
On The Honeymoon Already??

(Evans POV)

We've been driving for hours now. The sun was already setting and I felt like my eyes were just about to shut when Aaron spoke up.

"We are leaving for our honeymoon if that's what you're thinking about." My eyes widened.

"So soon?" Aarons lips curled up into a smile and said "Well yes, it's not like we need time to get more money since my bank account is literally exploding. And why waste time?" Well.. that did make sense. But damn that was quick.

"Sleep if you're tired."

"Huh??" Aaron chuckled at my poor excuse of a response and said "I saw that your eyes were droopy earlier. Sleep. We still have a long way to go."

And that's what I did. Once he stopped talking my eyes as if they were on auto mode, closed shut and sent me to the world of dreams.


I awoke to the sound of the engine being turned off. My eyes felt heavy and they didn't seem to want to open.