
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Harvin's POV

"Harvin hyung can't really take away his phone from his hands. I always see him looking and typing something from time to time. What do you all think brothers? Is he flirting again?" I saw Riley grinning at me while he was eating a lollipop.

I shook my head in front of him. But, in the end I garnered a heartily laugh from them.

Really this kids. Jumping on conclusions and making more speculations about me.

At least, I know to myself I'm pogi among them.

"It seems like it, Wonwin." Xavier seconded. Yeah, you always support Riley's silliness.

"Harvin hyung, when will you introduce her to us? Usually, when you like someone it wouldn't take a week before you announced that she's already your girl." Frosh asked curiously.

"I'm not dating anyone..." I plainly stated.

"Oh? Says the one who keep on posting an IG story full of clues and codes about that 'special someone'." said Kenzo as he raised his left eye brow on me.

All right, so the Park siblings are now interrogating me?

"Quit pestering me, you kids! It was nothing. I've already clarified myself." I said seriously to avoid them from bombarding me more questions.

"Harvin hyung, come on let's play a game!" I smiled from the one who called me.

"Yeah, enough guys." Riley said with finality. Thank goodness.

"Be with you in a sec. I'll just change my clothes." I replied to Matteo before I went to my room.

It's just seven thirty in the morning. By nine o 'clock we are going to have a photoshoot for the said furniture company that we will be endorsing. Lately, that girl really can't stop appearing on my mind.

I always think about her. I've dated many girls way before I debuted as an idol. But, it was only on her that I felt this feeling I couldn't name.

You know that feeling of loving and wanting to see her smiles everyday? How I love to see her cheeks turning red whenever I'm around. Everything about her makes something in my stomach flutters.

I was lost in my thoughts when I remembered something. So, I dialed her phone number right away.

[Good morning, Mr. Harvin Lee. How may I help you? Is everything okay?]

"I am fine. We are fine, Mclaine. I only called because I wanted to ask a tiny bit request from you. I mean, may I ask a favor?"

I chuckled when I heard her heaving a sigh from the other line. Mclaine know the seven of us too well because she's been with us even when we were just trainees.

[I'll take a guess, this is something that concerns her? Fine, but what would I get in return? You know, nothing's now free. My cost is always high, Mr. Lee so, think wisely.]

I chuckled again. She seemed scary the way she muttered those words. But, nah, if you felt that way it means you barely know Mclaine. As for me, her tone was her way of delivering jokes.

Just, quite unbelievable and could be misunderstood if you took her joke on the other way around.

"Haha, you got me Mclaine."

[Of course, you were more like a brother to me. And for how many years, I kinda' know the things you like and dislike. Even the things you kept in person. I knew the seven of you too well so, there were no secrets that I do not know.]

"Yaaah, you can pass now as our mother!" I joked and laughed afterwards.

[Oh no, jebal! I'd rather be your noona than an eomma. I don't want my beauty be at stake, jebal.]

I let out again a laugh. We ended up bursting into laughter.

"Thank you, Mclaine. I owe you this one."

[Yeah, just set me up a date to Andrei. That would really repay my kindness to you, Harv.] she giggled.

I playfully shook my head from her remarks. Andrei's one of my friend and I can't believe that Mclaine is still swoon over that goon.

"You are really still into him? Replace him already, you don't deserve that goon!"

[Whatever you say, Harv! Good bye..]

"Haha, good by--" she cut me off.

[Hey Harv, before I forgot... I've got good news for you.]

"Hmm? What is it?"

[Your new stylist is in the initials of B.S.M. Her name is in a sound of a ham. Take a guess and stay calm. Have a nice day! Haha.]

Before I could utter a word, Mclaine hung up the call. I didn't have time to think about the riddle she had left me because...

"MR. HARVIN ETHAN LEE! YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG ALREADY IN THERE." I heard a couple knocks on my door along with Riley's thunderous voice.

All right, I think I made our leader-nim mad. Wish me luck...

B.S.M? B.S.M? Who could that be? Do I know someone with a name having those initials? Wait, wait, wait... if what I'm thinking is right could it be her?

B.S.M meant Brynn Samantha Meneces, right?

On the way to the company car, I can't help smiling widely as if I was on a cloud nine. I'm feeling so handsome and charming today that even the sun is bowing down on me.

I'm happy to see her face again. And am really hoping to have a good talk with her.

