
Just Anonymous (MLP)

You are Anonymous and after dying you were reborn in horseland. (RGRE) Reversed gender roles equestria. Except that you are not even close to being a pony or a human for that matter... Apparently you are some kind of humanoid demon... you guess? because it kinda remind you of Baphomet but with more fur. ------------ So! I am NOT the author of this fic, but he has given me permission to spread it here, I'll post his chapters as I edit them (Yes I am his editor) The original author is Anonymous 1234321 if you want to read his fic go here (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/528282/just-anonymous) Or just go to Fimfiction and search the history of the same name and Image.

Sorrias · TV
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9 Chs

8- The Idol 1/2

You have a precious heirloom and you don't know what to do with it, so you must be Anon

You were surprised to see that the capital of the griffon country was actually in a worse state than the city you had close to your house, in fact, you were pretty sure that 30% of the place was in ruins.

Right now you were looking at some books to see if the idol had some power that would make your time getting it worth it... Besides the fact that the griffon country was actually ruled by kings, you didn't find anything in the ruins of the library.

You would say that it was actually a worthless piece of gold if you didn't feel raw magic coming from it.

You took a deep sigh as you looked at it once more... and accepted the fate of having to use your powers to find what it actually does.

So you think hard,[i] 'I want to know more about this'[/i] and of course, it worked like a charm.

Oh... that is actually interesting.

Apparently, this thing converts adoration and love into prosperity and unity, and not only the one directed to the idol, but once it is placed in a magic circle, it also does it to the love and devotion they feel for the ruler.

It makes sense that the kingdom was ruled by a king, since there would be more simps thanks to that.

...oh, and actually this thing was running out of juice, which was making the once prosperous kingdom into the dump it was becoming now.

The griffons had become so dependent of it to make the country work that once they lost it, they pay the price in dividends.

Crazy how magic can fuck things up if it makes something artificially.

You started to hum, at this rate, the country would fall if you didn't do something to fix it... and right about now, you could see a magic circle that would recharge the battery of this thing.

Well, it was worth a shot, but you will do it at home.

Putting it into your bag, you then walked over to the slab of rock you used beforehand, not a second later you proceeded to cast your magic in it to fly.

What? Why would you walk when you could fly now, it was certainly more stylish than the other option.

You were about to fly to your home when you saw a familiar griffon, blinking in surprise, you proceeded to float in that direction.

Finally arriving, you saw Gilda moving a cart that looked like a furnace.

"Hey, Gilda!"

Gilda snapped her head in your direction, clearly surprised to see you, "Anon? What are you doing here!?"

You were about to answer truthfully when you remembered the simple fact that someone just tried to kill you.

So you said a half lie, "Oh, I had business on here when I saw that cute ass of yours."

Gilda, recovering her wits just rolled her eyes, "It is not cute, it is sexy! I will let you know that my ass is probably in more form than yours!"

You chuckle at that, and then you see the furnace is on, "So what are you making?"

Gilda look where are you looking, "Oh, scones, a typical griffon snack, want one?"

Judging by the fact that she wasn't doing it in her home and the cart more looked like an errant shop, you guess that she was selling them "Sure, how much?" She looked surprised but nonetheless answered.

"One bit."

You took the money and paid her, without delay, she gave you one... awful looking thing, and since you didn't to be rude, you ate it right away... it tasted worse than it looked.

"So dweeb, how does it taste?"

You were about to hold back when you remembered to who you were talking too, "Awful, did you even use baking powder?"

Gilda of course didn't even flinch at your frankness, "Baking what?"

You once more looked confused when she didn't know something so basic, but then caught a glimpse of the middle-aged buildings and remained silent for a moment.

"Right, give me a moment." Taking out a pen you proceeded to write something on a piece of paper, to be precise, the formula to do the best possible baking powder that your brain let you know.

"Here you go, just add a little of it to your stuff and that should do the trick."

She took it with a raised eyebrow, "Thanks?"

You proceeded to get up your slab of rock and smile at her, "You are welcome!"

You were about to fly off to let her at her work, but then you remembered the idol you had in your bag, "Oh if you can pass by my house later, I have something neat to show you."

Gilda just snorts at that, a cheeky smile coming to her face, "What? missing me already you dweeb?"

You just roll your eyes, you would have said no, but to tell the truth, you did start to miss them, her and Gabby that is, probably because you have been alone most of the time working in your home.

But you really didn't want to inflate her ego, so going to the slab of stone you do something that would probably be pretty funny.

Coming close to her you whispered [i]"If you come by I might fuck you again."[/i]

The griff squeaked in surprise, clearly not expecting that line, before she could ask anything else you fly away.


You are Gilda, and you have half a mind to follow that colt.

The other one was thinking how in the hay was he flying like that, when you were about to open your wings to try to keep up, you smelled the burn confection that you made...

Right, you needed to actually make a living.

That or you could just ask Anon for money, he probably wouldn't refuse, dumb dweeb, but your pride won't let you do that.

Giving a deep sigh you proceeded to eat one scone. Anon was right, compared to the stuff the ponies made, this was trash... in a claw, you still had that piece of paper that Anon gave you.

While chewing you look at it expecting some fancy ingredient, only to notice it is pretty easy to do it with everything you have.

You look at your confection again and then the paper... It was worth a shot.



To make it even more sweat, once you changed the formula, all the surrounding griffons wanted one scone of yours, and of course, you charged every single one of them.

At this rate, you will get out of stock in record time and you will be able to hang out with Anon.


You live in the griffon lands and you actually love your job, so you must be Gabby.

