well. Soon, you will be an Origin like us, so use the next battle to get an even better handle on your current power. It will make it easier for you to get used to the next step." said Weiss, extending a hand towards the panting Scheta. The not-so-little girl simply nodded and took the hand.

I opened a portal to the outside, exactly one hour after the end of the battle. I went to Bercouli and ordered him to take care of any enemies that managed to break through the wall, which should be none, but who knows if the Dark Knights decided to use their own Dragons. Well, I know, but it wouldn't be fun if I told him everything.

After that, I regrouped with the gang and brought out a map.

"Ok! We'll hitch a ride on Diana and head South. While going, we will annihilate the Witches and Orcs, because why not, then wait for the pugilists right about here. At that point, Tula will have the players 'login' and we can have some fun there. When we get sick of it, we annihilate the enemies alongside the baddies and have barbecue. Then, we take Alice, Ronye, Tiese, and Sortiliena to the 'World End Altar', get their Fluctlight Cubes IRL, make a few organic bodies, and save the day on the Ocean Turtle." said Pyrrha

"Fair enough. Diana, take us towards the enemy camp." I said. My familiar materialized and expanded enough to let all of us on without any problem. She was absolutely enormous now, so the Dark army noticed us immediately. The witch-bitches tried using that corrosive worm spell, which I swatted out of existence. "Burn them down."

Diana launched a massive breath attack and absolutely wrecked the enemies. Not a single witch or Orc remained, so we headed South to our desired battlefield. I made sure to use a little manipulation to have the pugilists follow us and make Gabriel Miller aka Soul Fetishist think that everything was going according to his plan. Heh, the idiot has no idea that he's playing with the pro's here.

We touched down on a plain, perfect for our purpose. I immediately created a massive trench to isolate an 'island', which will serve as our battlefield. I also built some bridges, with proper engineering, not those dangerous things Asuna built in canon. In all this, I basically forgot about Tiese, Ronye, and Sortiliena, who were watching everything with hollow eyes. I guess I broke their common sense a little too much.

"You should all abandon your common sense. Once you leave the Underworld, you will be in a completely foreign society." I said as I created a cozy recliner. I also modified the weather and had the sun shine in all of the Dark Territory. Not like I can get tanned, but it still feels nice. I also brought out some nice wine I snatched from Kirei. The good old priest had a nice collection. Soon, I was joined by everyone else.

After a couple of hours, the earth started trembling and a cloud of dust could be seen in the distance. I didn't care and continued sunbathing while cuddling with my wives. Scheta looked bothered, so I can only assume that I conquered the 'Slashing Lily'. What a good day! She's waifu-material and also reminds me of canon Ais, so I feel the need to help her and make her mine. Huh, strangely possessive lately… Must be the law of Love at work here. Ais and Neo slept on my face though, which was slightly uncomfortable, but they didn't want to move, so I had to bear with it. I was just chilling when I heard a loud "OI!", so I had to look over to the source of the screeching.

"Kid, you realize I was sunbathing in peace, right?"

"What's 'sunbathing'? No, that's not the point! This is a battlefield! Be serious! And I am not a kid!" said Iskahn.

"The fact that you are bothered by it shows that you are a kid. Anyway, you're right, this is a battlefield." I said and moved the mass of girls from my body. Gently, of course. I looked over to Scheta. She seemed very ready to slash and hack the pugilists.

"Scheta, want to move around a bit?" I asked, knowing fully well that not one of the Pugilists would remain alive. Why would I care anyway? Sure, Iskahn was actually a pretty good guy, but it's not my problem if he dies. His fault for crossing this Young Master.

Anyway, Scheta nodded and got up, dusting her qipao and summoning her new rapier. I think she liked it, since I heard her heartbeat get ever-so-slightly faster.

"Boy, try to entertain her. She's new to this." I want to piss him off more.

"You! That's it! Fight me! Yotte, you deal with the chic missy!"

"Got i-" she was beheaded.

"Weak…" murmured Sheta, as she started decimating the stunned Pugilists. She was even holding back and moving only at a superhuman speed. Iskahn was properly shocked by now.

"Hey, boyo… Still remember me? Come on, I'll give you the first strike. Hit me as hard as you can." He started doing his little pump-up dance and got all fiery and blue. "Ooh, wonder if I can roast marshmallows on you." He gritted his teeth and dashed towards me. His punch hit me directly in the chest, somewhere around the heart. I guess he was expecting it to stop beating at the very least, but Iskahn-boyo ended up with a broken arm and I was as fine as ever. I took out a marshmallow and a skewer, then put it near his other arm. This led to the best discovery of the day: I can roast marshmallows on incarnated flames. Just how cool is that?

"Tula… I'm done." called out Scheta from behind Punchy-boy. He turned around just to see a field of blood and gore much worse than a nightmare/heart attack-level horror movie. I went towards her, leaving the frozen Iskahn alone, and patted her head.

"Good job. How was it?"

"It's… Nice. Not having to hold back my desires… But they were too weak."

"Oh, don't worry about that. We're about to have some interesting guests." She nodded, then went back to continue sunbathing. I instead turned around to find myself face-to-face with a fiery fist. "Kid, you're way out of your league. Just leave now and I'll make sure you survive to see the next year at least."

"Damn you… You monsters! I heard the rumors about Integrity Knights, but I didn't expect this…"

"Uhm, boyo? Do I look like a knight to you?"

He began laughing. "You! You want to make me believe that you aren't an Integrity Knight?! Then what are you, a teacher?!"