Or should I ask her out? No, I mean... that is quite very fast of me? Okay so, I guess I will just get to know her more. I'll win her heart little by little.

"Harvin hyung, quit smiling! You are starting to look like a crazy stray dog." I heard Night said it while mimicking me.

"Jinja?! I'm not in the mood of joking right now, Night. So, behave yourself before I kick you out of this van." I muttered seriously with a straight face. Just so my acting would be convincing. Haha.

I immediately saw Night's face went blanched. He lowered down his head like a scaredy-shroom of Plants vs. Zombies.

"Mianhae, Harvin-hyung..."

Riley and the other members were automatically silent. It took a moment for that deafening silence lasted. Until, I cracked a laugh that hovered all over the van.

"Got you, Night! It's a prannnk."

The other members did not take a while to process what just happened. Eventually, they laughed too and teased Night nonstoply.

"I was so nervous, hyung. I thought I offended you. You really got me there, aishh." Night confessed that made me laugh more.

"Learn your lesson, Night. Never be fooled to Harvin hyung prankster!" Matteo exclaimed.


The expected time of our arrival at the company was around eight thirty. But apparently, we ended up on a dilemma. We got stuck on the traffic. And as we are a few meters away from the company, the car broke down. Our driver said that it overheated.

I did not have much time to think who to contact and tell our situation. I just found myself texting her. I gave her updates like she is my girlfriend well, not now but soon?

"Is it going to take longer?" Kenzo asked our driver who's busy fixing something in front.

"I think yes, Sir. I am really sorry, I never expected that the van will be this faulty. As far as I know, this was a newly purchased car of the company. That's why I, myself too couldn't believe what happened to us right now. Please be patient. I will think of a way to resolve this quickly."

"Take your time, sir." Riley nodded to our driver.

It was a bit boring and hot inside while waiting for the car to get fixed. That is why I decided to went out of the car and neared the waiting shed that I first laid my eyes on.

Of course, I put on my facemask and a beanie to be assured that no one will recognize me.

I keep on texting her without even introducing myself. I was doing it on purpose. But I still pray that she won't block my number if ever she will took me as a scammer.

I really hope she did not thought of me that way.

And the limit of me restraining myself reach it ends. My system ruled over me. I did just saw myself dialing her number and waiting her to pick it up.

It was a sweet moment, to hear her voice and just listen attentively. Do I have a chance on her?

"I'll hung up now. See you.." I told her.

I nearly get caught when she asked me from where did I get her number. Half of my answer was the truth. But it wasn't Mclaine who gave it to me because I asked it from her.

Yeah, Harvin's ways. I can't help but smiled triumphantly.

The expected long wait of fixing the car did not happen. Why? Because we got Xavier here, not just a talented but also a knowledgeable member of OT7s. Thanks to Xavier, the problem with the car was easily resolved in a short span of time.

"Woah, Xavier hyung is really cool!" Night praised him.

"If Xavier hyung weren't an idol, I think being an engineer suits him. You look like an engineer a while ago, hyung." Kenzo uttered shyly.

Xavier only flashed a smile revealing his teeth which he seldomly do. I think it was Xavier's reaction whenever he was truly touched with what the members told him.

"Yeah, that's my cousin!" Frosh exclaimed.

"Of course, that's my best friend!" Matteo also cheered.

"Yohoo! Let's gooo. Or else Director-nim will gonna fire us all for being late." Riley blurted in a nervous and joking tone.


I am now sitting on a couch that I am modeling. I made poses together with Xavier, Frosh and Night. I think our poses were lovely since we did not get any scolding from the photographer. Everything went smoothly.

As I was in the middle of photoshoot, I couldn't help myself from stealing glances on her. She was also focused on the photoshoot. She will always come to me to check if I needed to do a retouch. She's even giving me a towel whenever I am full of sweat. Above all, she really took a good care of me.

Whenever she's nearing me my heart would instantly beats abnormally from its normal pace. Why is it like that?

I never felt this nervous and happy at the same time before. And this is how much she took an effect on me.

But oh well, I kinda' like this feeling. I want this to stay longer.

When the photographer gave us a break, I was now a bit exhausted. I want to sleep and rest already but no, the work's not yet over. So I gave in to Riley's invite of eating a snack.

"Thanks, bro." I muttered after Matteo gave me a plate of pizza slice.

