
Just a Skeleton

One day a man wakes up and finds himself to be a skeleton. Every other living being on the planet seems to be various monsters as well. Follow the tale of someone who is just a skeleton survive this new crazy world.

Ascalon_Monfir · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Risky Hunting

Days have passed since the flower incident. The remaining pack has been vigilant and barely going to hunt. None leaving the sights of the alpha in case something happened all they were able to obtain are the rabbits, which are everywhere. If not for them the pack would either have to roam or would have to devour itself. Though Z doesn't understand why the pack would insist on staying here.

Sadly Z had no opportunity to kill any of these wolves though they were all lacking of an element except the alpha and one other. That other one was straight black with no grey and if not for the two horns on its head Z would have thought it was just a normal one with a pure black coat. Of course Z assumed it had some sort of darkness affinity so he was wanting to kill it before anything else.

Today that chance finally came a squirrel has come into their sights and the alpha is asleep. The dark one cased after it with two other lesser ones. Z did not hesitate as soon as they were out of sight from the main pack he took action. Quickly notching an arrow he fired it perfectly. Practice making perfect as the arrow goes right into the eye of the pure black wolf right as a shadow impales the squirrel. The other two lesser wolves freak out trying to run back.

Z releases another arrow killing another one as the third starting rounding the corner into the sight of the pack. Z managed to kill it with another arrow but it was seen by the pack which immediately woke the alpha, stirring her wrath. Z did not hesitate to hide in the house he used as a lookout since it was the only two story around here. Also it was a few houses away from where the wolves were and was not impaired when hunting those three because it was further back since these houses were not built in a line.

Of course that house that blocked the pack's line of sight was quickly destroyed as lightning rained down on it from the alpha. All Z could think was how he was glad he wasn't there. Of course this wasn't the end of it as the lesser wolves started rummaging the remains. This actually worried Z since they shouldn't be smart enough to think of this and the fact that the alpha ordered them right before the search started. If Z wasn't trying to observe it carefully he wouldn't have noticed since it was very subtle.

This also was why he realized that attack actually cost the alpha a lot and it was actually breathing heavily. So Z decided to take this opportunity to thin the heard. Thus he shot as quickly as he could while still being accurate. Oddly he felt like if he adjusted his bow slightly he could achieve this better. It was weird but totally correct as each of the three arrows killed a wolf. Now only two more but Z had a problem, the alpha was charging the house he was in.

Z did not have to time react as the next he knew the floor under him was gone and he was falling. but so was a grand piano which was in one of the adjacent rooms. Somehow right as the alpha was turning around to catch the killer of its pack said piano smashed right on its head. If Z was not in extreme peril he would probably be amused at what happened. Though this did give Z time to shoot and kill the two remaining wolves that were following the alpha and put some distance between him and this monster. Sadly a lighting bolt struck Z in the back as he was getting ready to turn back around and face the alpha.

His body soar and definitely burnt and smoking Z stumbled forward before turning and firing an arrow. Sadly his vision was a little blurry and thus the alpha was able to move most of the way out of the path of the arrow just getting grazed. Z was not so happy about this but fired another arrow as quick as he can trying to move while he does. Oddly the wolf didn't shoot any more lighting and was doing its best to just dodge. It didn't move nearly as fast as he thought it would and was slowly getting scratched up. However Z soon realized something other than the ones from the lightly wolves horns all his other arrows were destroyed by that last lighting bolt. He only had three more arrows to kill this thing before he had to use his spear and knife.

Sadly the wolf charged him causing Z to have to dodge out of the way but he fired another arrow into it hitting directly as he was blasted away from the sheer wind pressure. Of course the alpha was just angrier about being wounded and its fur began to spark but still it didn't shoot more lightning. Z of course was fine with this notching the next arrow he had to quickly roll out the way as a claw raked where he just stood. Z knew he was in danger of dying today but he also felt that he could kill this thing.

After steadying himself he fires again from a crotched position and once again hit the alpha just not fatally. Though this time he managed to get right on the knee of a leg causing immense pain. It also reduced the movability and its ability to put weight on its hind left leg. Though at this point its fur underwent a change becoming a much more violet color with the patches of black becoming dark red. It had gone berserk.

"Well fuck me" was the only thought as Z saw the arrows in him being pushed out as it actually healed itself. It also had trails of lighting flowing over its body. These had a very quick reveal of what it did as it was even faster catching Z of guard as it swatted him. Though this caused Z to release the last arrow he prepared before he was sent flying crashing into a nearby house. Z forced himself to stay conscious as his vision started going dark. Crawling out the house he held the top half of his now broken spear and drawing his knife out. His body was soar and shaking and fighting his every move. Thankfully he knew nothing was broken other then a few ribs but they weren't as important since he did not have guts to protect.

As he climbed out the house he saw a very angry exhausted wolf laying on the ground gasping for air. The arrow had caused a lethal wound and it seemed like the berserk state was just keeping it alive. So instead of trying to get in melee Z got just out of its range and with every ounce of strength threw the spear right into its head. Z fell when he threw it and just by shear force of will stayed conscious. He laid there for a few minutes before looking up seeing the impaled wolf head. Z then forced himself up and began his harvest. His long dangerous hunt was finally over and he would sort through the gains after gathering everything and finding something to help get everything home. Though the first thing he noticed on the alpha was something that nearly broke him. A pink collar with the words "Daisy please return to owner if found" with the address written on the back. Z knew this dog and the ten year old girl who owned her. He was now more worried about the missing people but he still harvested all he could and collecting the collar. He will apologize if he ever sees her again.