

I was peacefully sleeping when I heard someone entered my room.

???:'' Miss please wake up''

Y/N:'' I told many times Hana, do not call me Miss call me by my name.

Hana:'' I'm sorry M-Y/N I forgot''

Y/N:'' It's okay'' I said getting off the bed.

Hana:'' what will you eat today, Y/N?''

Y/N:'' Umm... I think I'll have pancakes and a chocolate milkshake''

Hana:'' Okay'' Smile and went out.

I did my mourning routine.

I went downstairs and saw your dad sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.

Y/N:'' Good morning dad''

Y/F/N:'' Good morning my princess how was your sleep?''

Y/N:'' Good and you?''

Y/F/N:'' Good''

Y/N:'' Wheres mom?''

Y/F/N:'' She went to her friend house"

Y/N:" Okay I'm gonna have breakfast"

I went to the kitchen and saw your breakfast already prepared.

I sat down on the chair and ate your breakfast. While I was eating I got a message on my phone. It was Jennie Unnie.

*On the phone*

Jennie Unnie:'' Hi Y/N! what are you doing today?''

Baby Princess:'' I don't know. what about you?''

Jennie Unnie:'' Jisoo Unnie, Rose and I are going shopping will you come?''

Baby Princess:'' yes I'll come to shopping''

Jennie Unnie:'' Okay see you there at 1 PM, Bye!''

Baby Princess:'' Bye''

*End of the message*

It was 10 AM so I went to my room to finish the work my dad gave me. I was thinking of taking my father's place in the company but when I told him he said no. He will retire very soon but I don't why he is not agreeing. I already all the work of my dad, so it would not be a problem for me and I'm also 21 years old so I'm in the right age. My father is the chairman and I will do my best to be the chairwoman of the company. I was doing my work when my phone rang. It was my mother.

*On the phone*

Y/M/N:'' Hello Y/N can you come to my friend's house?''

Y/N:'' Yes I can but why?''

Y/M/N:'' She wanted to meet you"

Y/N:'' Okay text me address''

Y/M/N:'' Okay drive safe"

*End of the call*

I text Jennie to tell her that I would not be able to come and then change outfits.

I went to my garage and chose your pink Lamborgini.

And drove to the address your mother sent you. After some minutes you stooped in front of a huge house no it's not a house but it's a mansion. It looks like billionaires house. I never thought my mom would have a friend who is a billionaire. you walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. after some minutes a middle-aged woman opened the door and bow.

Middle-aged woman:'' Anneyong, your Y/N right?''

Y/N:'' Yes I'm Y/N and you are?''

Middle-aged woman:'' I'm Nara the maid, come inside your mother is waiting for you in the living room"

Nara walked me to the living room and then left. There I see my mother and a woman that looks at the same age as my mother. They were both talking so I didn't want to interrupt them. I was looking at the interior design it was really beautiful I wonder what is their job. 

Y/M/N:'' There you are Why are you standing there come and sit on the couch''

I walked towards them and bow 

Y/N:'' Anneyonghaseyo Y/N Imnida'' you said introducing yourself.

Y/M/N:'' Y/N this is aunty Sara''

Y/n:'' hello''

Aunty Sara:'' Hello you are really beautiful''

Y/n:'' Thank you''*slightly blushing*

Aunty Sara:'' your daughter is well mannered'' she said to my mother

Y/M/N:'' After all whose is it!"

Aunty Sara:" Yeah you're right"

I sat on the couch and we were talking when someone called aunty Sara.

???:'' Mom I'm home"

Aunty Sara:" Come here son I'm in the living room"

When aunty Sara's son came you were back facing him but when you turn to see who is it you were shocked. You couldn't believe your eyes 

Y/N+???:'' YOU!!!''