"Actually, I was a Headmaster until a few years ago, so I guess I am a teacher."

"Eh? How the fuck is a teacher so strong then?! And what about that dead lay back there, is she a housewife or something?"

"Dead lay, huh? My adorable little Scheta?" No, don't kill him… Don't kill him… Fuck it. "Ok, you die." I said, then flamed the little fucker to dust.

I returned to the others and went back to sunbathing. Scheta sat a little closer now, so I guess that Punchy-boy was useful for something. Since we decided to laze around a bit then summon the players, I checked on some other universes out there. Hm… Ritsuka was doing fine. He's about to face Gorgon with his team and those other Servants that were already there in Babylonia. Alternative Team RWBY and JNPR were doing fine. They were currently clearing a Dungeon. Charles, Yukino, Shirou, Sakura, and Illya are also doing quite well. Rias, Sona, and co. are also doing fine with their own things. Seems that we forgot to bid farewell to them, so the redhead got quite a bit pissed. Well, they have found that there's something strange in the bar, so they are going in the right direction. Anyway, all in all, the Multiverse is doing fine.

Just to test something out, I took a Shield Hero alternate universe and replaced all of the religions with the 'Origin Faith', which obviously worships us. I immediately felt a storm of Faith flowing into me.

[Master, I believe that Faith is necessary for your next evolution. I still don't have enough data to be certain.] said the Voice, which confirmed some of my assumptions. We know we are Origins, but others will just believe that we are Gods with a fancy title. With the 'Origin Faith' though, I can directly indoctrinate entire universes to the Godly power system, getting some believers and power all in one. I changed another couple hundred alternate universes that I was sure we would never visit, so they will work as Faith generators. Ah, so good… Getting benefits while relaxing must be humanity's final goal.

Anyway, I actually fell asleep and woke up only because some guy thought he was being stealthy and tried assassinating us. I didn't recognize him from canon, so he should be some guy who replaced Vassago in the dive.

"Oi, you. I will give you ten seconds to convince me not to kill you."

"Heh, stupid NPC. Even if you kill me, I will just come back in an immortal body!"

"No. No you won't, Anthony. I am not a simple NPC, so I can kill you here in the Underworld and back on the 'Ocean Turtle'." When I said that, he looked shocked, then narrowed his eyes. "Oh, looks like your ten seconds are over. Die." I said and exterminated him. Just to spook the invaders, I set his body IRL explode in a bloody mist within ten minutes. Good luck cleaning that.

Weiss was the first to speak a few minutes after that. "Should we get the players? Or do we laze around some more?"

"While I do enjoy lazing around, I would like to have some fun against these players." said Blake

"Yeah…" said Pyrrha while stretching. "Let's get this over with."

"Got it. I'll have them spawn in on the other side of the ravine. Let's say… In 5 minutes." I said and launched an anonymous announcement to the net. I sent it to every single owner of an AmuSphere and every registered user. I also made it public on forums and so on. This is totally independent from Gabriel Miller's team, so I can modify anything as long as I want to. I had to wake Scheta and the other new additions, as they were still soundly sleeping. You know, Scheta has a little conditional reflex where she slashes at you if you get too close for comfort.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty." I said while lightly pinching her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered a little. Oh, God! How can someone so 'slashy' be so adorable?!

"I… Fell asleep? Hasn't happened in a while." she said while getting up slowly.

"Then that means that you relaxed. It's a good thing, otherwise the stress would ruin your beautiful face."

Scheta looked a little… Confused? Maybe dubious would be a better word to describe her. What? No one ever told her: 'you are beautiful'? This is a crime, I must purge the heretics!

"Tula, stop putting her on the spot. She was 'normal' until a little while ago, so give her time." said Ruby while sneaking in for a nice hug. Then, she approached Scheta and started whispering something in a low voice. I shrugged and decided which weapon to use. Hm… You know what? I'll 'pioneer' the universe I want to visit next. I stopped time then accessed a little bit of knowledge from a certain universe and got to work. I will need this, this, that, oh, that one as well… What am I building? A lightsaber, of course! Pyrrha has been basically nagging about an intergalactic war, so I'll first introduce her to the normal space wars. They will be fun as hell and we could also role-play as normal Jedi or something, but that comes afterwards.

I made a custom crystal and internal structure to make the single most powerful saber out there. Of course, that is until I get Hephaestus to rework it and tinker it a little. I made the two-handed, 'longsword' hilt look like a very Awoken-like design from the Destiny universe, since I liked that mystical, 'what-the-fuck-is-this' feel they give off. I also skeletonized the white exterior and gave the inside an iridescent, crystal shell. Basically, it looked like a crystal encased in a white 'cradle'. I am spending way more time than I thought I would on this. Anyway, I made the blade white with some blue streaks. Basically a really light blue, kinda like Weiss' eyes. It was also quite thin, both the handle and the blade. Oh, no buttons since it's my weapon and I can easily control it with just a thought.

I had time move again and tried out the lightsaber. It was sick. I love it already. New main weapon acquired. Hephaestus immediately glued her eyes to it.

"Why didn't you also include some formations, spells, and so on?" she asked.

"I… Forgot. Well, it must have been because I knew that you would rework it later, so I'll just use it like this for now, then you can make it as powerful as you can."

"Deal, I already love it. It's kinda complicated for a simple weapon… Oh, I am getting so many ideas!"

"Hm? The players are about to connect, so let's get in position." said Pyrrha

Ooh, I can't wait to exterminate them! So many willing guinea pigs to test my new weapon!