
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 10 - Bonding, Time Flies By, Makeover

After that talk, nothing particular happened. We went to class, talked with team JNPR when we could, trained a bit together. I talked a lot with Ren and Jaune. Ren is more of the 'quiet guy' variety, but once you get on good terms with him, he opens up and makes a great conversation partner. Jaune on the other hand is very funny. At first he was still trying to impress me and Ren, then he understood that we wouldn't care, in a good sense. As Ren said: "I really don't mind anyone, you could be the most normal guy and I'd still be here talking with you. Don't try so hard, we're friends so there's no point."

After a couple of days, Jaune confessed to me and Ren that he faked his transcripts to get into Beacon. He was worried that we'd hate him or something, but a nice bro hug and some reassuring words got him back on track. I did tell him that he can still train to get past his weakness in combat, so he started some basic training the next day. Pyrrha got wind of it, courtesy of yours truly, and started helping him out. Apparently starting training and remembering how we dealt with the Death Stalker during Initiation lit a fire in him. Pyrrha was also very supportive of him, so I think he developed an interest in her.

I also talked with RWBY a lot almost every night before lights out. We went through all sorts of topics and started developing more trust towards each other.

I am kind of confused, though that isn't the best term to describe the feeling, since I theoretically know about teams RWBY and JNPR from canon but I also ended up changing things already, like Weiss and Ruby's relationship, and they are now real people in front of me, so they tend to 'act out of character'.

Anyway, I ended up talking with Pyrrha and Nora as well. Pyrrha wanted to know more about me because I directed the attack against the Death Stalker quite well and she said I 'looked strong'. 'What's this? Sixth sense or something? I do look muscular, but not so much that people look at me and think 'strong'. Well, I do want to talk with her a bit. She looks troubled, more than in canon.' Nora on the other hand wanted my help with Ren. My words put a smile on her face: "I got you." Simple and direct. Like so, between talking, studying, and relaxing a little when possible, the first few weeks passed.

Seeing as the sparring will start in a few days, I decided to upgrade the gang's armor, so I gathered team RWBY and team JNPR after class.

"Ok gang, today I'm going to give you a makeover, courtesy of my semblance!" I said while smiling.

"Makeover? You don't strike as the type of guy to fuss over appearances." said Pyrrha.

"Oh, Pyrrha. How right you are. In all seriousness though, I want to give you guys some new armor. In a few days we will begin sparring. In all honesty, Jaune is the only mediocre member. No offence, you are getting better fast thanks to your training." I said seriously.

"None taken. I realised that." he said.

"As for the rest of you… Almost all of you have some kind of weakness. I intend to eliminate this weakness during our training, but that will take some time, of which we don't have much. Giving you some good armor will at least keep you safe before we take care of that. I will make helmets and accessories as well. Wearing them or not is your choice though.

That said, we will begin with you, Jaune. I will make you some good armor that won't cause you problems while using your sword and shield." After saying that, I got to work. I saw that the material I used for my body is pretty much indestructible in this universe, so I will use that. I will make him some Titan armor, more specifically the 'Shadow' armor set. The shoulder pads are made so that swinging his sword won't be affected, plus it is slightly less armored to improve mobility; in any case, I strengthened every part of the armor. As an extra, I made it the same white with golden details as his old armor.

'I think I broke him with this gift. He's been staring at it for a full two minutes.'

"Now, Nora. You use a grenade launcher, so you need places for ammo. It should also allow you to swing your hammer." I said, thinking about what to give her. 'I think Titan armor should be good for her as well.' With that set, I started working. I made the 'Lost Pacific' armor set, adding an ammo belt thing on the chest, eliminating that pouch thing. Needless to say she was hyper for a bit after receiving it.

"Ren, you focus more on mobility right?" seeing him nod, I started thinking. 'Obviously Hunter armor. But which one?' Contemplating another minute or so, I made him the 'Iron Truage' set. It has armor covering the vital areas and the shin. 'This should do for him.'

"Here you go Ren, try it on and tell me if you want to modify it."

"Thank you, Tula." he said. He was stoic, but I think he liked his new toy.

