
Just A Bit Longer

Alex Grey always wondered why he is the way he is. He is color blind in a way that isn't commonly seen. Every color is dulled, unless they are one of Them, such as his skin, which is a light tan, looks pale, almost sickly white. He also has the Sight, the ability to see the Good Neighbors. He doesn't know who his father was and his twin sister is the one who is what he should be. Read to find out exactly what and more.

Nine_Tall_Tales · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Anger And Danger

My mind seemed to go into hyperdrive and my senses started to blur. A normal human would back away and keep their distance from me but the red headed boy put a hand on my shoulder. Suddenly, with inhuman speed, grabbed his wrist and twisted it. Suddenly I get hit upside the head, just hard enough to knock me out of my panic and anger, and suddenly I hear the Fairies milling around like nothing happened.

The King and Queen eye me warily, I guess they weren't expecting whatever just happened to happen. I look around confused with what just happened. I look down at my hands as if they had the answer to my issue, they don't. Alyzra was kidnapped, and I was pissed. They made a mistake. The King sighs and looks at his informant.

"Where did they head?" He asked.

"Into the woods last the guards saw them."

"Do you know why they took the girl?"

"No, your majesty, but I think it's because she is your daughter and that they want to start a war with us once again." He explains. War? All this, for war? Those bastards really don't know who they are messing with. "And also she would be a powerful ally. Dangerous if they brain wash her enough." I felt another flash of anger but this one was gone almost as soon as it came. I took a deep breath.

"I won't let that happen." I say, determination flaring up in the pit of my stomach. "They made a mistake taking my sister."

"The problem with that, Alex Ander Jack Grey, is that you have no experience with any weapon."

"Well then train me for a week. Archery, swordsmanship, whatever you want, I'll master it in a week." I state simply. I feel challenged so I'm gonna prove him wrong. I'm a dangerous person. Especially when you threaten my sister.