
Wierd Behaviour

Adrian sat next to the window confused, he wondered how the new girl, "Pearl" could act so arrogant her very first day.

'This is really happening I'm really going to be a high school student', Pearl thought as she stood at the front of her new class. She looked up at see more then a dozen eyes staring at her, with curiosity in them.

Adrian noticed her shaking slightly as he chuckled to himself, he thought 'she's not all that different'.

"This is you new class mate be friendly and welcome her" the teacher said as if he had dont it a hundred times. He pointed her to an empty seat, signalling for her to sit there.

She sat down in her new seat and looked around to see if she could make new friends with the people around her.

Everyone had already gotten over the news and were taking amongst themselves, But as she looked to here left she met familiar hazel eyes staring right at her. It look her a moment to realize they belonged to Adrian. She instantly looked down in embarrassment.

Adrian noticed this and moved his table closer to hers. 'Will she start blushing ?' he thought. Noticing she didn't have the book for this class yet, he took out his and put it in the middle of their two desks.

"why are you doing this?", Pearl wispered. "What do you want?", she said trying hard to think of his motives.

Adrian grinned and leaned realy close to her, then wispered "I'll tell you on the roof after class".

Pearl wondered for the wrest of the hour what he could possibly say to her, could he like her. She had never been confessed to...

Adrian had other plans...