Kenzo and Frosh are eating a plate of fruits, strawberries, tangerines and grapes. Those are their favorites. While Matteo and Xavier were eating the same food I have. Riley was eating a custard cake paired with a coffee.

At the moment of eating, I realized that we're missing one member. Did he not follow us here?

I did also thought about Sam. Is she hungry? I shall give her a snack too.

"Guys, have you seen Night?" I asked them.

All of them stopped from munching their foods and focus on giving me an answer.

"I didn't see him coming by, Harvin hyung." Riley simply replied.

Matteo shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe he was playing around again somewhere. Maknae things?" Xavier said while suppressing his laughter.

The only reaction that caught me were Frosh and Kenzo's. They looked at each other and smiled sheepishly. Is there something off going on? I was about to ask them but did not get a chance to.

"Yaaaah! FROSH PARK! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY PIZZA!" Xavier yelled. His jaw were protruding.

And the saga continues. All of us laugh inside this four cornered room. All the members can't really end the day without teasing Xavier. I guess, it became our routine and daily task to accomplished.


I sneakily grabbed a lasagna and fruitshake from the snack room. I wanted to give it to her and so I headed now to the shooting area.

Only to see her beside Night. Night's talking with her freely as if they knew each other for a long time. She was at ease. It was quite different when she was with me. All I could feel was an idol-staff relationship. She was very discreet to me.

I kinda' envy Night that she get to talk with her comfortably. He can make her laugh, smile and even throw jokes at her.

But hey, this does not mean that I am quitting already. Remember, Harvin winners never quit. She will be mine. I know Night's just a friend to her, right?

Convince yourself harder, Harvin!

I walked to her direction confidently. I think that was the best decision I've made. I heard something that is way more pleasing to hear.

"Hey, let me finish first! You are handsome but Harvin's more handsome-- well I mean.."

After hearing this from Samantha, I failed to stop myself from letting out a heartily laugh. It was a confident and proud laugh of mine.

Why so vocal, Samantha? You never know how those words of yours successfully brought a warmth to my heart. I was elated.

I cleared my throat behind her. And that made her and Night to turn around. Night's face turned expressionless while Samantha's now red as a tomato.

"S-Sir Harvin... is there s-something you need?" She even stuttered and couldn't look straight into my eyes.

"I just came here to bring you these. I thought you were hungry..." I said seriously while glaring the sandwich she was holding.

It was half. From the looks of it, seems like Night shared his food to her before I did. Now I think I really need to talk to this kid. What is he up to?

I looked at Night's direction and gladly, he seemed to get what I was trying to convey. Without a word, he exited from our scene.

"Do you need a retouch, Sir Harvin?" she politely asked.

"Can we sit down first?" I asked too while motioning her to the seats that Night got her.

I heaved a sigh when she silently followed what I want to happen. Afterwards, an awkward atmosphere enveloped us.

Now, I was shy on opening a conversation. I wonder what spirit came up to me a moment ago. I butted in with their conversation. I even kicked out Night for this. But look at us now, not even having a topic to talked about.

Maybe this is the thing that Night can do and I lacked of. I was good on talking with girls before but now... I just can't understand myself anymore.

I admit it, I am weak for her. I am weak whenever she's beside me. I felt like I was an ice being thawed by her bright and warm presence.

"Samantha/Sir Harvin." we both said at the same time.

I chuckled.

"You go first." I smiled while rubbing the back of my head.

She nodded shyly.

"I just want to ask the same question you haven't answered up until now, Sir."

"Harvin." I said firmly.

"Po? I mean, what Sir?"

"Call me, Harvin. It is not a request but a command rather. I want you to call me that whenever it's just you and me. Understood?" I said.



"Call me, Harvin. It is not a request but a command rather. I want you to call me that whenever it's just you and me. Understood?" seryosong saad ni Harvin pero sa panghuling pangungusap niya ay nagawa niya naman akong kindatan.

Mahabagin! Babawian na ata ako ng buhay nang wala sa oras! Hindi pa nga ako nakakabawi do'n sa hapong si Night tapos heto na naman si Harvin.

Jusmeyo, pakikalmahan lang po. Hindi ko na ata 'to kakayanin. May pa snack pang nalalaman itong si Harvin.

Hayyy, sana talaga huwag niya nang maalala ang nakakahiyang sinabi ko kanina.

