
Julie's choice

I had my own share of problems but I saved him not withstanding. Unbeknownst to me it was the beginning of something new. Will my secret keep the relationship or just like mom will I end up disappointed? To find out more do add the book to your library

Judithmoses · Fantasy
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chapter 79 results

It's been fifteen minutes already and the results are not out yet I'm worried. I remember this has happened before she traveled I don't know what is going on so I have to wait for the doctor's report

After a few minutes the doctor came back but this is a different face.

Good day doc. Nice to meet you.

"Good day Mr and Mrs Alvaro. Sorry for taking so much of your time had a little issue with your wife's lab results."

That's not a problem doctor, please how is my wife doing and what could be wrong with her.

"Hubby I want Ice cream. please get me chocolate cake"

I'll do that wifey but I want to know what the problem is first before I get that.

"No I want it now, can I hug you please."

Hmm okay come here. Please doc what is the problem.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Alvaro. your wife is five weeks pregnant. Please be patient with her and try not to get her upset, her hormones at the moment are all jumbled up you can get her upset or make her cry with every little thing you do".

What did you just say.

"your wife is five weeks pregnant and she has to undergo few more test and scans to assertain the health of the fetus. please come with me"

I stood up robotically and followed him with Julie in tow I don't know how to process the information I just got. I'm going to become a father but then am I ready to be a dad? my wife is still to young to bear me a child besides she has a lot of dreams to pursue and bearing me a child is going to put a hold to all of her dreams for a while. What should I do about this.