"Now, onto Pyrrha. I know just what to give you… I think." I said, then got to work. I made her a 'Bladesmith's Memory' Hunter set, but I exchanged the chestpiece with a 'Raiden Flux'. Not only it looks cool, it gives her mobility and protection. I upped the quality of the chestpiece just because, if I remember, she got shot in the chest. My armor should remove every possibility of that happening and I intend on changing the future, but extra caution isn't bad.

"Thank you, I'll put it to good use." after thanking me, she went to try it on, in another room obviously.

"And now… Ruby, you are way too excited." The armor set I made for her is the 'Floating' Hunter set, including the cape. I changed the colors to black and red.

"So cool! I need to try it!" she squealed. 'Didn't even know her voice could get that high.'

"Yang. I'll make you something to protect you when you lose control." 'In particular her arm.' With that thought, I made her a 'Reverie Dawn' Titan set, swapping the gauntlets with the 'ACD/0 Feedback Fence'. I tweaked it a little so that the explosive energy is stored and released each hit above a certain strength, kinda like the vibranium Black Panther suit from Marvel. Like this every hit will be explosive, but she won't blast someone if she shakes his/her hand.

"With this, you can make things explode even without your weapon." I explained to her how the Gauntlets work.

"Hell yeah! I love it! Thanks!" she shouted. 'Guess she liked it.'

"Blake. Hm… Oh, I know." I made her the 'Sovereign' Hunter set but changed the color to black and white. I also added an area for her ear, just to mess with her and, you know, for functionality and comfort.

She was kind of stunned when she saw the cat-eared helmet but thanked me anyway. 'So fun messing with her. Can't she just 'out' the cat already?'

"Finally, Weiss the Snow Angel. Remember that combat dress I gave you during Initiation? That is probably the best armor you could ask for. I can either make you a new set or something to complete the look. Which one would you prefer?" I asked her. 'That dress is, objectively, plenty strong, though I would prefer if she had a complete armor set. It would be a problem if she got hit on the legs or neck.'

"I think… A complete set would be better. Looking at what you gave the others, I think that would be safer." she said, much to my relief.

"Don't worry, I'll make you the best set I can."

'I did say that but… what do I actually make her? Hunter armor or customized Warlock armor? Hm… Let's go with a 'Froststrike' Warlock set, with the 'Ophidian Aspect' gauntlets. That will hopefully help her use her semblance more rapidly. Take out those two front drape-things and change the helmet. I'll give her the 'Felwinter's Helm'. Not exactly aesthetically pleasing, but useful. And let's make everything white and light blue. Good enough I'd say.'

"Here you go, Weiss. I tried making it comfy. Don't worry about the helmet: though it does not look like it, you will be able to see perfectly. I hope this protects you, otherwise you can count on me." I said, handing the set over.

'Aaaand she's crying. Fuck.'

Weiss started crying when I said the last part, so I took her in a hug. That stunned her a bit, before she continued bawling her eyes out. 'Did nobody seriously care about her in her family?! Ok, no way am I leaving her in this universe. Even if she doesn't want to, she'll be coming with me. Ok, if she doesn't want to, then I won't kidnap her, but I will at least have a heart-to-heart talk with her family.'

Seeing no sign of her stopping, I started stroking her hair. It was silky, very nice. I also started whispering: "It's alright, I'm not going anywhere. Shh, calm down."

I casually looked over to the door, and all I can see is an assortment of helmets looking inside the room. 'Weren't they trying their gear?! They figured out how to put it on way too quickly. Armor in Destiny is supposed to be trasmated directly on so it's a bitch to put on manually. Possible, but a bitch nonetheless.'

I looked at them and mouthed "Wait. Out." They seemed to get it as they stopped looking at us. Weiss luckily didn't notice, or she'd get embarrassed. 'With her break down, that's the last thing I want.'

Weiss calmed down after a couple of minutes, then ran off to the bathroom. 'Probably doesn't want the others to see her like that. Pity they saw everything.'

I went outside the room and looked over to the rest of team RWBY and JNPR.

"So… Let's not talk about that. There is no need to embarrass her. Anyway, do you like the armor? Feels comfortable?" I asked, trying to divert the topic.

Everybody nodded, but suddenly Yang said: "So are you two a thing or what?"

I think I overheated at that point.