And even though you do love your job, you still decided to make a bold move, which was to ask for your long overdue vacation, since you never had the heart to ask for it, and you must admit, you almost didn't get it.

Why? Because your boss tried her hardest to convince you against it, but thanks to having the price of hanging out with Anon, you managed to convince your boss to give it to you... Even though you had to pay her some bits, but that is a low price for [b]LOVE[/b]!

Well, maybe not love, but friendship, which is still pretty good.

You are still giddy just by thinking of visiting Anon.

And once you arrive you notice one small, little problem... Anon's house is huge and you aren't sure where he is.

Well, Mom always told you that you had incredibly good lungs because of how much of a crybaby you were!


But here was your chance to use them to their fullest, so without any delays, you took a deep breath and screamed to the tops of your lungs, [b]"ANON!!!!!!!!! I COME TO VISIT!"[/b]


Not a second after your scream an explosion sounded in the distance, Confused, you walked a little only to find a little building with the doors blown open and black smoke coming from it, right to the entrance to that building was Anon, with little trepidation, you walked closer and look directly down to his face.

Anon opened one eye and looked at you, "Hi Gabby, can you do me a favor and remind me to make my workplace soundproof?"

You were smart enough to connect the dots, giving an awkward smile and laugh, you proceeded to make him sit up with little effort,

"Sure thing Anon! hope I didn't interrupt anything, hehehe...." Here you expected all the good grace that Anon showed you to come down to being kicked out of here and wasting the rest of your vacation alone, but he just smiled and stood up.

"Nothing too serious, Thankfully I just started making the magic circle, I still have gems to spare."

You twisted your head, "Magic circle?"

He just went inside the still-smoking building, even more, confused you asked yourself if you should follow, that was until the smoke started to exit the building together with a strong current of air that made you covered in soot.

As fast as it came, the current was out and there standing was Anon with a ridiculously big fan, "First of all, yes, magic circle, a circle meant to be a conduit for magic, second of all, you are lucky this isn't one of my first explosions.

With quick shakes of your body, all the soot was gone and you smiled at him, "Ohhhh, like unicorn magic!?"

He just snorted, you are not sure why, but before you could ask, he spoke, "Yes, something like that, Come, I have something to show you"

Without thinking twice, you did as he asked.

As you entered his workplace, you saw all kinds of instruments and stuff you weren't half sure what it was, and to be honest, you didn't care much.

Because when you got closer you saw an Idol.

An Idol of pure gold and with a red gem in the center.

You gasp, "Is that-!?"

Anon nodded, "Yes, the idol of boreas, neat Am I right?"

Weird, you could swear you saw it shine a little when you let out a small squee of excitement.


You are Anon, and did this griffon just squee? no really, she just sounded like a rubber toy, but before you could ask, she spoke, "[b]OH MY GOD[/b]! Are you going to be king?!"

You snorted, "Fuck no." for some reason, you felt a bad presentment when you utter those words, kinda like the world was about to hit you in the balls.

"I will just give it some juice so the country I'm living in doesn't fall to ruin."

Gabby looked confused, "And how you will do that?"

You did jazz hands and said something you wanted to say long ago, "Magic! I don't have to explain shit!" you felt like your level of wizardry increased just by saying that.

Gabby looked like she was about to say something when your head suddenly snapped in a direction as you felt a ping in your brain.

It still felt weird to put an alarm in your head with magic, but ever since you came back, the first thing you did was to put many alarms in your place, mostly at ground level.

Why? Because catbirds have wings and not using them to get to your place means they fear getting spotted while flying.

Running to the storage place of your assembled weapons your expression turned into a scow ignoring the unfinished Glock you picked out the musket.

In the beginning, you made it because you wanted to own a musket for home defense (like the founding fathers intended), but never actually expected to use it since you only did it for the meme.

But now you would use it to blow a hole through the catfuck transpassing into your property.

You swear Gabby said something but you were too busy jumping to your slab of rock and using your magic to fly, who needs a tower to see the surroundings when you could fly?

As you took some height, you looked in the direction where you felt the ping.

Normally you would expect to waste some time trying to spot the intruder if it weren't for the fact you could see a black figure with a torch trying to burn one of your trees.



You are trying to start a forest fire in the griffon lands so you must be Aderyn.

And a big remark in the part trying, because even when you use lantern oil to prepare the fire, FOR SOME REASON IT DOESN'T WANT TO FUCKING LIGHT UP.


Every time you saw the fire start in the very flammable oil, you expect it to start burning like crazy, but of fucking course, for some dammed reason it just extinguishes instantly.

Before you could think more about why the fuck it didn't work, you hear the sound of thunder, in half a second you wonder what in the hell made that sound, on the other your heart jumps to your throat as the tree you were trying to burn explodes in splinters when something at an insane speed shoots pass it.

You aren't ashamed to say you screamed like a cock when that happened, and by pure instinct, you started to run.

And there goes your plan to try to burn the objective down.


You are a goat man with a firearm so you must Anon.

And MOTHER FUCKER, you forgot something really important, that there is something called wind and that it could affect your bullet.

By instinct, you clear the barrel and try to shoot again...

When you remember something really important, muskets only have one bulled, after shooting it they have to be reloaded with a paper cartridge...

Well, that happens for being an idiot and trying to shit post in real life.

For a moment you thought about trying to pursue it, but you already lost sight of them and you didn't feel like going to a wild goose chase.

And only to kill your murderous mood you saw Gilda approaching a top speed.


You looked at her and looked at your gun, "Well-"