Pero ano daw? Gusto niyang tawagin ko siyang Harvin 'pag kami lang daw ang magkasama?! Ano ba naman ito? Ano lang ang pinagkaiba niya sa makulit na Night na iyon kanina?!

Oo nga pala. Ang pinagkaiba nila si Night may kondisyon. Tutal ayaw kong tawagin niya akong noona kaya pumayag na akong first name basis kami.

Pero itong kay Harvin, paano naman ito? Hindi niya nire-request bagkus ay inuutos niya sa akin.

Mahabagin, how to say no? Syempre...

"Yes, Si-- I mean... okay fine Harvin?"

"Much better." He smirked.

"And uh, I don't need any retouches coz just like what you've said I'm more handsome than Night, right?" sabi pa niya habang nagtataas baba ang mga kilay.

"P-Po? Ahm... yes you are." mabilis ko namang sagot sabay mabilis na iwas ng tingin.

Alam ko na rin naman na pulang pula na naman ako dahil sa pinaghalong hiya at kilig. Sige na, kalimutan na natin ang rule number one. Who cares about it when Harvin Lee's now in front of you.

Wala na, malilimutan mo na lang talaga mga itinaga mo sa batong alituntunin.

"Are you still going to eat that sandwich?" ngumuso siya para ituro ang nakalahatian ko nang sandwich. Ang cute mo po.

"Ah, yes." sagot ko naman.

"I say no. Give me those, the lasagna taste better than this. I personally made that fruitshake for you too. So, mine really taste better and much healthier than this." saad niya pagkatapos niyang agawin ang sandwich ko.

At ganoon na lang ang pagkatulala ko nang simulan niya nang kagatan at kainin iyong sandwich ko kanina. Ano ba 'tong nangyayari? Namamalikmata lang ba ako?

Ilang beses na akong napapakurap pero walang nagbago. Malinaw kong nakikita kung paano inubos kainin sa harap ko ni Harvin ang pagkain ko.

"Eat your food, Samantha. Or do you want me to spoonfeed you?" he teased.

Ano daw? Spoonfeed daw niya ako? Mahabagin, tama na po. Ayoko na. Itigil niyo po itong pagiging ilusyunada ko. Pati ba naman sa umaga, si Harvin pa rin ang laman ng daydream ko?!


"I said finish your food or else I'll tampo? Am I right? Tampo is the feeling of getting hurt and sad at the same time?" Mahina pa siyang tumawa.

Napakagwapo talaga! Shemay, bagay na bagay sa kanya iyong tumawa na abot hanggang sa maganda niyang mata. And he's cute too at the same time.

"Where did you learn that Filipino word, Harvin?"

He chuckled again.

"I heard it once from my former stylist. I overheard it when he was talking with someone on his phone. Then, I asked Mclaine and she told me the meaning of it. Did I use it correctly, Samantha?"

I nodded immediately and smiled at him.

"Harvin, kyeopta!" wala sa sariling nasabi ko nang may pa finger heart pa.

Kaya jusme, mabilis kong ibinaba ang kamay ko sa pagbabakasaling hindi niya mapansin. Pero huli na ang lahat dahil ang tawa niya ang nakapagkumpirma sa akin.

Kasalanan 'to ni Livana! Kung hindi niya ako naimpluwensiyahan ng ganoong gesture hindi ko rin iyon maa-adapt!

Hala, sige normalize blaming it to Livana Meneces!

"No, you're more kyeopta than me, Samantha."

Shuta, dapat hindi tayo kiligin d'yan. Medyo pa fall si Harvin. 'Wag, pigilan mo ang sarili mo Samantha.

"Shall I say thank you?" I kidded.

"It depends on you. But I should be the one being grateful here. Because you existed. I am thankful that I met you..." he said.

I was left out of words. Bakit ba ang vocal ni Harvin? Ganito ba siya sa lahat ng mga nakakasalamuha niya? Na kung anong nasa isip niya iyon ang sasabihin niya.

"Thank you too for letting me show my skills and be your stylist. For trusting me, you make my OTceans heart happy. Haha." sinsero kong saad sa kanya.

Natunaw na naman ang puso ko sa mainit at malambot niyang ngiti.

"I'll take good care of your heart too." He mumbled.

Hindi ko na narinig pa ng mabuti ang sinabi niya. Pabulong na lang kasi ang pamamaraan niyon. Kuryuso man ako pero hindi ko na lang itinanong.

Siguro okay na muna ang ganito kami. This is a good start right?
